Friday, August 24, 2007

New friend

Sain endale uue sõbra :) Varem mõtlesin, et helmetööde alus on selline pigem peenutsev värk jne. Kui seda esimest korda nägin, tundus see tohutult suur ja kobakas. Aga helmetööde alus on ikka väga mugav küll ja nii lõpetasin oma esimese kaelakee teleka ees, mida alustasin magamistoas ja vahepeal meisterdasin köögis. Sellel on läbipaistev kaan peal ja pind on selline sametine, mis ei lase helmeid veerema. Piltidel on kaelakee veel poolik.
Sõidan täna Leetu, polegi seal varem käinud! Ja sellel puhul lükkisin uuesti oma viikingi kaelakee. Olen seda teinud juba mõned aastad. Enne igat üritust lisan ja/või võtan ära midagi :) Sellel korral on kaelakees hõbehelmeid, hõbedase ja kuldse fooliumiga klaashelmed, mäekristallist ümar ja karneoolist tahkudega helmes, valge sisuga punane helmes, mosaiikhelmed ja veel mõned lihtsamad klaashelmed. Lükitud koledale mustale nahkpaelale... Kunagi vahetan selle välja.

I got myself a new friend :) I use to think that beading boards are just some fancy things that really are not necessary. When I first saw it I thought that it's too big. But actually it is quite nice thing to have, it sure simplifies beading process when you need to move around the house and yet have possibility to bead while doing something else. So I finished a necklace I started in my bedroom, continued in the kitchen and finished while I was watching TV. It has a transparent cover to put on when transporting it and flocked surface that keeps beads from rolling around. On those pictures the necklace is not finshed (but now it is).

I'm going to Lithuania today, never been there before! And because of that event I restrung my viking necklace. I've done it quite many times now during the last couple years. Every time I add or take something away :) This time there are silver beads, clear glass beads with silver and gold folio, christal round and faceted carneol bead, red bead with white core, mosaic beads and some other simple glass beads. It is all strung on a black leather cord that is not very pretty. I supose I'll replace it with natural leather cord...