I've previously shown variations of wedding jewelry, including bridal tiara. Now, here's a tiara that can be used in wedding but doesn't necessarily have that theme. It's a tiara that is inspired by nature and magic.
Imagine a time before sunrise. In a forest that is wrapped with veils of mist. All the trees and leaves look almost unearthly with imagination running wild. Eyes trying to capture mystical creatures of the forest. Fairies, elves, ghosts...
Antique Prosser beads in beautiful purple color. From France, Briare. |
Flower branches from very tiny (under 1mm) seed beads. |
Beaded branches with silver lined seed beads and vintage glass leaves. |
Vintage grey pearls wrapped into branches and covered with wax tape. |
Näitasin varem pulmaehteid, koos pruudi pärjaga/tiaaraga. Nüüd tuleb siit tiaara, mida võib kasutada pruudiehtena, kuid mille kandmine ei pea piirduma pulmadega. See on inspireeritud loodusest ja muinasjutust.
Kujuta ette udulooridesse mässitud metsa, hetk enne päikesetõusu. Kõik puud-lehed tunduvad ebamaised ning kujutlusvõime paneb need elama. Silm üritab näha müstilisi olendeid. Haldjad, vaimud...