Sunday, August 14, 2016

Romantic Jewelry in Vintage Style: Progress

Here's a number of photos showing the progress of the new jewelry collection. I've finished the bead stringing and motifs. Still need a small and big motif that matches and then I can start assembling all together...

Overview of the materials used:
*blue handmade beads
*antique French pink Prosser beads
*new Czech glass pearls
*vintage Swarovski rhinestones

mdmButiik Estonia designer jewelry
The beginning of the motifs. The Swarovski rhinestones in
Light Sapphire color match perfectly with
the handmade blue beads.

mdmButiik Estonia designer jewelry
Making of the motifs. In front is the sample motif I made earlier.
At this point I already know I need more motifs than that :D

Estonia designer jewelry mdmButiik
Motifs are almost finished...

Playing with the idea for a big statement necklace. Definitely
keeping the vintage pearl drop from Japan.
Not sure about the oval bead in the middle.

antique Prosser beads, French, pink
Bead stringing in progress. I absolutely love the fact
that I have these antique French Prosser beads in various sizes!

antique Prosser beads, French pink
Lots of pin Prosser beads strung on fine chain, I love this shot :)

Siin on rida fotosid, mis näitab hetki ehtekollektsiooni valmimisest. Olen lõpetanud ehtemotiivid ning helmeste lükkimise. Vaja on veel disainida suurem ja väiksem motiiv ning siis saabki hakata ehteid kokku panema...

Ülevaade materjalidest:
*sinised käsitsi tehtud helmed
*antiiksed roosad Prosser helmed Prantsusmaalt
*uued Tšehhi klaaspärlid
*vintage Swarovski ehtekivid

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Launching New Website

I've been very busy lately trying to finish the new jewelry collection and working on a new website. Oh, I'm so excited about the new website! I can't really remember if it's the 3rd or 4th site mdmButiik will have...

Anyway it will have its own shop and that is the first time for sure. Now the mdmButiik jewelry has been scattered around the web and sold through different platforms. Little shops on Etsy and DaWanda will still stay open and will have the beloved limited designs available. One of a kind items and brand new stuff (including our new collection in pink and blue) will go to mdmButiik official shop.

Plan is to launch the new site with new collection by the end of August. OK, now I set myself a date and should go back to work.

Viimasel ajal töötan usinalt uue kollektsiooni kallal ning samal ajal ka uue mdmButiik ehete kodulehega. Oi, see uus leht saab olema äge! Ma ei mäleta, mitmes see nüüd on, kas kolmas või neljas...

Igaljuhul saab öelda, et see on esimene kord, kui mdmButiigil on oma pood. Siiamaani on ehted olnud laiali mööd netiavarusi ning kasutanud erinevaid platvorme. Poekesed nii Etsys kui ka DaWandas jäävad lahti ning neis on jätkuvalt saadaval limiteeritud disaini, mis on end tõestanud. Unikaalsed eksemplarid ja kõige uuemad disainid (kaasa arvatud uus kolektsioon roosa ja sinisega) lähevad mdmButiigi ametlikku netipoodi.

Plaan on avada uus koduleht koos uue kollektsiooni tutvustamisega augusti lõpuks. Nii-nii, nüüd olen pannud endale tähtaja, tagasi tööle.