I have a selection of vintage handmade glass beads from Japan. These have a baroque finish and are all a bit different in shape/size. The dimples make them look almost like natural origin :) My favorite color is of-course turquoise green, but I have other lovely colors as well.
Here are some jewelry I made with these beads. Short necklace with a pendant, long necklaces that can be wrapped many times and earrings. Earrings are long and playful with hooks that I made from silver wire.
Vintage glass beads in turquoise green and baroque surface from Japan.
A set of vintage style jewelry: short necklace, two long necklaces and earrings.
Necklace can be worn together as layered/stacked.
Earrings are long with silver hooks.
Mul on kogunenud valik vintage käsitsi tehtud klaashelmeid Jaapanist. Neil on barokne pealispind ning igaüks on pisut erineva kuju/suurusega. Lohukeste tõttu tunduvad need nagu looduslikku päritolu :) Mu lemmik on muidugi türkiisroheline, aga mul on ka teisi ilusaid värve.
Siin on mõned ehted, mis tegin nendest helmestest. Lühike kaelakee ripatsiga, pikad kaelakeed, mida annab kanda mitmekordsena ning kõrvarõngad. Kõrvarõngad on pikad ja vallatud, konksud tegin ise hõbetraadist.