Ma avastasin endas huvitava oskuse!!! No võttis aega alles, et see lõpuks avalduks! Ma suutsin teha ÕPETUSE järgi kaelakee!!!! Juhuuu!!! Lõpuks ometi. Enne pühasid koristasin oma helmemajandust ja tegin laua korda. Millegipärast on nii, et kui kõik on korras, siis mul ideid ei tule. Naljakas kas pole? Kui tulebki mingi ideepojuke, siis pärast helmeste näpu vahel veeretamist pole sellega ikkagi rahul ja nii rändavad kõik asjad tagasi oma kohale.
Võtsin siis kätte raamatu, et ehk hakkab kuskilt mõte jooksma. Kätte sattus see raamat (mille sain mõned nädalad tagasi) ja silma jäi see kaelakee. Seal on tõesti head õpetused, jaapani keelt ma ei oska, aga skeemid on super head ja need on veel värvilised ka (ja seetõttu sisaldavad veel rohkem infot). Muidugi seemnehelmeste suurusi seal polnud (muidu olekski see raamat liiga hea), aga joonise järgi oli aimata, millised suuremad, millised väiksemad. Nojah miyuki magatamas'id mul polnud, samuti polnud mul piisavalt 2mm pressitud helmeid... Mõtlesin, et kui asendamisega saan enamvähem normaalse värvigamma kokku, siis läheb tegemiseks :) Kasutasin hoopis 6x6mm pineapple klaaskvartsist lihvitud tilku ning osad 2mm pressitud helmed asendasin suuremate seemnehelmestega. Novot ja... tegingi valmis!
Ma ei kasutanud seda nn kahenõelalist RAW tehnikat nagu raamatus, vaid tegin ühega ning kasutasin beeži Nymo (D) vahatatud niiti. Samuti ei teinud ma neid motiive 7 vaid 5 ning kuna kaelas hakkas helmestega osa lindil ette puntrasse libisema (raamatus oli kasutatud selle vältimiseks sametpaela), siis õmblesin ma helmestega osa kahest kohast lindi külge. Veel lõpetasin lindi otsad kuldsete paelaotsikutega ning lisasin sinna lihvitud helmed. Kaelakeed saab kanda kahel moel, nagu allpool pildil (nii, et lips jääb kuklapoolele) ja nii, et lindid on toodud tagant ette lipsu. Ahjaa, need tillukesed swarovskid on ka omaalgatuslikult sinna pandud :D
Veel üks asi seoses selle raamatuga, et kuigi seal on head skemaatilised instruktsioonid, võib sul juhtuda, et kõiki vajalikke helmeid lihtsalt pole. Ja ma ei ütleks, et mu helmevarud väikesed oleks :) ning mul võttis parajalt aega ja vaeva, et kokku sobitada vajalikud helmed ning arvestada ka värvide sobivusega.
I discovered an interestin ability in me!!! Well it took al lot of time for it to emerge! I manage to make a necklace according to a TUTORIAL!!!! Yipiii!!! Finally. Before the holidays I cleaned up my beading stash and my desk. In some reason I can't have ideas when everything is clean and in order. Funny isn't it? And if there is a tiny idea then after holding the beads in my hands it doesn't look so good anymore and everything goes back to their places.
So I took a book and hoped I'll get somewhere like that. I started with this book (I got it a couple of weeks ago) and liked this necklace. There are really good tutorials, I don't understand japanese but the schemes are super good and in colors (so they have even more information). Ofcourse there wasn't any info about the sizes of seedbeads I could understand (otherwise this book would be too good to be true) but I could guess from the drawings comparing different beads. Well I didn't have any Miyuki magatamas and my supply of 2mm pressed round beads wasn't big enough... So I thought IF I can replace the beads and have a color combination good enough I'd give it a try :) I used 6x6mm pineapple quartzglass faceted drops instead of magatamas and replaced some 2mm beads with bigger seedbeads. And so... I did it!
I didn't use two-needle RAW like in the book, I'm more comfortable with one needle and used light beige Nymo (D) cord. Also I didn't make 7 motifs but 5 and since the beaded part started to slide into one bundle in front (in book there was a velvet ribbon for that reason) I sewed them together. I finished the ribbon ends with gold colored tips and added FP beads. It's possible to wear this necklace in two ways, first as shown picture above (ribbons tied from the back) and secondly in this way so ribbons are brought in front and then tied. Oh yes, and I absolutely HAD TO add those tiny swarovskies :D
Oh, another thing about this book is that although it has good schematic instructions, it could easily happen that you may not have all the beads required. I wouldn't say that my bead stash is small :D but it took alot of work looking up all the beads I needed and also combining the colors.