Sunday, October 18, 2015

Inspiration: The Colors of Fall

With all the routine in my life I cherish the inspiration I get. So, it's Fall, the most colorful season that shines along when the sun is shining. I'm really glad that we're having some of those sunny days here in Estonia. All the colorful leaves, sun that still can warm and that crispy cold air I breathe in to my lungs...

And POW! it's so magnificently inspiring! I instantly thought of my sparkly crystal rhinestones in all the Fall colors. My schedule is pretty tight and I might not be able to work longer with these glass jewels but playing around with them just to inspire is sometimes all it takes. Take a look and perhaps you find some inspiration also.
vintage brass inkwell antique pocket watch stand little chair Swarovski crystals rhinestones
Here's a vintage brass inkwell with a cute bird and little velvet 
cushioned chair that was made to hold a pocket watch
vintage crystal rhinestones antique jewelry supplies
In the center is Swarovski Electra crystal stone that is the first one I thought when thinking of Fall
Cute brass bird on the inkwell, isn't it cute!
Swarovski Light Topaz rhinestones with gold foiling
Porcelain insert of inkwell is full of sparkly crystal rhinestones!

Igapäevaste toimetuste kõrval tuleb kinni haarata igast inspiratsioonipuhangust. Nii et, käes on sügis, üks värvilisemaid aastaaega, eriti kui päike paistab. Minu õnneks on mõned päiksepaistelised päevad/hetked ka siin Eestis. Kõik värvilised lehed, päike, mis veel jaksab soojendada ning krõbe ja karge õhk, mida kopsudesse hingata...

Ja äkki tundub see kõik nii suurejooneliselt inspireeriv! Kohe läksid mõtted mu sügisvärvides kristallklaasist ehtekividele. Tegemiste nimekiri on endiselt pikk ja võimalik, et ma nende kristallidega rohkem tööd teha ei saa, kuid nendega mängimine oli niivõrd inpsireeriv, et vahel pole rohkem vajagi. Tore on, kui need pildid seda inspiratsiooni edasi annavad neile, kellele seda vaja.