Ametüst. See väike kollektsioonikene koosneb neljast põhilisest komplektist. Kollektsioonis on 4 kaelakeed, 5 käeketti, 7 sõrmust ja 4 kõrvarõnga paari. Ehteid saab osaliselt kombineerida. Kasutasin klaashelmeid, linte, paelu, pitse ja hõbetatud vasktraati (kõrvarõngakonksud on hõbedast).
Kolmanda kaelakee ripatsi, mille punusin helmeniidiga (see tamiili-laadne), idee on raamatust Bead Fantasies II (ainult viimase kihi helmeid lisasin teistmoodi) ja viienda rea lillekese idee sama autori raamatust Bead Fantasies IV (ainult ei teinud seemnehelmestest tagust, vaid jätsin niisama).
Vabandan, et pildid on udused. Kuna lambid, mida ma tavaliselt kasutan pildistamisel muudaksid selle värvi pruuniks, pildistasin hoopis ilma lampideta...
This little collection has 4 main sets. There are 4 necklaces, 5 bracelets, 7 rings and 4 sorts of earrings. Different pieces are possible to combine. I used glass beads, ribbons, laces and silver plated wire (earring hooks are from silver wire).
The idea of the pendant on the third row is from the book Bead Fantasies II (only I added the last layer of beads in other way) and the idea of the flower on the fifth row is from the book Bead Fantasies IV from the same author (though I didn't make the flower back from seedbeads and left it without it).
I apologize about the poor quality of the photos. Since the lamps I usually use when I photograph, change the color of amethyst to brown, I didn't use them at all. I made the photos in darkness and tried to make them better in my computer.
And by the way, the article of this beading board with transparent cover I've mentioned in my erlier post is #BBU28F-C. It measures 9,75x13,25 inches and is a product of the BeadSmith. If you're interested you may ask for it from your LBS. If you make an inquire you should add if you want a transparent cover, because I searched the internet and there were same kind of beading boards with that article number, only cover was not transparent.