The inspiration to this custom made hair clip came from those gorgeous antique gowns made of sheer lace with intricate embellishments of tiny glass beads. Most of the beads are actually from the same period of time the dresses that inspired me - 1880-1930s.
Black glass beads have surface finish in different colors like blue, green and hematite. So even though the color scheme is dark the beads create a playful and sparkly look that catches the eye!
Hair clip with old nailhead beads and copper plated filigrees. |
These vintage and new beads have different finishes: hematite, green and blue. |
This hair clip is quite wide and it allowed me to add many beaded motifs on the copper filigree plate that looks like a piece of lace. |
Selle tellimustööna valminud juukseklambri inspiratsiooniks said need antiiksed romantilised vanad kleidid, mis on valmistatud õhkõrnast pitsist ning kaetud tillukeste klaashelmestega. Enamik siin kasutatud helmestest ongi pärit samast ajast - 1880-1930ndatest.
Mustast klaasist helmestel on erinevat tooni viimistlus nagu metallik sinine, roheline ja hematiit. Nii et, hoolimata tumadast värvigammast tekitavad helmed rõõmsa ja sädeleva kaunistuse, mis torkab silma!