Thursday, July 29, 2010


Oojaa, täna on vahva päev! Sain kätte Beads Bee 6nda numbri. Mõnusad pastelsetes värvides ehted ning seal on pisut lähemalt ka traadiga töödest (kolme disaineri lemmiknipid), traadi heegeldamist (neid on tegelt vist igas numbris) ning pisut polümeersavikunstnikest.

Teine pakk pole niivõrd poodlemine, vaid pikaajaline tellimus, mis sai tehtud kevadel. Osad teavad, et kui Tšehhist enam antiikvaskset traati ei saanud, tellisin suures koguses erinevaid traate, lootuses neid oksüdeeida (eriti siis just vasktraati). Ent vasktraadil oli kaitsekiht peal ning kuigi üritasin seda koos antiiksete vidinatega koos kasutada, ei meeldinud mulle lõpptulemus. Ja paljud ehted jäidki nii poolikuks. Tahan tänada kõiki, kes on mult seda traati vähemaks ostnud! Õnneks traat süüa ei küsi ja halvaks ei lähe, nii et jõuan seda kokku kuhjatud kogust müüa veel päris pikalt.

Aga jah, traati oli ju mul ikka vaja - antiikset vaske. Tean ainult ühte kohta, kus seda saab. Leppisin tohutu tellimuse miinimumsummaga ning neelasin alla üüratu postikulu ja tehased pandi tööle. Ja nüüd pärast pikka ootamist sain traadi kätte koos njummide vidinatega! Pildil näed ümmargust karpkinnist koos sõelaga (selle kaunistan ise ära), imepeenikest palliketti ning kõrvarõngaid koos filigraanplaadiga.
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Today is a good day indeed! I received Beads Bee magazines number 6. Lots of lovely jewelry in pastel colors and a bit more about wire works (three designers show their favourite tricks), wire crocheting (I guess every number has about this) and little ovreview of polymer clay artists.

Othe package is not soo much about shopping, but an order I made in spring. Some of you know that when antique copper wire vendor in Czech stopped supplying it, I bought a lot of different wires with idea to oxydize it (copper wire among other). But the copper wire had a transparent coating that made it untarnishable. Although I tried to combine shiny copper with antique I didn't like the outcome and lots of jewelry stayed unfinished. I want to thank you all who bought that wire from me! I guess it's not all bad to have over 400 coils of wire at home, it's not like it needs to be fed or has a best before date.

But I still needed antique copper wire. I know only one place in the world where I can have it. I accepted the huge minimum order value and after many "second" thoughts I agreed with horribly huge shipping costs and the factory started to work. And now after so long waiting I have my wire with other beyond cute accessories! On the photo you see a round box clasp with perforated disc (that I will make all pretty whith my rhinestones and beads), extra fine diamond cut ball chain and leverbacks with filigree plate.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Purple Glaze

Olen müünud soovijatele helmeid ja ehtekive, kuid pole tahtnud neid oma ehtepoodi panna. Kuidagi nagu ei sobi minu arvates need omavahel. Lõpuks võtsin julguse kokku ning küsisin DaWanda administratsiooni käest luba teha endale teine pood. Selle ma ka sain koos näpunäidetega. Nii ma vaikselt laadisin pilte üles ning avastasin, et pole ammu kasutanud neid jubearmsaid lillasid tilgakesi! Ja pealegi sain just ühe eriti jämeda dekoratiivse keti, mida tahtsin kuskile ehtesse toppida.

Mõtlesin, et teen üksiku käeketi ent ühed kõrvarõngad tekkisid ka. No kui aus olla, siis on mul veel üks käekett ja kaelakee pooleli samades värvides...
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I've sold some beads and rhinestones, but didn't want to put them on my jewelry shop. They just don't seem to go well together... So I turned to DaWanda administration to ask permission to open another shop there. And I got it with some suggestions how it should be done. When I uploaded photos I discovered those cute purple drops that I haven't used for a long time! And I just got this extra wide decorated chain I wanted to try out.

I thought I'll make a single bracelet but a pair of earrings came along. Well, to be honest, I also have another bracelet and a necklace in same color that I yet need to finish...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Prettiest Pink

Jätkan roosa teemaga. Mõned neist ehetest tahaks eraldi välja tuua...

Kas olete kandnud mitut ehet korraga? Igaljuhul olen viimasel ajal mõelnud sellele (kandmiseni pole jõudnud)... Mitmeotstarbelised ehted on varemgi tundunud põnevad (näiteks olen teinud kaelakee, kus ripatsit sai eraldi kanda prossina). Aga sobitada näiteks kaks ehet korraga? Tegin katset...

(PS Roosasid ehteid on kokku: 3 prossi, 2 sõrmust, 4 paari kõrvarõngaid, 4 kaelakeed ja 5 käeehet. Plaanin kõik DaWandasse üles panna lähiajal)

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Pross ning lähivõte käeketist
Brooch and a closeup from a bracelet

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Õiega sõrmus ning nööpkõrvarõngad (viimased valmisid mõned kuud tagasi)
Blossom ring and button earrings (I made the earrings many months ago)

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Õiega kõrvarõngad ning pidulik kaelakee
Blossom earrings and a fancy necklace

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Kaks kaelakeed ning pross kinnitatuna käevõrule (vaata siia)
Two necklaces and brooch combined with a cuff (look here)

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Topelt käeketid. Matt vs läikiv ning kahest käeketist tehtud kaelakee
Double bracelets. Matte vs shiny and two bracelets combined to a choker

I continue with pink, some pieces I'd like to show you...

Have you ever wore many pieces of jewelry at the same time and just piled up layers? Well I have though about it (haven't really tried it yet)... I've been fascinated by the idea of multipurpose jewelry (for example I made a necklace with a pendant that could be worn as a brooch). But stacking jewelry? I gave it a try with these pink jewelry I just had in hand...

(PS I made many pink jewelry pieces: 3 brooches, 2 rings, 4 pairs of earrings, 4 necklaces and 5 bracelets. I'll be listing them at my DaWanda shop in near future)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink Summer

Ma loodan, et kõik saavad nautida seda suve! Uskumatult soe ja ilus. Mul on õnnestunud valmis saada veel ehteid, seekord jälle ühes värvis. Roooooosa, selline pastell-roosa ja vanaroosa vahepealne... Mmmm... Roosa nagu mannavaht?
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I really hope that everybody enjoyes this summer! It's unbelievably warm and pretty here. I've managed to finish some more jewelry, this time again in one color. Pink,it's somewhere between the pastel-pink and old-pink. Yummi...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Color Experiment?

Olen viimasel ajal teinud ühevärvilisi ehteid ja tahtsin natuke midagi teistsugust. Need värvid on pärit ühest roosiõiest: roosa, kollane, punane. Mõnikord on nii, et pildistamine ei lähe kohe mitte... ei leia õiget nurka või tuleb jube udune. Vot niimoodi läks ka seekord. Üksikud pildid tulid enam-vähem, panen need siia. Osadest ehetest ei tulnud jälle ühtegi pilti ning kuna vaja fotokal akut laadida, siis teen uued pildid eiteamillal.
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Lately I've made monochromatic jewelry and I wanted to try something different. These colors are from a rose: red, yellow, pink. Sometimes photographing goes so wrong... Like this time, I couln't find the right angle or it just came out blurry. These are the only ones I got. So I don't know when I get them all done, I had none usable photos from some items, so they are not all here.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Contest Entry Boudoir Beautiful 2010

Minu ehe konkursile Boudoir Beautiful 2010. Kõik helmed ja ehtekivid on swarovski toodang, välja arvatud need 2mm klaaspärlid ja metallhelmed. Teema on renessanss, pärlid, filigraan, lipsud ja romantika :)

Korraldaja on helmepood (Saksamaal, Prantsusmaal ja Suurbritannia Igal nendel kolme riigi poel on oma leht, kuhu soovijad said üles laadida oma tehtud töid. Hääletamine läks lukku 11ndal juulil. Nüüd valib žürii igal lehel 10 enim hääli kogunud töö seast 7, mis pääsevad esimese ringi finaali. Need 21 tööd rändavad siis žürii karmi pilgu alla ning seal leitakse kolm parimat. Esikoha auhind on võimalus valmistada töö Swarovski nn inspiratsiooni raamatusse ning lisaks kopsaka summa eest ehtetarvikuid helmepoest, teine ja kolmas koht saavad osta teatud väärtuses ehtematerjale korraldaja helmepoest.

Kaelakee sai alguse värvidest. Swarovski burgundy on üks ütlemata kena värv, selline luksuslik, soe, küps. Toetavateks toonideks garnet ja siam ning kontrastiks heledamad pärlid. Kullaga kaetud helmed ja ehtekivid (comet OR) sobisid kuna see kullatoon on selline vana ja väärikas, mitte liiga kirgas. Kõikidel ehtekivide ja pärlitega kaunistatud plaadikestel on taga lisa filigraanplaat.

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My entry for the Boudoir Beautiful 2010. All rhinestones and beads are made by Swarovski except those tiny 2mm glass pearls and metal beads. The theme is inspired by Renaissance, pearls, bows and lace and filigree :)

This contest is run by beadshop (Germany, France and Great Britain Every three countries have their own site where people could upload their designs. The voting ended on 11th July. Now the jury panel will select 7 of the 10 most popular designs, as voted on the competition websites. Those 21 will be sent for further examination and first three will be selected. First prize is to make a design to Swarovski Inspirational Bool with a voucher of the beadshop, second and third will also have vouchers to spend at the

I started with the colors. Swarvski Burgundy is such a lovely color, luxurious and warm. To play with different hues of red I added Garnet and Siam and created a contrast with light pearls. Gold coated rhinestones and beads (comet OR) were a perfect match because that gold color is old and royal, not too bright and shiny. All plates with rhinestones and pearls have an extra filigree plate at the back.

article no. 4470 Burgundy 12mm
article no. 4200 Burgundy 10x5mm
article no. 1100 Garnet ss19
article no. 1100 Crystal Comet OR ss19
article no. 1028 Crystal ss19
article no. 1100 Garnet ss17
article no. 1028 Crystal pp29
article no. 1100 Siam pp24
article no. 5807 Crystal Creamrose Pearl 10mm
article no. 5000 Burgundy 4mm
article no. 5305 Crystal 6mm
article no. 41 Crystal Comet OR 6x7mm
Crystal Pearl beads
article no. 5810 Crystal Creamrose Light Pearl 3mm
article no. 5810 Crystal Creamrose Light Pearl 8mm
article no. 5821 Crystal Creamrose Light Pearl 11x8mm

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We have a Winner!

Tam-taram-ta-ta-ta-taaaa! Prossi võitis:
Lõnga-Maniakk (Veronika)
Palju õnne! Võtan sinuga ühendust.
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The winner of this brooch is:
Lõnga-Maniakk (Veronika)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Free Giveaway

Nagu naksti on läinud järjekordne aasta ja blogi on saanud 3-aastaseks. Aitäh kõigile külastajatele-lugejatele! Loosi läheb Vintage Pearls ringikujuline pross (kõiki Vintage Pearls ehteid näed siin, DaWandas veel saadaval ehted).

Sul on võimalus see pross endale saada :D Et osaleda loosimises:
* pead olema selle blogi Follower (vt vasak tulp),
* ja jäta siia kommentaar,

Iga osalejal on üks hääl. Postikulu on minu poolt. Kommentaare saate kirjutada kuni pühapäevani (11 juuli, 24:00). Võitja selgub teisipäeval 13ndal juulil. Kui on küsimusi, kirjuta ;)

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Another year has gone and it's my blog 3rd birthday! Thank you all visitors and readers! This giveaway is open to readers worldwide. You have a chance to win this romantic Vintage Pearls circle Brooch (see all Vintage Pearsl jewelry here, available ones at DaWanda).

To enter you should:
* follow my blog (see Follow button on the left),
* and leave a comment,

One entry per person. Shipping costs to winners given address is on me. This giveaway ends on Sunday, July 11th (24:00 Estonian time). A winner will be randomly chosen on Tuesday, July 13th. Any questions, email me ;)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shopping Navette Rhinestones

Nagu ikka kipub asjadega olema... pole ehtekive samuti kunagi piisavalt. Õnnestus saada navette-kujulisi ehtekive ja mis kõige olulisem, neid värve olen juba ammu tahtnud!!! Mõelda vaid, Navy Blue! Nii kui ma nägin, et Navy Blue 15x4mm navette'id on saadavad, teadsin et pean need saama! Ma ei tea, mis selles värvis on... Veel sain valgeid (chalk white) ja aquamarine-siniseid. Need kuluvad alati marjaks ära, sest valgeid ehteid teen ma ikka ning siniseid ehtekive saab nii eraldi kui ka mingis värvikombinatsioonis ära kasutada :) Navy Blue ja Chalk White on Swarovski toodang (1970ndate toodang), sinised ehtekivid Tšehhoslovakkia klaas.
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As it happens to turn out with many thing, there's always never enough rhinestones... I managed to get some navette shaped rhinestones and what's more important - I got colors I wanted for so long! Imagine that, Navy Blue navettes!!! When I saw these Navy Blue 15x4mm navettes, I knew I have to have them! I really don't know why that color is so capturing... I also got Chalk White and Aquamarine blue navettes. Well, I do use a lot of white and blue :) So these will be quite handy some day. Navy Blue and Chalk White rhinestones are Swarovski (1970's) and Aquamarine navettes are Czechoslovakian glass.