Kas pole tüütu, kui ei saa keed valmis, kuna ei suuda leida vajaminevat jubinat?! See kaelakee oli poolik juba jaanuarist, aga ma ei suutnud leida seda medaljoni... Kuna kuu hakkab juba lõppema, lõin käega ning alustasin uue asjaga. Ja loomulikult siis, kui olin peaaegu uue asja valmis teinud, tuli too medaljon välja! Seekord tuleb mul siis kaks punast veebruarukuu ehet :)
Kee on parajalt punane ja romantiline. Sügavpunased klaashelmed ja vaskse viimistlusega traat. Medaljon on oksüdeerunud ajaga. Sain selle ja teise samasuguse kunagi "1 dollari" poest (second hand), kõrvarõngaste kujul. Helmeste ketile kinnitamine võttis omajagu aega, sest neid on päris palju :)
Isn't it annoying when you can't finish a piece because you just can't find the finding you need?! I started making this necklace in January and couldn't finish it, because I didn't know where I hide the medallion... Since the month is ending I gave up with my search and started with a new necklace. And ofcourse then, when I nearly finished the second one here comes out the medallion because it was right in front of me all the time (stashed away in a little box). So this time I'll have two projects for February :)
This necklace is quite red and romantic. Deep red glass beads and antiqued copper plated wire. The medallion has a genuine plating - it came through the time. I got this one and another like this from "1 dollar" shop (second hand), as a pair of earrings. Attaching beads to the chain took awhile cause there's so many of them :)