Friday, September 30, 2011

Black Chandeliers

Järjekordne musta värvi vaimustuse hetk...

Pikad kõrvarõngad musta klaasiga. Lihvitud helmeste kerget liikumist ja sädelust fotokaga pildile ei suutnud püüda... kahjuks.
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Another moment of admiring black color...

Long earrings with black glass. Couldn't capture the delicate movement and sparkle of faceted glass beads... unfortunately.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Flower Blossom Button Earrings

See on ühe idee harjutustöö. Idee on põhimõtteliselt sama, ainult helmeste asemel on ehtekivid. Tahtsin, et lillekesed oleks ümmarguselt, välja tuli pisut lopergune :) Aga noh, eks näis, kas ma suudan paremini.
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This is a practice work for one earring idea. It's going to be quite similar, only with rhinestones instead of beads. I tried to put the flowers in more round shape. as you can see I didn't succeed :) Oh well, I'll see if I can manage to do that.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Swarovski Jade

Ma sain need kivid 2009 septembris. Siin-seal olen kasutanud, kuid ikka on jäänud kuskile tunne, et need kivid väärivad enamat. Koos sätendavate ja sillerdavatega jäävad nad teiste varju. Nad oleks justkui hoopis teisest maailmast. Tagasihoidlikud ja kummalise värvitooniga, mis pole ei külm ega soe...

Valmistatud 1970-80ndatel Swarovski poolt. Läikivaks poleeritud ning kohati poolvääriskivi imiteeriva ebaühtlase värviga jadeiitrohelised kivikesed leidsid lõpuks minu jaoks oma koha. Tulemus on nii lihtne ja ma saan aru, et see võib isegi naljakas olla, et ma kaks aastat selle üle mõtisklesin! Võimalik, et olen ainuke, kes sellest värvist vaimustuses on... Aga jah, sellised kõrvarõngad tegin ma endale ka :)
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I bought these stones in September 2009. I've used these a couple of times but always had this feeling that they deserve more. When I combine it with shiny and sparkly ones these stones always dissapeared in the background. They were like whole different thing. Modest and with strange green color that was not warm nor cold...

Made in the 1970-80's by Swarovski. With shiny polish and with different color hues that imitates natural semiprecious stone. Finally I found a use that let's this stone show itself. It is so simple and I understand if it seems a bit funny that I searched this for 2 years! Could be that I'm only one who's so exited about this color... I made an extra pair of earrings for myself :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Winter 2011/2012

Valmis :) Oli küll planeeritud selleks talveks, ent kuna sai varem valmis, siis pole mõtet ka peita. Kokku 24 artiklit: 5 kaelakeed, 5 paari kõrvarõngaid, 6 käeehet, 2 prossi, 2 sõrmust ja 4 juukseaksessuaari. Kasutasin peaaegu kõiki helesiniseid givre kive sorte oma kogust, lisaks kuukivi imitatsioonkive ja läbipaistvaid ehtekive fooliumkihiga. Kõiki ehteid on 4 eksemplari välja arvatud suur juukseklamber (2tk) - sest pole kätte saanud klambritoorikuid. See laupäev viin need ehted Les Petites' poodi ning panen need üles ka DaWanda poodi.

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Finished :) I know I wanted it to be a winter collection but since I just finished it I can't keep it only to myself. Alltogether 24 pieces: 5 necklaces, e pair of earrings, 6 bracelets, 2 brooches, 2 rings and 4 hair accessories. I used almost every sort of blue givre stones I have, also some moonstone glass and transparent rhinestones with folium. Every design is in 4 copys except big hair barrette (2pcs) - I don't have any barrette clips. I'll take this collection to Les Petites on Saturday and upload to DaWanda before that.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Purple Set

Komplekt sõrmusest, käeketist ja kõrvarõngastest. Sama ehtekividest motiiv kõigil.
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Here's a set of ring, bracelet and earrings. They all have the same rhinestone motif.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet Magda

Kuidagi väga järsku tekkis olukord, kus mul pole pakkuda kaelakeesid. Ma ei tea, kuidas see küll juhtus! Poodidesse küsitakse ja meili kaudu ka. Selliseid, nagu mul eelmises postituses oli, ma kahjuks nii ruttu valmistada ei suuda (kuigi mulle väga meeldiks, kui neid oleks igas värvitoonis...). Aga siin on minupoolne lahendus.

Palun saage tuttavaks, see on Magda. Jah, ma panin kaelakeele nime ja mitte ainult kaelakeele, vaid kaelakeede sarjale. Nimelt on mul valmimas mitu sarnase ehtekivide paigutusega kaelakeed, kus mängin erinevate värvidega. Ja kuna nad on sarnased, siis on nad kõik Magdad. See siin on Magda I. Värvid on sügisesed: Smoked Topaz, Light Smoked Topaz, Olivin, Jet.

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Suddenly I found myself in a situation with no necklaces to offer. I have no idea, how I couldn't see it coming! Shops are asking and people are writing emails too. I can't make many necklaces like in my last post, unfortunately (though I really wish I could have them in many colors...). So I came up with a quicker solution.

Meet Magda. Yes, this necklace has a name. And not just this one, but the entire series of this kind of necklaces. There are many necklaces in progress that have similar rhinestone shapes in same way but with different color combinations. And because they are similar they are all Magdas. This one here is Magda I. With autumn colors: Smoked Topaz, Light Smoked Topaz, Olivin, Jet.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pink Set

Komplekt uute helmestega. Oi-oi-kui roosa! :) Kinnised on kaunistatud muuhulgas suurte swarovski tilkadega, värv on Rose Water Opal. Kui vaadata kaelakeed, siis võiks ju arvata, et kõige raskem osa oligi kinnise kaunistamine. Aga ei. Ei olnud nii. Selliste kaelakeede puhul on kõige raskem õige pikkusega helmeridade lükkimine. Uh, minu jaoks lausa omaette kosmos! Vähe sellest, et tuleb arvestada kaelajoonega ning sellega, et helmeread ühtlaselt pikemaks läheksid - suurt rolli mängivad ka helmeste diameetrid...

Aga valmis sain (pärast mitmeid kohendamisi). Ja tulemusega olen rahul. Ülimagus komplekt ülimagusas roosas värvis :)

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Set with my new beads. Result is oh-so-pink! :) Clasps have swarovski pear shaped stones in color of Rose Water Opal amongst other bits and pieces. When looking at the necklace, one might think that the most difficult part would be decorating the clasp. But no. It's not so. The trickiest thing about this kind of necklaces is stringing the right lenght beadstrings. The difficulty is beyond everything for me! Yes, one should count in the curve of the neck and the fact that the strings should go from shorter to longer - but the diameter of the beads have also a big roll in this....

Nevertheless I did finish it (after making many adjustments). And I'm happy with the results. Supersweet set with supersweet pink :)