Täna käisime Terjega Tallinna antiigipoodides. Ma olen juba mõnda aega mõelnud, et tahaks vaadata vanu ehtekividega aksessuaare :)
Esimene pood, kuhu sisse astusime, oli Antique Best Shop (Inseneri 1, visiitkaart ja asukoht). Seal polnud niivõrd kivikestega ehteid vaid hõbemünte, ikoone ja ordeneid. Aga ühe prossi siniste navette-kujuliste kividega õnnestus sealt leida. Ja müüja oli väga abivalmis ja nõus pildistamisega, mis andis julgust ettevõetud reisiga jätkata. Kahjuks ei suutnud ma tõetruud pilti prossist saada. Kõige parem, mis sain, on siintoodud piltidest see esimene, valgel taustal.
Teine pood, kuhu läksime, asus Müürivahe 17 (teine korrus). Väike ja kitsas, kuid sisaldas palju-palju :) Ma jäin kohe ninapidi kinni ühe vitriini juurde, kus oli välja pandud parajalt palju prosse ning kõrvarõngaid! Kui küsisin müüjannalt, kas saab lähemalt vaadata ja pilti teha, siis tehti suured silmad. Saime üsna pea jutule, selgitasin oma huvi blogimiseks materjali kogumisena ja siis see naisterahvas pakkus helesinist kangast pildistamise aluseks, kas pole armas? Oi, selles poes veetsime kaua aega :) Kõik prossid uurisin oma arvates läbi, kuid nüüd kodus pilte vaadates, tekkis ikkagi kahtlus...
Kolmas pood asus Müürivahe ja Väike Karja tänava nurgal (Müürivahe 17, Väike Karja 5). Visiitkaart. See oli suurem ja seal oli ka mööblit. Lisaks klaaskividega ehetele oli siin ehtsat vääriskivi ja metalli. Hinge võtsid kinni hõbedased filigraanehted! Need olid NII peened!!! Ja NII kaunid... Need võtsid kohe rõõmust kilkama :) Ma nüüd tagantjärele mõtlen, et mis mulje me küll võisime nii jätta, sest kui küsisime visiitkaarti ja mehel oli patakas visiitkaarte käes, siis pärast hetkelist mõtlemist, ulatas ta sealt meile valgete hulgast roosa :)
Jõudsime läbi käia kolmest poest, rohkem poleks lihtsalt jõudnud. Tahaks minna veel :) Seepärast on optimistlikult selle postituse pealkirja lisatud vol 1.

*Gold plated brooch with blue glass navettes (Antique Best Shop, Inseneri 1)

*Brooch with emerald and olivine glass rhinestones, beautiful stamped "filligree" details (Müürivahe 17)
* Brooch with AB crystal rhinestones, cute dangles (Müürivahe 17)

* Display of rhinestone brooches, some of them are from silver (Müürivahe 17)
*Terjes favourite :) Goldplated brooch with fine stamped "filligree" and light blue rhinestones. After I made this photo the lady cleanded the stones to sparkle more (Müürivahe 17)

*This gorgeous silver filligree brooch was about 3,5cm in diameter. Craftmanship that takes your breath away!!! (Väike Karja 5/ Müürivahe 17)
*A set with pink and crystal rhinestones (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)

*Big brooch with stamped "filligree", metal drops, faux pearls and (black diamond coloured) rhinestone (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)
*Another example of astonishing silver filligree!!! This is a panel of a wide bracelet (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)
*Wide stamped "filligree" ring with birds and imit. lapis lzuli scarabeus (Müürivahe 17)
*A goldplated brooch with pink stones, cameo brooch, wrist watch. The beads of that necklace are silver filligree! (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)
*Big silver filligree clip earrings (Väike Karja5/Müürivahe 17)Today I went with Terje through the antique shops in Tallinn. I've been thinking of browsing antique shops for accessories with rhinestones for a week now :)The first shop we entered was Antique Best Shop (Inseneri 1, business card and the location). There weren't as much as rhinestone jewellery but more like silver coins, icons and medals. But I managed to find one rhinestone brooch with blue navette glass stones. And the man who worked there was really kind and happily agreed with photographing the brooch that encouraged us in this journey. Unfortunately the photos came out terrible. The best one is the first one of the photos I put in this post.The second shop we went located at Müürivahe 17 (second floor). Small room but so full of antique things that it was amazing :) I got caught up with one display of gorgeously sparkling brooches and earrings! When I asked the lady who worked there if I could see them more close and make photos she rolled her eyes. But when I told about blogging then she was delighted and offered me a blue velvet cloth to make photos on, isn't that sweet? Oh my, we spend a lot of time in that small shop :) When we left I was sure I looked every brooch and pair of earrings up close but now, looking at the photos, I'm not so sure anymore...The third shop located on the corner of Väike Karja and Müürivahe streets (Väike Karja5, Müürivahe 17). Business card. This one was bigger and there was some beautiful furniture. Addition to glass rhinestone jewellery there was also with precios stones and metals. There were absolutely gorgeous silver filligree pieces that took our breath away! They were SO fine!!! And SO beautiful... We had trouble with getting hold of ourselves with all the marveling :) Now, thinking back I start to wonder of our behaviour because when we asked for a business card and that man, holding a bunch of cards in his hands, handed us (after a moment of thinking) a one on the pink paper :)
We visited only three shops. Time went so fast :) I'd like to repeat thiskind of journey so I was optimistic and added vol 1 to the title of this post.