Thursday, April 30, 2009

White Sugar

On üks sort klaasist ehtekive, mis näevad välja nagu oleksid need suhkruga üle puistatud. Mõnikord on seed AB läikelised. Neid toodeti kunagises Lääne Saksamaal. Mul õnnestus kaks komplekti ebay oskjonitelt kätte saada :)
Valged lihvitud klaashelmed, seemnehelmed (11/0), väikesed kunstkristallid ja vasksed metallvidinad. Kasutasin esimest korda valmis ripatsi alust, mis koosneb kahest osast (augulisest pealisest ja siledast põhjast).

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There is a sort of glass stones that looks if they were covered with sugar. Sometimes the also have ABsurface finish. They made these in West Germany. I managed to get two different kind of these from ebay auctions :)
White faceted glass beads, seedbeads (11/0), little crystal rhinestones and coppery findings. This is the first time I used a pendant finding with two parts (perforated top and a base with four prongs).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Simple flowers

Tegin vahelduseks lihtsaid kõrvarõngaid. Kasutasin kahekomponendilist liimi. Kõrvakad on üleval ka mu DaWanda poes. Las pildid räägivad enda eest:

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I did some simple earrings for a change. I used a two component glue. These are also in my DaWanda shop. I let the photos speak for themselves.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Mul on nende ehtekivide ostmine muutunud liiga sarnaseks kollektsioneerimisele :( Aga pole hullu :) Sest eriti rõõmsaks teeb mind see, kui saan asju originaalpakendis. Siin on kaks näidet. Mõlemad on vanaaegsed ehtekomponendid. Esimeseks on Jaapani Cherry Brand koralli värvi klaasist pressitud lillemustriga ehtekivid. Imeilusad ja peened. Sain need originaalpakendis, tahtsin küll seda kuidagi avada nii, et katki ei läheks, kuid see ei õnnestunud. Teine, kah originaalpakendis (väike pettumus, et nii lihtsalt kilekotis...) ost on käsitsi tehtud portselanist õrnroosad roosid. Naljakas mõelda, et kellegi vanavanaema või -isa on need teinud :)
Mõlema originaalpakendit ei saa enam kasutada, nii et otsisin kaks punast karpi ja pakkisin ilusti valge siidpaberiga ära :)

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This rhinestone shopping has become more and more similar to collecting them :( But it's OK :) And I feel especially lucky when I get them in original package. Here are two examples. Both are vintage. First one is a lot of Cherry Brand coral glass flower patterned oval stones from Japan. These are gorgeous! I got these in original packing and tried to keep the seal intact but failed. The other items, also in original package (bit dissapointed that it was just a plastic bag...), were handmade vintage porcelain roses in pale pink color. Funny to think that perhaps someones great grandmother or -father made these :)
I could no longer use these packages so I put them in old boxes and put white paper in it :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cherry Red Bracelet

Vot see käekett tuletas mulle meelde, et see nn disainimise protsess võib olla väga aega ja vaeva nõudev. Mul on praegu selles ehete tegemises kõik kuidagi kaootiline. Poolikud ideed tormavad peas ringi, pildid suvalistest ehetest tulevad silme ette. Ka sellistest ehetest, mis pole minu maitse ja tehtud tehnikas, mida ma ei valda või ei soovi kasutada. Samas pole jõudu või tahtmist nendega tegeleda ja kui tulebki tegemise tuhin peale, siis kõik ideed poevad kuhugi peitu ja jään lollilt oma helmeste keskele...
Niiviisi olen saanud valmis ainult ehete tükke. Jah, TÜKKE. Mis ma nende tükkidega peale hakkan, on täiesti lahtine. Ka selle käeketi lille ja seemnehelmestega osa oli üks neist tükkidest, mis sai valmis ja jäi ootama. Ma vist tahtsin teha sellest kaelakee ripatsi... või oli see hoopis mõni kõrvarõnga idee... Igaljuhul ma murdsin paar päeva selle üle oma pead, kuni selgus, et valmis peab saama käekett. Siis kulus mul päevi, et aru saada, mismoodi see käekett peab välja nägema. Kui tööga lõpuks alustasin, siis tekkis jälle mingi päevane vahe, kus mõtlesin tehniliste lahenduste üle. Ma ei julge mõeldagi, kui palju aega mul selle käeketi peale kulus. Aga lõpuks, siin ta on :)
See on üleval ka mu DaWanda poes. Müüdud.

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This bracelet reminded me that the process of designing can be really difficult and time consuming. I seem to have this weird phase when everything related to jewellery making is a bit chaotic. Unfinished ideas are running around in my head and I see images of random jewellery in my mind. Jewellery that isn't really for me and made with techniques that I can't or don't want to use. And then I don't have the strenght to deal with these ideas and when I do, all ideas run away and leave me alone with beads...
So I have made only bits and pieces of jewellery. Yes, PIECES. What am I going to do with these pieces, well I have no idea. The same thing was with this bracelet. The piece with flower and seedbeads was finished and perhaps I intended to make a pendant for a necklace... or perhaps it was ment to be an earring... Either way it took a couple of days for me to figure out that it's going to be a part of a bracelet. Then it took even more days to think what this bracelet will look like. When I started working on it then there was another day to figure out some technical problems. I don't dare to think about how long exactly did it take for me to make this bracelet. But finally, here it is :)
It's also in my DaWanda shop. Sold.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mesh Ribbon

Ma olen ostnud viimased "antiik" ehtekivid ebay'st ja avastasin, et seal müüakse ka Miriam Haskelli ehteid! Need on hingematvalt kaunid ja hinnad, need võtavad samamoodi hinge kinni... Hakkasin siis ehete pilte lähemalt uurima, et teada saada, kuidas need tehtud. Üllatus üllatus, nende tegemisel on kasutatud sama lähenemist, mida minagi!!! Samas tundub see minu puhul väga tüüpiline, et leiutan asju, mis ammuilma on juba tehtud :)
Uurides veel netist, leidsin, et Miriam Haskelli firma tegutseb ka tänasel päeval! Siin on koduleht, kust lugesin, et väljakujunenud märgiks on Miriam Haskelli ehetel kaunid pressitud "filigraan" (stamped filligree), mis on kaetud Russian gold kihiga (ehk siis selline punakas-vasekarva kuld nagu vene ajal siingi kasutati), swarovskid/ehtekivid ja klaaspärlid ning kvaliteetsed klaashelmed. Kõik ehted pannakse käsitsi kokku kasutades traati ning erinevaid metallkomponente. See tundub mulle kohutavalt huvitav :)
Aga see täna valminud ehe on katsetus kasutada traadist kootud paela! Ostsin selle eelmise aasta lõpus (BricolArtist), kuid ei osanud sellega midagi peale hakata. Kasutasin seda siis selles kaelakees. Ma ei tea, kas see pael mulle meeldib või mitte, kaelakeega olen muidu rahul. Tuli välja parajalt uhke-sätendav ja parajalt tagasihoidlik (et kanda argipäeval), ja mis samuti oluline, tugev. Ehtekivide värvid on crystal ja capri blue (swarovski ja Tšehhoslovakkia kivid). Keskosa on 3cm läbimõõduga. Tagumine pool.

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I've been purchasing vintage rhinestones from ebay and discovered that there are many sellers who have jewellery of Miriam Haskell! The beauty of these takes my breath away and the prices well, are also breath taking... I looked more closely the photos to see how these were made. I really was suprrised to see that the same technique was used as I use!!! But then again it's actually very typical to me and it has happened before that I discover and invent things that are done long before they'd come to my mind :)
When I searched more info from the net I found that Miriam Haskell is still in business today. Here is the site where I read that the signature to Haskells jewellery was the use of stamped "filligree", covered with Russian gold plating, swarovskies/rhinestones and glass pearls with quality glass beads. All was hand picked and assembled with wire and different metal components. It all seems very interesting to me :)
This necklace here is my todays attempt to try mesh ribbon.! Ibought it in the end of last year (from BricolArt) but didn't know how to use it. So I tried today. I'm not sure how I feel about this mesh ribbon, I'm happy with the necklace though. It glitters enough and is modest enough to wear everyday and also it's solid and strong which is very important. The colors of rhinestones are crystal and capry blue (swarovski and Czechoslovakias stones). The centerpiece measures 3cm. The backside.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dark Red

Olen pikka aega ainult vaadanud ehtekive, kuid valmis pole midagi teinud. Mõned asjad on pooleli ja ma ei tea, kas need üldse kunagi valmis saavad. Õnneks toimus täna üks ideevälgatus ja ma suutsin ka midagi valmis teha.
Tahtsin miskit teistmoodi, kuid välja tuli nagu eelnevatel kordadel, sümmeetriline ja kindla rütmiga ümmargune pross. Sümmeetriast ma vist nii kergelt ei loobu, kuid loodan tulevikus teha miskit muud kui ümmarguse kujuga prossi. Nagu näha, ehtekividega ma ei koonerdanud :) siin on igas suuruses neid. Värvidest on siin ülekaalus tumepunased (garnet, siam ruby), roosad ja helelillad AB kivid ei lase sellel prossil liiga süngeks minna. Kuigi nüüd mõtlen, et võiks ju teha ka tumeda prossi, kus kivid on kõik mustad vms.
Kindlasti oli see prossi valmimine tänu täna Saksamaalt saabunud pakile. Sain väikeseid ümaraid ning navette kujulisi ehtekivide "pesasid"! Ma juba kasutasin neid selles prossis ;)
Prossi diameeter on kuskil 3,5cm. Viimasel fotol pildistasin prossi Stockmanni kataloogil.

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I've been watching rhinestones for a while but not been able to make something out of them. There are a couple of things I started with but I'm not sure if I ever finish them. Fortunately I got a flash of an idea and I managed to finish a piece.
I wanted to make something different, but the outcome was a symmetrical and round-shaped brooch again. I guess it's too difficult to give up the symmetry but I'll try to make a brooch with some other shape than round in the future. As you can see I wasn't holding back with the rhinestones :) there are many sizes of them. From the colours mostly here are dark reds (garned, siam ruby), pinks and light amethyst AB stones don't let it all go too dark. But now I think I'll make a brooch with all black stones some day.
There's no doubt that the jewellery making today was due to the package I received from Germany. I got new small round and navette settings! I used them in this brooch ;)
This brooch measures approximately 3,5cm. Last picture I photographed the brooch on a Stockmann catalogue.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Faux Pearls & Turquoise Blossom

Minu uus lemmik!!! Siin on koos kokku 15 metallist kaunistust, neli auguta kunstpärli (3mm), TOHO valged seemnehelmed (suurus 11/0), üks käsitsi valmistatud klaasist kunst-türkiis "kivi" (14mm), klaaspärlid ning armas 8-kujuliste aasadega kett.
Kaelakee keskosa on sümmeetriline ja klassikalises värvikoosluses pärli ja türkiisiga. Klaasist türkiis "kumerlihviga" kivi on minu arvates väga hästi õnnestunud. See on tegelikult valget värvi klaas, mille pealispinnale on moodustatud helesinise emaili ja pruunaka värviga türkiisile iseloomuliku mustri. Ja loomulikult raamib kõike rikkalikult vasetatud metallist kaunistusi (lilli, "pesasid", võlts "filigraani"). Keti osas olin ma kahevahel, kas teha see klaaspärlireaga või lihtsa ketiga. Ma ei tea, mulle millegipärast tundub võõras see nailonkattega tross - ei jää nagu õiget tunnet. Kas mitte pole õigem pärlitega kasutada mitmekordset niiti? Jääb ehtsam ja mõnusam? Eks kunagi proovin ära, kui kusagilt nii suure koguse klaaspärleid saan :) Seekord tegin kompromissi ning panin nii klaaspärleid kui ka ketti. See on üleval ka mu DaWanda poes.
Edit: Keskosa tagumine pool.

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This is my new favourite!!! There are altogether 15 metal pieces, 4 faux pearl cabochons (3mm), TOHO white seedbeads (size 11/0), one handmade glass turquoise cabochon (14mm), glass pearls and a cute chain with 8-shaped links.
The centerpiece of this necklace is symmetrical and in classical color combination of pearl and turquoise. This glass turquoise cabochon is just great. It's actually white glass that is coated with blue enamel and brown color, greating a matrix. And ofcourse it is framed with copper colored metal findings (flowers, settings, stamped "filligree"). I wasn't sure of what I'll do with the chain part: pearl string or coppery chain. I was wondering about the fact that nailon coated steel wire will not have the right "feel" to it. Perhaps it'll be better with strings? Feels more "authentic"? I'll try it some day when I'll have enough glass pearls :) This time I compromized and put a couple of glass pearls with fine chain. It's also in my DaWanda shop.
Edit: The backside of the centerpiece.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Not impossible

Polnudki võimatu :) Kurvastasin enne, et mul pole selle kivi jaoks "pesa". Ega mul praegu ka pole :) Aga üks olemasolev sai tangidega kujundades täiesti sobivaks. Kujutage ette kui rõõmus ma olin kui selle võimaluse avastasin! Kaelakee keskosale panin rippuma ühe lopsaka erinevatest kettidest koosneva ripatsi. Lisaks keskmisele vapi kujulisele ehtekivile on siin mõned valget moonstone klaasist, läbipaistmatust helerohelisest ja swarovski green opal ehtekivid.
Kaelakee keskosa maksimumlaius on 5cm.

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It wasn't impossible :) I was sad I didn't had a setting for that stone. Well, I don't have it now either :) But I managed to customize one setting I already had with my pliers. Imagine the happiness when I discovered this possibility! There is a chain tassel from different chains hanging from the center piece. There are also some white moonstone glass, opaque light green and swarovski green opal rhinestones.
The maximum with of the centerpiece is 5cm.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Antique Shops in Tallinn vol1

Täna käisime Terjega Tallinna antiigipoodides. Ma olen juba mõnda aega mõelnud, et tahaks vaadata vanu ehtekividega aksessuaare :)
Esimene pood, kuhu sisse astusime, oli Antique Best Shop (Inseneri 1, visiitkaart ja asukoht). Seal polnud niivõrd kivikestega ehteid vaid hõbemünte, ikoone ja ordeneid. Aga ühe prossi siniste navette-kujuliste kividega õnnestus sealt leida. Ja müüja oli väga abivalmis ja nõus pildistamisega, mis andis julgust ettevõetud reisiga jätkata. Kahjuks ei suutnud ma tõetruud pilti prossist saada. Kõige parem, mis sain, on siintoodud piltidest see esimene, valgel taustal.

Teine pood, kuhu läksime, asus Müürivahe 17 (teine korrus). Väike ja kitsas, kuid sisaldas palju-palju :) Ma jäin kohe ninapidi kinni ühe vitriini juurde, kus oli välja pandud parajalt palju prosse ning kõrvarõngaid! Kui küsisin müüjannalt, kas saab lähemalt vaadata ja pilti teha, siis tehti suured silmad. Saime üsna pea jutule, selgitasin oma huvi blogimiseks materjali kogumisena ja siis see naisterahvas pakkus helesinist kangast pildistamise aluseks, kas pole armas? Oi, selles poes veetsime kaua aega :) Kõik prossid uurisin oma arvates läbi, kuid nüüd kodus pilte vaadates, tekkis ikkagi kahtlus...

Kolmas pood asus Müürivahe ja Väike Karja tänava nurgal (Müürivahe 17, Väike Karja 5). Visiitkaart. See oli suurem ja seal oli ka mööblit. Lisaks klaaskividega ehetele oli siin ehtsat vääriskivi ja metalli. Hinge võtsid kinni hõbedased filigraanehted! Need olid NII peened!!! Ja NII kaunid... Need võtsid kohe rõõmust kilkama :) Ma nüüd tagantjärele mõtlen, et mis mulje me küll võisime nii jätta, sest kui küsisime visiitkaarti ja mehel oli patakas visiitkaarte käes, siis pärast hetkelist mõtlemist, ulatas ta sealt meile valgete hulgast roosa :)

Jõudsime läbi käia kolmest poest, rohkem poleks lihtsalt jõudnud. Tahaks minna veel :) Seepärast on optimistlikult selle postituse pealkirja lisatud vol 1.

*Gold plated brooch with blue glass navettes (Antique Best Shop, Inseneri 1)
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*Brooch with emerald and olivine glass rhinestones, beautiful stamped "filligree" details (Müürivahe 17)
* Brooch with AB crystal rhinestones, cute dangles (Müürivahe 17)
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* Display of rhinestone brooches, some of them are from silver (Müürivahe 17)
*Terjes favourite :) Goldplated brooch with fine stamped "filligree" and light blue rhinestones. After I made this photo the lady cleanded the stones to sparkle more (Müürivahe 17)

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*This gorgeous silver filligree brooch was about 3,5cm in diameter. Craftmanship that takes your breath away!!! (Väike Karja 5/ Müürivahe 17)
*A set with pink and crystal rhinestones (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)

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*Big brooch with stamped "filligree", metal drops, faux pearls and (black diamond coloured) rhinestone (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)
*Another example of astonishing silver filligree!!! This is a panel of a wide bracelet (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)

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*Wide stamped "filligree" ring with birds and imit. lapis lzuli scarabeus (Müürivahe 17)
*A goldplated brooch with pink stones, cameo brooch, wrist watch. The beads of that necklace are silver filligree! (Väike Karja 5/Müürivahe 17)
*Big silver filligree clip earrings (Väike Karja5/Müürivahe 17)

Today I went with Terje through the antique shops in Tallinn. I've been thinking of browsing antique shops for accessories with rhinestones for a week now :)
The first shop we entered was Antique Best Shop (Inseneri 1, business card and the location). There weren't as much as rhinestone jewellery but more like silver coins, icons and medals. But I managed to find one rhinestone brooch with blue navette glass stones. And the man who worked there was really kind and happily agreed with photographing the brooch that encouraged us in this journey. Unfortunately the photos came out terrible. The best one is the first one of the photos I put in this post.

The second shop we went located at Müürivahe 17 (second floor). Small room but so full of antique things that it was amazing :) I got caught up with one display of gorgeously sparkling brooches and earrings! When I asked the lady who worked there if I could see them more close and make photos she rolled her eyes. But when I told about blogging then she was delighted and offered me a blue velvet cloth to make photos on, isn't that sweet? Oh my, we spend a lot of time in that small shop :) When we left I was sure I looked every brooch and pair of earrings up close but now, looking at the photos, I'm not so sure anymore...

The third shop located on the corner of Väike Karja and Müürivahe streets (Väike Karja5, Müürivahe 17). Business card. This one was bigger and there was some beautiful furniture. Addition to glass rhinestone jewellery there was also with precios stones and metals. There were absolutely gorgeous silver filligree pieces that took our breath away! They were SO fine!!! And SO beautiful... We had trouble with getting hold of ourselves with all the marveling :) Now, thinking back I start to wonder of our behaviour because when we asked for a business card and that man, holding a bunch of cards in his hands, handed us (after a moment of thinking) a one on the pink paper :)

We visited only three shops. Time went so fast :) I'd like to repeat thiskind of journey so I was optimistic and added vol 1 to the title of this post.