Monday, December 17, 2007


Tikkimine. Külluslikud tikandid on mulle alati muljet avaldanud. Mäletan, kui rõivasteajaloo loengu raames ostsin endale vastavasisulise raamatu ning üks mu lemmikpiltideks sai repro Francois Boucher'i maalist, millel oli madame de Pompadour kleidiga, millel ohtralt pitsi, kunstlilli ning lehve... (kirjutan sellest rohkem uuemas postis) Kuskil peaaegu 2 aastat tagasi, kui isetegijaga liitusin, siis nägin esmakordselt sellist tikkimist, kuidas lintidega moodustati erinevaid lilli. Ütleme nii, et see kogemus lõi mind lihtsalt oimetuks... See oli nii ilus, et kohe valus hakkas... Kui nägin veel Krista Räägu töid... Teate, mõningate asjadega on nii, et tahad küll...ja kohe väga tahad, aga aukartus nullib igasuguse algatusvõime. Nii oli minul ka lintidega tikkimisega.

Aga alateadvuses tiksus soov edasi ja karta on, et see ka mängis suurt rolli minu keskmisest suurema hulluse lintide kokkuostmisel. Ja nii ma eile võtsin oma varud ette, printisin välja pildiseeriad roosikese ja nupukesega. Ja siis läks lahti! Uskumatu, minu silme all minu eneste käekestega valmis midagi sellist, mida ma aastaid olin ihaldanud teha!!!

Paratamatu pragmaatikuna pidi sellest lapikesest mingi kantav ese tulema. Kuna kottide tegemine pole just mu tugevam külg (*naerukoht*), siis mõtlesin, et peab tulema ehe. Selleks otstarbeks lisasin tikandi ja voodri vahele metallist jagajad. Sellest tuleb magus ja romantiline kaelakee, kohe nii magus, et tekib tahtmine vett juua :P

Embroidery has always impressed me. I remember when I took lessons in Costume and Fashion History and bought a book about this subject, one of my favourite pictures was a repro of Francois Boucher'i painting, where madame de Pompadour was wearing a dress with plenty of lace, ribbons and flowers... (I'll write more about it in a newer post) About 2 years ago when I registered at forum, for the first time I saw that kind of embroidery where using ribbons was created most beautiful flowers. Let say that this discovery was shocking... It was so beautiful it almost hurt... And then I saw the work of Krista Rääk... You know, with some things you really want to try... and I mean really want to, the awe is so strong it overrules every attempt to try. That what happened with me and ribbon embroidery.

But the wish stayed hidden in my subconsciousness and now thinking back it played a big role in my over-average need to buy ribbons. So yesterday I took out my ribbon stash, printed series of pictures of rose and little button. And I started! Unbelievable, I saw with my own eyes as my own little hands made something I wanted to make so many years!!!

As a pragmatic person I instantly wanted to make something wearable out of this. Since I'm not the best in making handbags (*LOL*) I obviously was thinking about jewellery. That in mind I added metallic dividers between the embroidered piece and lining. This will become the most sweet and romantic necklace, so sweet you need to drink some water to dilute the experience