Võtsin julguse kokku ja esitasin ka enda töö käimasolevasse ehtekonkurssi. Teemaks on Urban Beautiful ning seekord tegin hoopis kõrvarõngad. Nende konkurssidega on alati see asi, et mingi konks või tingimus on sees. Ja peaaegu alati, kui sponsoriks on Swarovski, siis on kasutatava materjali peamiseks nõudeks, et enamus on swarovski toodang. Seal oli vist 60% peab olema
Swarovski Elements, ent ühtegi teist brändi kristalli, lihvitud või pressitud klaasi ning üleüldse konkurentide toodangut ei tohi olla :)
Oh, selle kõrvarõngapaariga pusisin päris kaua. Aga valmis said. Värvidest on siin
Purple Velvet,
Jet ning
Vitrail Dark. Täpsem materjalide kirjeldus on postituse lõpus.
Nagu ikka, on see pildistamine paras peavalu, sest ka pildistamisel on ju tingimused. Peab olema valge taust ning üles laadida saab kaks pilti. Kõrvarõngaste värvid on nii tumedad ja taust nii hele ja üldse tekkis vahel mõte alla anda sest päevavalgus hakkas otsa saama. Edasipääsemine finaali on küll väga ebatõenäoline, aga samas arvan, et kahetsen, kui poleks osa võtnud :) Hoian ise kullakestele pöialt. Hääli saab anda nii: 1 punkt "Good Effort", 2 punkti "Like", 3 punkti "Love". Hääletada saab
siin. Kogu albumit näeb

So I gathered my courage and entered to a design competition. Theme is Urban Beautiful and this time I made a pair of earrings. The thing with the competitions is that there is always a catch. Usually when Swarovski is a sponsor then it means that material used should be produced by Swarovski. I recall the design had to be made 60% from Swarovski Elements. But using any other crystal, cut or pressed glass or any other competitive products is prohibited :)
Oh, these earrings took ages to make. But I finally finished. Colors are Montana, Amethyst, Purple Velvet, Jet and Vitrail Dark. More info about used materials is at the end of this post.
As I feared the photographing was a nightmare for there are also rules of how the designs must be presented. White background and 2 photos to upload (choosing the best 2 out of many average photos...). The colors of the earrings are quite dark and the background is so white that I thought it doesn't work and the daylight was faiding. Getting through to the final is unlikely, but I know I'd regret if I didn't take part. So I hold my fingers crossed for my little ones. Voting is like this: 1 point given for "Good Effort", 2 points given for "Like", 3 points given for "Love". 20 designs chosen from the 50 that received the highest ratings will go to the final. You can vote
here. You can see the whole album
* 21pp art.1100 Jet
* 24pp art.1012 Montana
* 31pp art.1028 Amethyst
* 19ss art.1100 Montana
* 20ss art.2028 Amethyst/Jet
* 10x3mm art.4500 Amethyst
* 10x6mm art.4300 Vitrail Dark
* 4mm art.5301 Montana/Amethyst/Purple Velvet
* 6mm art.5301 Montana
* Other: 15/0 seedbeads, ballchain, wire, rhinestone settings & other metal components