Thursday, October 22, 2015

Work in Progress and What I Learned in First Encounter with Wax Tape

Here's another look at what I'm working on. I'm working with wire, pearls and beads and then cover the stems with paper tape that is treated with wax. That wax tape was something new to me. Have you ever used it? Well, this was the first time I've been using it and it is strange! First I didn't even realize how something like that can be flexible enough to wrap around wire. It seemed so fragile!
I'm using dark brown and green wax tapes with my beaded branches. As it seems, the trick is in my own hands... The warmth of the hands will make the wax go soft and turn the whole tape into flexible medium that can be twisted, pulled and manipulated. It's awesome!!!
käsitöö ehted helmestest pärlitest kristallidest
 This crystal glass leaf has so many facets that makes it really sparkly. 
When looked at close under magnifying glass it has visible marks
 that suggest it was hand cut. How great is that!
vintage style jewelry floral romantic
In this photo you can see the wires and tapes I'm using. I'm not using 
green and brown tape in one piece, I'm making two sets at the same time.

Siin on veel paar pilti käimasolevast tööst. Töötan pärlite, traadi ja helmestega. Vahaga töödeldud paberteip on minu jaoks aga midagi täiesti uut. On keegi lugejatest seda kasutanud? Igaljuhul, minu jaoks on see esmakordne ja ausalt öeldes on see niivõrd imelik! Alguses ma ei suutnud aru saada, miks selle nimi üldse teip on, vahaga kokku tehtud lihtne ja õhuke paber, mida ei julgegi traadi ümber mässida. See tundus nii õrn!
Ma kasutan nii tumepruuni kui ka rohelist teipi oma oksakestel. Nagu välja tuleb, siis kogu trikk on minu enda kätes... Ehk siis mu käte soojus pehmendab vaha, mis omakorda muudab kogu paberi pehmeks ja elastseks nii, et seda saab mässida, venitada ja voolida. Päris äge!