Olen juba ammu tahtnud teiega jagada uudist, kuid tahtsin enne kõik valmis sättida. Nüüd on kõik sellises järgus, et saab reklaami teha :) Mul on DaWandas oma poeke! Poe tegemine ja toodete lisamine on tasuta, aga kui midagi müüd, siis 5% summast maksad DaWandale. Kui etsy on USA firma ja kauplemine toimub dollarites, siis DaWanda on Saksamaal ning kõik toimub eurodes. Tegu on mõlema puhul rahvusvahelise süsteemiga. Erinevus on neil näiteks sellega, et kui etsys on kõik inglisekeelne, siis DaWandas on kolmekeelne keskkond - inglise, saksa ja prantsuse. Alguses võtab natuke aega, et osata kõigis korraga liikuda, kuid saab läbi ka ainult ühes tegutsedes.
Liitusin 19. novembril ja tükk aega ei osanud miskit peale hakata :) Poe bänneriga oli mitu-mitu katsetust... Samuti oli paras pähkel - üheltpoolt hinna panemine ning teiselt poolt erinevate kurssidega sättimine (eekudest eurodesse ja vastupidi). Ja ka postitamine... Aga lõpuks sain enamvähem rahuldava tulemuse, eks niikuinii tuleb veel tuunimist ning ehteid lisandub pidevalt. Panen siia oma poekese lingi. Teretulemast!
I wanted to tell you for so long, but figured it'll be better to set all in place before that. Now everything is set the way it should and I'm able to share it with you :) So - I have my very own shop at DaWanda! Setting up a store and listing items is free there, but when you sell something then 5% goes to Dawanda. When etsy is a firm in US and buying-selling is in dollars, then DaWanda locates in Germany and uses euro as currency. Both have sellers and customers from all over the world. The difference is that while etsy is mainly in english, DaWanda is a market place with three different platforms with its own language - English, German and French. It may take some time to grasp all this, but you can get by using only one language platform too.
I registered on 19th November and for a while I didn't know where to start :) I had many attempts before the banner I have now... Then it was quite difficult to put the prices and calculate the prices from estonian kroons to euros and contrary. And then there was the issue of shipping and postal costs... But eventually I got the result I'm happy with and ofcourse I'll still be able to make changes and add jewelry as I go. I add here a link of my shop. Welcome!