Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson sündis 29ndal detsembril 1721. Ehkki tema vanemad ei kuulunud kõrgklassi (lingi 5 järgi lausa vallaslapsena), kasvatati teda kui tulevast aadliprouat. Ta oli väga andekas ja oskas näidelda, tantsida, laulda ning mängida muusikariistaga nimega klavikord (link 1).
Ta nägu ja figuur sobisid ideaalselt, nägu oli perfektselt ovaalne, siuured silmad ning kaunid samavärvi kulmud; kena nina, armas suu kaunite hammaste ja kõige ilusama naeratusega, perfektne ja hele nahk... nii kirjeldatakse teda (link 4) ning jätkates... tema silmadel oli eriline sarm, mis võis tulla nende määramatust värvist; neil polnud mustade silmade sädet, ega ka siniste silmade õrna tundlikkust, samuti ka polnud hallide silmade peenust. See kättesaamatu toon tegi ta silmad väga võrgutavaks ja võimeliseks näidata selle elava hinge igat emotsiooni (link 4).
Pompadouri tualettide menukus polnud ainult õmbleja teene. Oma ajastu naisena valis ta ise välja nii kleitide kangad kui ka kõik lisandid nende luksuslikuks kaunistamiseks (Rmt: Cosgrave, B. (2002) Rõivas & Mood. Arengulugu, lk 172).
Ega tema elutee ei olnud roosiline. Olla kuninga armukene polnud kerge - kuningas oli kurikuulus oma muutliku meele ja temperamendi poolest. Siis tuli langemine ebasoosingusse. See polnud midagi ülidramaatilist, pigem vaevumärgatav. Kuningas, kelles mme Pompadour ei saanud kunagi kindel olla, leidis üha uusi naisi. Kehv tervis ning avalik lein oma 10aastase tütre Alexandrine surma järel leidis kuninga poolt halvakspanu - selline üliemotsionaalsus polnud peenele naisele kohane (link 5).
Rohkem pilte ja infot sellest tähelepanuväärsest isikust saab postituse lõpus olevatest linkidest.
Ja toon siin ära pildid valminud kaelakeest. Kasutasin plastikpärleid - nii sain panna neid kaelakeesse suurel hulgal, kartmata, et see tulevast kandjat ahistama hakkaks :) Pärlikette on 10! Kaelakee on sellist tüüpi, mis istub tihedalt ümber kõri (nagu ka kaelakee madamel alloleva pildi peal). Kaelakee miinimumpikkus in 35cm, pikenduskett lubab lisaks kuni 9cm. See kaelakee on müüdud.
Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson was born on 29th December 1721. Though her parents were not of the noble class (according to link 5 she was an illegitimate child), Jeanne-Antoinette was raised to be the wife of a wealthy man. She was extremely talented and could act, dance, sing, and play the clavichord (link 1).
Her face and figure matched perfectly, the face a perfect oval, wide eyes with pretty eyebrows of the same colour, a fine nose, a lovely mouth, beautiful teeth with the prettiest smile, a perfect and bright skin... Her eyes had a special charm due maybe to their undefined colour, they didn’t have the brightness of black eyes, neither the tender weakness of blue eyes nor the exquisiteness of grey eyes, that undefined colour made them very seductive and capable at showing any feeling of a lively soul (link 4).
The fame of her gorgeous dresses wasn't merely the favour of the dressmaker, because madame Pompadour herself choose the fabrics for the dresses and accessories to adorn them (From: Cosgrave, B. (2002) Rõivas & Mood. Arengulugu, pg 172. Translated by Suitsu, M. from: Cosgrave, B. (2000) Costume and Fashion. A Complite History. Hamlyn, Great Britain).
However, it was not a rosy path. Being a Royal Mistress was not easy - the King was notoriously fickle and temperamental. Then came the fall from grace. It was nothing dramatic, but rather subtle. The King, never reliable, began to find other women more attractive as the years went by. Madame de Pompadour's fragile health did not help her, nor her public grief over the death of her 10 year old daughter Alexandrine – the King apparently considered an outpouring of such emotion as ungenteel (link 5).
Read more about this spectacular person from links given at the end of this post.
I put here some pictures of the necklace I finally finished. I used plastic pearls - so I could put lots of them without the fear of necklace become too heavy to the wearer :) There are 10 strings of pearls! This is a chocer-type (like the necklace on the neck of Mme Pompadour on the repro). The minimum lenght of the necklace is 35cm, and the extender chain can give up to 9cm extra to the lenght. This necklace is sold.