Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Küllap ma pole ainuke, kes tunneb õhus kevadet, hoolimata lumest. Kuldsed ehted annavad ennast ikka veel oodata, sest täna koristasin oma töönurka (...seda juhtub harva) ja leidsin pooliku käevõru. Lõpetasin selle ära ja tegin pilte. Väikse uuendusena kasutasin mitut värvi.
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I suppose I'm not the only one who senses the spring in the air despite the snow around everywhere. I still haven't started with gold color jewelry but I cleaned my working space ( rarely as I do) and found unfinished cuff bracelet. So I finished it and made some photos. I guess it's new to me for using so many colors.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Changing Metals...

Ma tean, et ma püüdsin (ja püüan edaspidigi) kullavärvi kasutada, ent millegipärast tuli välja, et tegin ehteid hõbedavärviga. Olen selliseid ehteid teinud varem ka ja mäletan, et eriti just poolvääriskividega oli see häda, et ehtenõelad ei mahtunud helmest läbi ning neid tuli viilida. Ja see on jube tüütu ja väsitav, eriti kui tegemist on väikeste helmestega, millest raske kinni hoida.

Aga nüüd just hiljuti sain kätte palliga ehtenõelad, mis olid jube lühikesed (18mm) ja jube õhukesed (vist 0,5mm). Kartsin, et need ei kõlba kuhugi. Ja tuli välja, et need jube lühikesed ja jube õhukesed ehtenõelad sobivad just poolvääriskivihelmestele! Tegin paar katsetust, mis kujunesid päris mitmeks (ülejäänutest teinekord), ja olen nende ehtenõeltega väga rahul. Siin on lihvitud must oonüks koos turmaliinikildude ja värvitud mageveepärlitega. Kaelakeeripats on kreemika puuvillanööril.
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I know I said I'm planning to use more goldcolor in jewelry but it came out I chose silvery metal components instead. I've made thiskind of pendants before and I remember that beads from semiprecious stones particularly had very small holes and I had to use bead reamers to make them usable. It was really annoying and frustrating especially when beads are small.

But now I received some headpins recently, these were quite short (18mm) and quite thin (I think 0,5mm). I was afraid that these are not suitable for anything. But it turns out that these ball headpins being quite short and quite thin are perfect for semiprecios beads! I made a couple attempts (that turned into many but more about them in the future) and I'm really pleased with these headpins. Here is a set from faceted onyx, tourmaline chips and dyed freshwaterpearls.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pink Brooch and Golden Wire

Üks pisike pross sai valmis ning värvilt on see kahtlemata roosa mis roosa. Siin on kuukiviklaasi ning prossi keskel on poolvääriskivi imiteeriv klaas, milles on läbipaistmatud siirud sees. Ehtekivid on pärit Lääne Saksamaalt ning Tšehhoslovakkiast.

Ja veel, kavatsen ennast käsile võtta ja proovida ikkagi kullavärvi ehete tegemist ka. Pärast pikki otsinguid leidsin lõpuks kuldse traadi, mis oleks tõesti ka kulla värvi (mitte messingu) ja mis oleks hinnalt soodsam kui kullatud traat. Tellisin suure koguse nii et kui kui sul on ka traadi soovi, võta ühendust ( ).

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I made this small brooch recently and it is as pink as it can get. I use moonstone glass and in the middle of this brooch there is a glass that imitates semiprecious stone - it has stripes in it. with opaque and transparent glass Rhinestones are from Western Germany and Czechoslovakia.

And more, I intend to try to make more jewelry with golden color. After long search I found perfect wire that has real gold color (not like brass) and that is cheaper than gold plated wire.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Contest results!

Minuga võeti ühendust seoses ehtekonkursiga ning sain informatsiooni tulemustest. Minu tehtud kaelakee auhinnalisele kohale ei jõudnud ning pannakse varsti teele. Aitäh kõigile, kes pöialt hoidsid :)
Amatööride hulgas jagunesid esikohad nii: 1. tikitud kaelakee "Amphitrite", 2. sõrmus "Anémone Cache Cache", 3. tikitud kaelakee "Moonlight magic upon the sea". Professionaalide hulgas jagunesid esikohad nii: 1. traadist karkassiga kaelakee "Caribbean Octopus", 2. helmespõimingus kaelakee "Blue Lagoon", 3. tikitud delfiiniga kaelakee "Atlantis". Minu lemmikud olid "Blue lagoon", "Ariels treasure" ja "Divine Waterfall".
Kogu see konkursikogemus on pisut pentsik, sest protsess kestis jube kaua. Algas see ju eelmisel aastal ning olen jõudnud selle juba mitu korda vahepeal ära unustada ning meelde tuletada. Eks see pani ka südame põksuma, kui kaelakee pääses finaali ja muret oli ka, kas see jõuab ikka postiga kohale. Ma ei kujuta ette, kui palju sädelust võisid selle konkursi žüriiliikmed näha! Oh, ma olen nii õnnelik, et sellest konkursist osa võtsin, sain täiesti uue kogemuse ning loodan, et kui järgmine kord tuleb võimalus, siis kasutan seda :D

Siin on pildid mõnedest valgetest ehetest. Siin on swarovskeid, klaasi (nii uut kui vana). Kaks käeketti ning kaks paari kõrvarõngaid.

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I received an email with information about the jewelry contest! My necklace didn't won any prizes and is on it's way back to me. Thank you all who wished me well :)
The final results in amateur category was this: 1. embroidered necklace "Amphitrite", 2. ring "Anémone Cache Cache", 3. embroidered necklace "Moonlight magic upon the sea". Final results in professional category was: 1. sculptural wire necklace "Caribbean Octopus", 2. beadweaved necklace "Blue Lagoon", 3. necklace with embroidered dolphin "Atlantis". My favourites were "Blue lagoon", "Ariels treasure" and "Divine Waterfall".
It's been a strange experience the contest because it lasted so long time. It started last year and I forgot all about it until the necklace was asked to send to France. When the necklace made it to the final it sure made my heart beat faster and I worried if it will go missing in the post. I can't image how much sparkle did the jury see! I'm so glad I took part in this, I had a complitely new experience and when another thiskind of opportunity comes I really hope I'll take a chance :D

I posted some photos of white jewelry. I used swarovskies and glass (new and vintage). Here are two bracelets and two pair of earrings.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Discovering Glass vol.5 Moonstoneglass

Olen selliseid kivikesi juba ehetes kasutanud. Ise nimetaksin neid kuukiviklaasiks, sest see on klaasist kuukivi imitatsioon ;) Selline klaas näeb välja siidjalt helklev, mis annab eri tugevusega värvi sõltuvalt sellest, kuidas langeb valgus. Enamus selliseid ehtekive koosneb kahest osast: alumine siidjas klaas ning ülemine läbipaistev klaas. On ka ilma läbipaistva klaasita (või siis on see läbipaistva klaasi kiht nii õhuke, et ma seda ei näe) ent neid on väga vähe.

Nagu ikka, arvasin ka selle klaasi puhul, et "moonstone glass" on edasimüüjate iseloomustus kuni sain enda valdusse rohkem originaalpakendeid. Osadel neist pole mingeid vihjeid kuukivi imitatsioonile (vt viimaseid pilte), vaid värvi ette on lisatud kood, mis arvatavasti viitab sellisele siidjale klaasile. Aga on ka pakendeid, kus ühel on kirjas "moonstone" ja teisel "moonshine".

Kõik originaalpakenditega kivikesed on valmistatud Saksamaal. Huvitav kas tšehhid tegid ka sellist klaasi?

Tekstuuriga kuukiviklaas/Moonstone glass cabochons with textured surface

Vanim selletaoline klaas minu kogus, mis valmistatud okupeeritud Saksamaa US-Tsoonis. Pakendil on kirjas "Moonshine"/One of the oldest cabochons in my collection, these were made in US-Zone of occupied Germany. It has a word "Moonshine" written on it

Sinised kandilised klaaskivid originaalpakendiga, millel kirjas "Moonstone". Roosad tilgakujulised kivid olid mul ühed esimesed seda sorti klaaskivisid/ Blue squaeshaped cabochons with original package, it has a word "Moonstone" written on it

Kuukiviklaasi oli mitmes värvis, lisaks siin toodule on mul veel beeži, lillat, halli, aqua-sinist ning tumerohelist. Kindlasti on neid veel/They used to make Moonstone glass in a variety of colors, addition to the selection here I have also beige, violet, grey, aqua-blue and darker green. I'm sure there are more colors than these

Need on eelmisel real olevate kivide pakendid. Need on valmistatud Lääne Saksamaal, pakendil on värvi ette lisatud kood/ These are the packages of the stones shown on the previous row. These were made in Western Germany, there are number code added to the color

I've used these kind of glass stones before. I'd like to call them moonstone glass (as some retailers), because it imitates moonstone ;) This kind of glass has a soft silky look and shows more or less color depending the light. Most of them consist from two parts: the bottom half is from silky glass and top is from clear glass. Ihave some without clear glass top (or it is just too thin for me to see it) but there are really few of them compared to others.

Again I thought that moonstone glass was a term created by the retailers to describe this glass until I got more original packages. Some of them do not have any word related to moonstone (see the last two photos) but have numbers before the color name - perhaps to describe the silky glass. But there are also a package with word "moonstone" and "moonshine".

All original packages I have are from Germany. I wonder if Czech used to make these too?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wedding Couture vol.2

Vot see lehemustriga valge ehtekivi on mu sahtlis oodanud oma aega peaaegu et terve aasta. Nüüd tuli õige aeg ning nüüd suutsin talle meisterdada olemasolevatest metallkomponentidest ümbrise, mis seda ka suudab kinni hoida. Nimelt on see lehemustriga klaaskivi suhteliselt kõrge.

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This leaf-patterned white cabochon waited it's time in my drawer well over a year by now. And now it is the right time and now I was finally able to make a setting out of some metal components I have. It was difficult because this glass cabochon is quite high domed.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wedding Couture vol.1

Ma olen teinud pulmadeks ehteid ainult tellimisel. Nüüd mõtlesin, et võiks proovida ju teha väikese valiku ehteid pruudile - ja lasta fantaasial lennata. Siin on esimene katsetus. Traditsiooniliselt valge. Kaelakee, mida saab jagada ka prossiks ja kaelakeeks. Jah, see ripatsiosa on pross.

Prossis kasutasin enamuses Lääne Saksamaa (tekstuursed, opaal ning kuukivi klaas) ning Jaapani (väikesed ümmargused) ehtekive. Klaashelmed on Tšehhist.

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I've made wedding jewelry only as custom orders. So I thought I might try to make a small set of bride jewelry - and let my imagination fly. This is the first attempt. Traditionally white. Necklace that can be divided into a brooch and necklace. Yes, the centerpiece is actually a brooch.

I used mainly Western Germany (textured, opal and moonstone glass) and Japan (white rounds) rhinestones. Glass beads are from Czech.