Friday, July 4, 2008

When you want to mingle

Olin eile MSNis ja rääkisime janalillega maast ja ilmast, kui ta ühel hetkel küsis, kas suvel mingit kokkusaamist on. No siis ütlesin, et mis sa tahad, teeme ära :) Valida oli õpitoa, mokalaada ja koostegemise vahel. No kõige parem on kokku sobitada koostegemist ja mokalaata, nii hakkasime otsima seda, mida siis koos meisterdama hakata. Lõpuks osutus valituks viimase Bead&Buttoni ajakirjast käekett Even the Odds. Mõtlesime, et mis üritus see kahekesi ikka on, aga siis tuli eetrisse Lucy ja hakkasime sobitama aega. Hehee, ainuke klapitatav aeg oli reede (ehk siis järgmine päev - täna). Koht oli ka tegelikult lahtine, tagavara variant oli keldrikorrusel olev söögikoht, mida janalill teadis. No ja kuna me peaaegu, et öösel otsustasime järmine päev kokku saada, siis pole seda mõtet ka kõvemalt välja hõigata...
Täna saime kolmekesi Meloni kaubamaja ees kokku kell 13.30 ja väljas oli imeilus ilm. Nii kauni päikeselise ilmaga on patt kuskile tubastesse oludesse end suruda. Ainuke probleem oli see, et vaja ju korralikku lauda... Vaatasime üle tänava ja seal olidki Viru keskuse peasissekäigu kõrval laudasid üksjagu. No kas meil mitte ei vedanud? :D

Yesterday I was talking with janalill in MSN about this and that, when she asked me if there were any bead related events in this summer. I asked what exactly is she thinking of and said why can't we do it ourselves :) We could choose between workshop with teacher, making of a random project or just talking. It was more likely to combine the last two, so we started to look for a project. Finally we chose the bracelet Even the Odds from the last Bead&Button magazine. Well, then we thought whatkind of an event will have only two people, but then Lucy logged on and we started matching the date and time. Hehe, the only acceptable time was Friday (that was the next day - today). We weren't 100% sure about the place, there was one dining place janalill knew. Since we made the desicion about this "event" at late evening to get together tomorrow, then we planned it to be for just for three of us...
Today the three of us met in front of the
Melon department store at 13.30 and it was so beautiful and sunny day. With such a great weather it's a shame to go indoors. The problem was that we needed a table... we looked across the street and saw an area of tables and chairs next to the main entrance of Viru department store. Weren't we lucky? :D