Kaelakeed. Tegelikult tegin kolm, aga ei leia ühte üles, eks siis näitan hiljem. Kõik on ühe põhimõttega. Vanaaegsed kivid on kõik navette-kujulised, lisaks klaaspärleid ja helmeid.
Esimene on mul lemmik. Sellel on neli 15x7mm klaaspärli ehtekivi, need on vanad, ent ei oska öelda, kui vanad ja kustkohast pärit. Pisut kulunud on need ka. Neil on tunnel põhjast läbi, mistõttu kasutati neid arvatavasti tikkimisel või kasutati nööpidena. Roosad (rosalin) ja pruunakad (smoke topaz) on 8x4mm ja pärit Tšehhoslovakkiast. Lille sees olev klaaspärlike on pärit Lääne Saksamaalt. Ketiosas olevad valged pärlid (vbl on plastikust) on samuti lammutatud vanast ehtest, ülejäänud helmed ja klaaspärlid (mink) on tänapäeva Tšehhist.
Roosakad sabrina-tüüpi klaaskivid peaks olema pärit Lääne Saksamaalt, neil on pressitud lehemuster peale. Kristall-värvi väikesed navette-kivid on Tšehhoslovakkiast, ülejäänud helmed-pärlid on Tšehhist. Aga aitab jutust, las pildid räägivad enda eest.

Necklaces. There were actually three of them but I cant find one so I'll show it some other time. All of them are made with the same conception. Vintage rhinestones are in the shape of navette, I added some glass pearls and beads.The first one is my favourite. It has four 15x7mm glass pearl rhinestones, these are vintage but I don't know how old they are or where they're from. They aren't perfect, with some damage on the pearl coating. They have a tunnel the goes through the bottom part so I assume they were used for embroidery or sewing as buttons. Pink (rosalin) and brown (smoked topaz) glass rhinestones are 8x4mm and were made in Czechoslovakia. Tiny glass pearl cabochon inside the flower was made in Western Germany. In beaded chain the white pearls (could be plastic) I took from an old jewelry piece, other glass beads and pearls (mink) are made in Czech Republic.Pinkish sabrina-type glass rhinestones are probably from Western Germany, they have leaf pattern on the surface. Crystal glass navettes were made in Czechoslovakia. All glass pearls and beads are from nowadays Czech Republic. But enough talk for now, let photos speak for themselves.