... Siin on üks paar hõbedast kõrvarõngaid :) Katsetasin esmakordselt sellist ümarat "konksu", mis tegelikult nagu polegi konks. Tegu tavalise rõngaga, mis püsib kõrvas tänu "raskusele", mis asub allotsas ;) Loomulikult räägin helmestest ja pärlitest! Magevee pärleid (terashall, sinine ja peacock), sinist aventuriini, tillukesed ioliidid, labradoriidist ovaalid ning pisut swarovskeid! Lill ja leht on hõbedased Karen Hill Tribe ripatsid.
Ma polnud eriti optimistlik sellise kõrvarõnga... e.. rõnga suhtes - ma arvasin, et see kukub mul kõrvast kohe ära... Aga eksisin, selline rõngas on vähemalt sama turvaline kui tavalised kõrvarõngakonksud. Nii et, nüüd on mul ilusad kõrvarõngad sinistes toonides, kus ka natuke halli ning mõnikord heidab labradoriit sinist helki, mis lisab natuke müstikat. Mvhahhhaaa!
Parandus: lisan kolmanda pildi, mis aitab aru saada, kuidas rõngas kõrva käib.Kõrvarõngad on müüdud.
Here is a pair of silver earrings :) This is the first time I tried the loop instead of the hook. The loop fits perfectly and stays in it's place thanks to the "weight" on the bottom ;) Ofcourse I'm talking about the beads and pearls! Freshwater pearls (grey, blue and peacock), blue aventurine, tiny iolites, oval labradorites and a bit of swarovskies! The flower and leave are Karen Hill Tribe silver.
I wasn't optimistical about this kind of earring hook - I thought it would definately fall of my ear... But I was wrong, it is at least as secure as regular earringhooks. So now I have a gorgeous pair of earrings in blues and a bit of greys, and sometimes the labradorite ovals give a blue flash giving a mystical look... Mvhahhhaaa!
Edit: I add the third picture to get an idea of how it works. This pair is sold.