A selection of rhinestone brooches in different size, design and color combination. There are Swarovski crystal glass rhinestones used in every brooch.
Brooches are in antique glass jewelry caskets that dates to 1890-1920s. The blue lining is obviously added later and the box in trapeze shape has lining covered with newer textile. Two other boxes have original lining with tiny buttons of silk thread.
10 brooches are all handmade with Swarovski crystals
and different vintage and new beads
Valik ehtekividega prosse, erineva suuruse, disaini ja värvikombinatsioonidega. Igas prossis on kasutatud Swarovski kristallklaasist ehtekive.
Prossid on antiiksetes klaaskarpides, mis on valmistatud 1890-1920ndatel aastatel. Sinine vooder on arvatavasti lisatud hiljem, trapetsikujulisel karbil on vana vooder kaetud uuema kangaga, teisel kahel karbil on originaalvooder koos siidiga kaetud nööpidega.