Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gift to my grandmother

Mu vanaemal oli sünnipäev ja kinkisin talle sellise kaelakee. Tegin selle eelmisel nädalal, siis olid ilmad ilusad ja puhkus veel kestis. Istusin õues päikesevarju all ja keerasin neid ketilülisid. Vaatasin, et neid pulgakujulisi helmeid on mul üksjagu ikka veel alles. Pärast seda, kui ma ühe freeform käeketi valmis sain ja see esimesel kandmispäeval purunes tänu pulgakujulistele helmestele, ma enam pole neid ostnud. Aga traadiga töös kuluvad need ilusti ära!

My grandmother had a birthday and I made that necklace as a gift for her. I made this last week when I still had holidays and the weather was beautiful. I sat under the sunshade and made bead links. I still have quite a lot of those bugle beads. After I made a freeform bracelet that broke because of those bugle beads on the very first day I wore it, I haven't bought those again. But using with wire they are great!