So this is the next small collection that I'm working on. Those who are part of our mailing list (PS check if you're added my address to your safe list, otherwise it will not reach you) already know that the winter collection didn't happen, even though the colors and motifs were set, even prototypes finished...
But that is why this next small collection is possible! In yummy dark chocolate color and with sparkly crystals, this small collection is possible to combine with other previously made items. Here's some insights of the progress.
Here you can see motifs with Swarovski Smoked Topaz glass rhinestones in different steps of the progress. |
Working table from above. The motifs are finished and are ready to be assembled together. |
In this collection I use beautiful metal leaf-shaped components that I ordered specially in antique copper finish from Germany. |
Siin ongi see väike ehtekollektsioon, mille kallal hetkel töötan. Need, kes on end registreerinud mu meili-listi (PS kontrolli igaks juhuks, et mu meilid spämmi filtrisse kinni ei jääks) teavad juba, et talve kollektsioon ei saanudki valmis ja ka miks. Kuigi värvid ja motiivid olid paigas ning isegi prototüübid tehtud...
Aga just sellepärast ongi mul võimalus teha seda väikest kollektsiooni! Maitsvates šokolaaditoonides ning sillerdavate kristallidega - see kollektsioon on mugavalt kombineeritav varem valminud ehetega. Ülal mõned pildiklõpsud tööst.