Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Project Spectrum: Red February vol2

Siin on nüüd see kee, mida alustasin pärast tulutuid medaljoni otsinguid.

Mooniõit meenutav lilleke koosneb hõbedase sisuga punastest seemnehelmestest (Colibry, Hiina), lille südamiku tegin erineva kuju ja suurusega vaskhelmestest. Lillel on viis erineva suurusega kroonlehte, mis on veidi kumera kujuga. Veel lisasin klaasist lehekesi. Lill koos lehtedega moodustab ripatsi, mis ülejäänud ketiga on ühendatud kahe karabiinhaagiga. Kett on 76cm pikk (vt esimene pilt), aga kui kett panna topelt, saab lühema variandi 41cm (vt teise rea pilte). Nii jääb kandjal vähemalt kaks erinevat viisi, kuidas keed kanda. Kõik komponendid on kas vasest või vaskse viimistlusega.

Kuidagi väga raske oli seda keed täies ilus pildile saada, no kohe mitte ei õnnestu :( Kui ilm on pisut heledam, siis proovin uuesti pildistada.

Now this is the necklace I started when I lost my hope on finding the medallion.

Poppy-like flower is made from silverlined red seedbeads ("Colibry", China), the center consists of shiny copper beads in different sizes and shapes. The flower has five peatals in different sizes that are a bit curvy. I added some glass leaveshaped beads on the sides. The flower and leaves assemble a pendant that is attached to the chain with two clasps. Chain is 76cm long (look at the first picture), but when you put the chain touble you'd get a shorter version 41cm (look at the pictures on the second row). So there is at least two different ways to wear it. All components are from copper or copper plated.

The pictures didn't come out right, I couldn't gapture the whole essence of this necklace :( When there's a brighter day, I'll try to photograph again.