Monday, November 28, 2016

Emerald Green Necklace in Vintage Style

I just couldn't wait and made this necklace shortly after I got back from New York. I was using the jewellery materials I got from CJS Sales! This necklace is available at under the name Emerald Green Cascading Necklace.

The jewellery materials I got from CJS Sales: vintage emerald green
glass stones from Western Germany, vintage grey glass pearls from
Japan, vintage Czech bronze bugle beads and newer grey
and faceted bronze Czech beads.

Siin on roheline kaelakee, mille tegin vahetult pärast New Yorgist tagasi jõudmist. Kasutasin materjale, mis sain CJS Sales laost! Kaelakee on saadaval lehel nime all Emerald Green Cascading Necklace.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

From the Treasure Hunt: Vintage Beads and Rhinestones

Treasure hunting at CJS Sales was fabulous! I didn't know what to expect but before the trip I did go through all of my rhinestones so I would at least know what I already have. Traveling by plane was the reason I didn't plan to buy any beads and stick to the rhinestones (you may laugh here). In honor of this ridiculous thought I would like to start revealing my treasures from err... beads. Rhinestones come in another post.

Dusty beads on red cotton string, doesn't seem to be much...
When you wipe of the dust you see glossy glass beads. These are
antique hollow glass beads that were used in embroidering
mourning dresses.

Very good quality nailhead beads in square shape. These could be
from French or Czechoslovakia and are probably Victorian.
Bronze Czech FP (firepolished) beads. Not vintage nor rare
but I just couldn't leave them. I use these beads very often
so it was very practical choice.
Vintage bronze seedbeads in tube shape. Like I said
this color is so easy to use in my jewelry.
Vintage sew-on beads from frosted glass. These are actually
settings for rhinestones and I've wanted one of these for so long time!
Lucky me!
Matte olive green glass pearls. Probably new but I got these
because I usually use very classical pearl colors (cream, white
and grey). So this is me pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
OK. I know that these are not beads. These are cabochons and are
so-called half-drilled. It means the hole doesn't go all the way through
and is meant for gluing (for button type earring with earring post).
This color is somehow very familiar...

Now, why would I buy these really rough-looking beads?
First is the color that doesn't turn grey in artificial light and second...
I have a soft spot for Prosser beads. If you want to know
what these are, please read my post about Prosser beads.
Vintage English cut glass beads from Czechoslovakia.
Crystal goes with everything and I love the English cut bead shape!
Vintage glass pearls from Japan. Lovely hues don't you think?
Now I'm thinking I should have taken more of these...
Turquoise green, my love! New seedbeads in tiny size
that I just couldn't pass because I knew I would regret it.
2,5mm Czech glass beads in grey color. Because grey
matches easily with other colors and I love the small size.

Aardejaht CJS Sales laos oli meeliülendav! Ma ei kujutanud eriti ette, mis mind seal ootab. Seetõttu käisin läbi kõik oma ehtekivid, et ma vähemalt teaksin, millised mul juba on. Kuna reis oli lennukiga, siis mõtlesin, et helmeid ei osta ja vaatan ainult ehtekivisid (siin on naeru koht). Tähistamaks seda tobedat otsust, alustasingi saadud aarete näitamist helmestest. Ehtekivid tulevad eraldi postituses.

Väike ülevaade piltide allkirjadest ka eesti keeles: Kaks esimest pilti kujutavad Viktooria ajastu klaashelmeid, mis on seest õõnsad. Õõnsaid helmeid kasutati rõivaste tikkimisel; Samast ajast ja eesmärgil kasutati ka neid ruudukujulisi musti "nailhead" helmeid; Pronksjad lihvitud helmed ei ole vanad ega haruldased, aga on sellised, mida olen juba ehetes kasutanud ja ei saanud lihtsalt käest enam ära panna; Suur viht pronksjaid tuubikujulisi seemnehelmeid on tore leid! Sellised lähevad mul ehetes kindlasti käiku; See beežikas nätsakas pildil on viht matist klaasist tikkimiseks mõeldud "sew-on" helmed ja ma olen neid väga-väga kaua tahtnud. Need on tegelikult klaasist pesad kristallidele; Oliivrohelised matid pärlid on minu katse kasutada pärleid toonides, mis pole minu jaoks tavapärane; Roosad kettakesed pole tegelikult helmed, vaid ehtekivid, millel on auk osaliselt. Nende värv on mulle kahtlaselt tuttav... ; Sirelilillad helmed, üsna robustse välimusega, võlusid mu ära oma värvitooniga (mis tehisvalguses ei muutu) ning sellega, et tegu on Prosser helmestega; Kristallivärvi Tšehhi klaashelmestel on armas "English cut" lihv, pealegi sobib kristall ju kõigi värvidega; Vintage klaaspärlid Jaapanist (minu turvatsooni värvides); Türkiisrohelised tillukesed seemnehelmed, polegi ammu türkiisrohelist kasutanud... ; 2,5mm hallid Tšehhi klaashelmed, sest hall sobib paljude värvidega ja väike suurus lubab kasutada väiksel pinnal.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Treasure Hunting in New York: CSJ Sale

Long story short: After finding out there was such a place like CJS Sale I could't help thinking of going there one day. Waiting at Tallinn Airport with Annika and Jane I still couldn't believe it was going to happen. I didn't believe it in New York either until I stumbled on some boxes full of beads while I was stepping out from elevator on the second floor...

It is unbelievable! It's a treasure vault full of sparkly stuff! Boxes after boxes after boxes... All full of beads, rhinestones, pearls, metal components, plastics and finished accessories. We were digging through it all as much as possible, lifting boxes and climbing on top of them. Can you imagine it?! Climbing on top of boxes full of glass beads? I mean, wow.

I was very practical, revising my box every now and then, lifting some of it out and leaving only the ones that were very precious in some reason or were in my search list for a long time. Rhinestones, rhinestones, sparkly colorful rhinestones... Vintage glass pearls, some glass beads and Prosser beads in a gorgeous color of purple that doesn't look grayish in artificial light. Those who use purple beads know what I'm talking about. Showing my finds in another post. Follow CJS Sale via web, Facebook or Instagram. Luckily Annika didn't forget to take some photos:

Üritan hästi lühidalt pika jutu kokku võtta: Pärast seda, kui sain teada kohast nimega CJS Sale, tekkis soov seda kunagi külastada. Oodates Tallinna Lennujaamas koos Annika ja Janega, ei suutnud seda aga mitte kuidagi uskuda. See ei jõudnud kohale ka siis, kui saabusime New Yorki, kuniks astusin liftist välja ja koperdasin helmeid täis karpide otsa...

See on lihtsalt uskumatu! Tõeline varakamber täidetud läikivate vidinatega! Karp karbis kinni... Kõik sisaldamas helmeid, ehtekive, pärleid, metallist osi, plastikut ja valmis aksessuaare. Me kaevasime end sellest kõigest läbi nii põhjalikult, kui võimalik, tõstes karpe ühest kohast teise ja ronides nende otsas. Suudad sa seda ette kujutada?! Et sa ronid karpide otsas, mis ääreni täis klaashelmeid? Tõsiselt, vau.

Ma olin väga praktiline, vaatasin oma karbi aegajalt läbi, tõstsin osa asju välja jättes ainult need, mis olid minu jaoks tõeliselt väärtuslikud või seisid mu soovinimekirjas jubs ammu. Ehtekivid, ehtekivid, sillerdavad värvilised ehtekivid... Vintage klaaspärlid, mõned klaashelmed ning Prosser helmed imeilusas sirelilillas toonis, mis tehisvalguses hallikana ei paista. Need, kes on kasutanud lillat värvi helmeid teavad, millest räägin. Oma saaki näitan eraldi blogipostituses. Jälgi CJS Sale tegemisi veebis, Facebookis või Instagramis.
Last revision of the beads, after 4-5 hours digging we started to feel tired. Photo by Jane.