Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sale on DaWanda

Ühinesin täna DaWanda kampaaniaga "DaWanda Cup", mis toob hinnad 11% alla. Vaatasin kodus ringi, panin mõned ehted ka poodi üles. Need ehted on rännanud mööda mitmeid poode, kuniks jõudsid tagasi koju ja ma unustasin nad. Poodi panin kunagiste hindadega, nüüd soodukaga ehk leiab mõni neist kodu. Ning üks kihvt leid polümeersavi vallast: mini lilled!

Miniature Polymer Clay Art, Blue Hydrangea on DaWanda

Discovered on DaWanda

By: Mycraftgarden

Miniature Polymer Clay Art, Blue Hydrangea

DaWanda Shop-Widget

I joined the DaWanda campaign "DaWanda Cup" that brings prices down 11% . So I looked around the house and found some jewellery to list too. These pieces have traveled from shop to shp until they ended up back home and I forgot them. I listed them with the price they once had and now with sale you can find a bargain. Looking around at DaWanda I found this great polymer clay flower shop (see the photo above). Miniature flowers!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Light Sapphire & Pearl Set

Ehete tegemine on muutunud mulle raskeks. Vähemalt praegu küll. Poolikuid töid on terve laud täis ja üha enam on ebaõnnestunud katsetusi. Päris-päris uusi ehteid veel pole, ent palju varasemat on pildistamata... Palju kõrvarõngaid, mis on omavahel sarnasemad kui mulle meeldiks. Kõik on kaootiline ja poolik.

Näiteks need siin, kõrvarõngad ja käekett, polnud üldse planeeritud kui komplekt. Lihtsalt pildistamisel avastasin, et sobivad kokku :)

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Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Making jewellery is getting more difficult. At least now. Unfinished work is covering my desk and many times I have failed when trying to make my idea real. There are no new pieces but there are many older ones that I haven't photographed... Lots of earrings that are way too similar to each other than I would like. Everything seems without a purpose and on the half way.

For example these here, a bracelet and pair of earrings, were not made as a set. When photographing I just found out they make a good match :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Swarovski Emerald

Minu üks viimaseid leide. Originaalpakk vintage ehtekive Swarovskilt. Suurus: 19ss (4,5mm). Värv: Emerald. Kogus: 1440tk!
Photobucket Photobucket

One of the latest finds. Original vintage package of Swarovski rhinestones. Size: 19ss (4,5mm). Color: Emerald. Quantity: 1440pcs!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Leverbacks are back!

Kunagi, kui sai tellitud neid kõrvarõnga toorikuid, oli mul hirm, et need muudavad ehte liiga kalliks. Samas meeldisid need mulle tohutult. Alguses andis mängida, sest ei osanud neid kasutada, aga aja möödudes sai valmis kõrvarõngastest minev kaup :) ...ja siis said nad mul otsa.
Nüüd on uus partii kohal ja esimesed kõrvarõngad valmis. Preciosa kristallid (Sahara) ning Tšehhi rohelised ja roosad klaashelmed.

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Photobucket Photobucket

When I first ordered these earring blanks I was afraid that these will cause too high price when earrings are finished. But I really liked them. I had to try hard to find the best way to use them, but in time I found out that these became quite a hit :) ... and then I run out of the blanks.
Now these are restocked and the first pair is finished. Preciosa crystals (Sahara) with Czech green and pink glass beads.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Tegin mõned sõrmused ja proovin siin DaWanda uut võimalust postitada toode otse blogisse. Paistab, et õnnestus. See sõrmus on Sapphire Light swarovski ehtekividega ning lisaks Tšehhi klaaspärlid. Parajalt suur ja parajalt edev.
Sapphire&Pearl Large Ring on DaWanda

Discovered on DaWanda

By: mdmB

Sapphire&Pearl Large Ring

DaWanda Shop-Widget

I've been making some rings lately and I'll attempt to use the new DaWanda feature that allows to post items from shops straight to blog. I guess it works. I made this ring with Sapphire Light swarovski rhinestones and Czech glass pearls.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Clamper Bracelet

Esimene katsetus kasutada sellist käevõru-toorikut. See avaneb kaunistatud osast ja on tagant vedruga nii, et sulgub iseenesest. Minu tehtud ongi ainult see kaunistatud osa klaaspärlite, helmeste ning Tšehhoslovakkias valmistatud ehtekividega. Paras pusimine oli. Natuke viltu läks ka :)
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Photobucket Photobucket

This is my first attempt to use a clamper bracelet base. It opens from above where are the beaded plates with rhinestones and has a spring that keeps it closed. The clamper base was ready-made, I only added the filigrees and beads, pearls and rhinestones from Czechoslovakia. It was quite a handful to put together. The plates are bit off the center too :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vitrail Light

Midagi lihtsamat, kuid ikka sädelevat :) Swarovski rivolid Vitrail Light viimistlusega.
Photobucket Photobucket

Something simple yet sparkly :) Swarovski rivolis in Vitrail Light.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


*Urban Beautiful semifinalistid selgunud, vaata siit!
*Tšehhi seemnehelmeste tellimus tehtud ja Eesti poole teel. Kahjuks läbipaistvat hõbesisuga seal hulgas pole. Suurused on enamuses 11/0 ja 15/0.
*Olen teinud hulga kõrvarõngaid ja neist palju pilte. Aga pildid enamjaolt välja ei tulnud :(
*Midagi uut kõrvarõngaste vallast ka. Käsitsivalmistatud klaaspärlid 1920ndatest aastatest, swarovski Olivine ning preciosa Sahara ehtekivid, Tšehhi roosad ning käsitsilihvitud Hiina klaashelmed:
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

*Semifinalists of Urban Beautiful Contest are announced, you can find them here!
*I've finished an order of Czech seedbeads and the package is on it's way!
*I've done a lot of earrings and even more photos of them. But photographing was a total disaster :(
*Above you can see something new in my earring-making. Tiny handmade glasspearls from 1920's, swarovski Olivine and preciosa Sahara rhinestones, Czech pink and handfaceted glassbeads from China.