Monday, January 31, 2011


Miyuki seemnehelmed 15/0, swarovski Cherry Red 19ss, Tšehhi crystal 19ss, Tšehhi klaashelmed...
Ma alustasin selle prossi tegemist tookord, kui tegin klaaspärlitest ja punasega kollektsiooni Lipstick Red. Ehk siis juba päris hulk aega tagasi.

Les Petites'i poes on nüüd peaaegu täiesti uus valik minu ehteid ning samuti vahetasin välja Vene tn 12-7 väikeses maaligaleriis olevad ehted (sinna läksid ka näiteks NavyBlue&Crystal ehted). Käisin täna õhtulveel Meribeli Käsitöösalongist läbi (Kristiine keskuses) ning vahetasin ka seal kõik ehted ära.

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Miyuki seedbeads 15/0, swarovski Cherry Red 19ss chaton, Czech crystal 19ss chaton, glass beads...
Beginning of this brooch goes back to the time when I made a jewellery collection with red and pearl color: Lipstick Red. So it took a while to make.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Custom Work

Sädelevad pikad kõrvarõngad, ohtralt uusi swarovski kive (värv khaki) ning metallikrohelisi seemnehelmeid (TOHO, Jaapan). Kõrvarõngastel on ka vintage swarovski ehtekivid azalea viimistlusega, mis helkleb rohelist, fuktsiaroosat ja kollast. Siin on ka imepeenikest tahkudega palliketti ning ümmargusi klaashelmeid.

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Custom work.
Sparkly and long earrings with lots of brand new swarovskies (Khaki color) and green iris seedbeads (TOHO Japan). These earrings have vintage swarovski stones with rare Azalea coating that shows green, fuchsia and a bit of yellow. I also put some delicate extra fine diamond cut ball chain here that sparkles a bit.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Vahepeal näitan ehteid, mida ma ise pole teinud. Need on saphiret klaasist ning pärit kuskil viktooria ajastust või nii. Kaks prossi, millest ühel on kivid mati pinnaga ning kõrvarõngapaar, millele on pandud baasmetallist kivi pesa (mis omal ajal oli hõbedane või hõbetatud) külge 800 prooviga hõbekonksud.

See on päris huvitav jälgida, kuidas inimesed (kes nagu minagi on sedasorti klaasist täiesti sisse võetud) otsivad nagu verekoerad uut informatsiooni. Nüüd on päris põnevaks kiskunud, sest inimesed on jagunenud kahte leeri. Ühed kes vannuvad, et tegu on unikaalse klaasiga, mis kindlalt sisaldab kulda ja mida enam ei osata toota. Ja teised, kes (sinna kuuluvad ka näiteks inimesed, kes on klaasikunstnikud) loodavad, et klaasi "retsept" ei ole kadunud ning uuemat sorti saphiret klaasi (mida nimet. ka sappharine) saab valmistada asendades kuld vasega. Ja isegi võib olla, et on see võimalik, et ka tänapäeval saaks seda toota! Väga põnev.


I'll show some jewellery that is not made by me. These were made with saphiret glass and from victorian era or so. Two brooches, one with frosted other with faceted stones and a pair of earrings with 800 silver hooks attached to a base metal stone setting that was in it's days silver colored (or silver plated).

It is quite interesting to watch how people (who are like me fascinated by this sort of glass) look for new information. Now it's getting rather interestin because there are two main opinions out there. One is (as most thought before) that saphiret is a true rarity glass that was made by pouring liquid gold into saphire blue glass and that it cannot be made anymore. The newer view is that the receipt may have not been lost and the newer saphiret (sappharine) was made with copper instead of gold. And it could be that this glass may put in production today! Very interesting indeed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Uus komplekt. Olen siin blogis varem hädaldanud, et swarovski värv Navy Blue ei sobi kohe mitte siniste helmestega kokku... et pole seda õiget tooni. Ning kuna seda värvi swarovski enam ei tooda, siis ei saa ka õigeid helmeid ropu raha eestki mitte.

Aga vot, hiljutise seemnehelmeste tellimusega saabusid ka läbipaistmatud sinised, mis on nii-nii sarnased. Värvikoodiks on 33060 ja tšehhid nimetavad seda Royal Blue. Kuigi need suured helmed ei paista sugugi seemnehelmeste moodi, on need seda siiski. On päris suure auguga nii, et pidin väikeste seemnehelmestega neid täitma, noh et ei loksuks. Kristallidega ehtenõelad on uhiuued, värskelt saabunud Singapurist :)

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New set. I've complained before here in this blog that sw Navy Blue doesn't go well with glass beads... And there's zillions of different blues out there. And sinze this color is out of Swarovski's production I can't get any beads even if I had loads of money.

But still. With my latest seedbead order I also received opaque blue beads that look so similar! The color code is 33060 and czech call it Royal Blue. Those big beads are also seedbeads although they don't look so. They have huge holes so I had to fill them with smaller seedbeads to keep them centered. Rhinestone headpins are brand new just arrived from Singapur :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Teine seeria prosse. Need kandilised metallplaadid on hästi kauni ja peene mustriga! Kuigi pildilt paistab pross kohati läbi, on ka neil prossidel topelt plaadid, et ka teiselt poolt kena oleks. Kahju, et niimoodi topelt kasutamisega need nii ruttu otsa saavad. Prossidel on läbimõõt 4cm.

Ja veel. Sain ühe suure tellimuse kätte. Tšehhi seemnehelmed. Oh ja ah, kui armsad. Muidugi nägin tellimuse koostamisega roppu vaeva ja aega läks ka. Kuu aega panin esialgset nimekirja kokku, mida vahepeal pidin sada korda muutma ning lõpuks polnud sellest mingit kasu ja pidin otsast peale alustama... Mul on vist midagi viga, sest... Ei jõua ära oodata, millal saaks veel tellida!

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Another series of brooches. These square-shaped stamped filigree plates are gorgeous! And although you see on the photos that there are holes to see through I did put them double so backside would look nice. It's a shame that using double per brooch means that I need to order some more. Brooches measure 4cm across.

And more. I received an order. Czech seedbeads. Pretty little things. The process of ordering was not pretty at all. And it took so much time. The whole month I tried to put together a primar list of beads making inquiries of what is in stocks and for the prices and then when all the work was done I had to start from the beginning again... There's something wrong with me, because.. I can't wait to order some more!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Kas on teil olnud mingi ehe, mida on peaaegu võimatu pildile saada? Need kõrvarõngad on mul tehtud novembris vist... Ja olen neid pildistanud nii ja naa, aga ei saanud normaalset pilti, mida sobiks näidata. Nüüd siis, uuel aastal, õnnestus :)

Sellised kõrvarõngad võtavad valmimisel korralikult aega. Ühes kõrvarõngas on 12+1 ripatsit ning igas ripatsis on 4 3mm helmest. Aga tulemus on seda väärt :)
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Have you ever been stuck with trying to photograph some piece of jewellery and not getting any decent photo? I finished these earrings in November I think... And I've photographed them many times. Now I finally got it :)

These earrings take forever to make. In one earring there are 12+1 dangles each with 4 3mm beads. But it's definately woth it :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brooch Series

Väike seeria prosse. Sama kuju, samasugused ehtekivid, erinevad toonid. Ehtekivid on vintage, valmistatud Tšehhoslovakkias, Lääne Saksamaal ning Austrias.
...aqua sinine, safiirsinine, must, pruuni-sinisekirju, roosa ja kristall ...

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Small series of brooches. Same shape, same rhinestones but different colors. Rhinestones are all vintage, made in Czechoslovakia, Western Germany and Austria.
...aqua, sapphire, black, brow and blue mix, pink and crystal...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vintage Pearls

Head uut aastat! Tegin endale paar päeva internetist puhkust :) nüüd katsun meilihunnikud üle vaadata... Eelmisel aastal ostsin vintage pärlikee, millel olid küll (kõvasti oksüdeerunud) metallotsad ent oli lõpetamata. Valmistatud Jaapanis. Need pärlid pole masinaga tehtud, vaid on ebaühtlase kuju ja suurusega (umbes 11mm) ning mõnusalt rasked :)
Ja ühed kõrvarõngad, kus neid pärleid juba kasutasin. Lille keskel on tilluke vintage garnet ehtekivi.
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Happy New Year! I took a little break from the internet :) and I'm trying to go through all the mail now... Last year I bought this vintage faux pearl string, it was finished with (heavily oxidized) metal tips but had no clasp. Made in Japan. Those pearls are not made with machine, these are all in a bit different shape-size (appr. 11mm) and really nicely heavy :)
And here's a pair of earrings I made using these pearls. In the center of the flower I put vintage Garnet rhinestone.