Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ma olen tavaliselt öelnud, et ma ei tee käeehteid kellaga :) Üheks põhjuseks kellatoorikute küsitav kvaliteet ja teiseks fakt, et tegelikult ju kellade kaunistajaid-tegijaid on Eestis piisavas koguses, et soovija endale selle õige leiaks. Aga nagu näha, siis ära kunagi ütle "kunagi". Ma suudan ei öelda meili teel ning enamjaolt ka telefonis, aga mitte näost-näkku. Ja mis siin enam rääkida, ega asjad ei lähe tihti nii, nagu ma ette kujutan. Alguses mulle anti üks kell, mida ma võiksin vabalt valitud viisil tuunida. Lähemal vaatlusel ei leidnud ma vajalikke aasasid, et lisada ketti. Ning rihma ei saanud sealt tervena eemaldada. Pealegi oli kell täitsa ilus ja kahju ka lõhkuda.

Ma olen näinud ehetes kasutatavaid strass toorikuid ja strass kellasid. Need on need pooleli valmis ehte komponendid, millel on kristallikeste jaoks jäetud süvendid. Ja millegipärast on need tihtilugu tühjaks jäetud. Huvitav, miks? Kui pole soov ehtekive kasutada, siis miks ei kasutata ilma süvendita toorikuid? Nii ma mõtlesingi, et prooviks ise ka sellist kasutada, vbl on nendega mingi probleem, et raske kleepida neid kive vms...

Ja tellisin endale esimesed strass kellatoorikud. Kleepimine oli tõesti proovikivi. Mul isegi olid sobivad ehtekivid olemas. Töö käis mitmes järgus, sest vastasel juhul oleksin kogemata juba liimitud kivid kogemata paigalt lükanud. Ja kõiki kristalle ma täpselt horisontaalselt ei suutnudki paigutada, ükskõik kui palju ma vaeva nägin

Kellal on swarovski White Opal Star Shine kristallid ja neli Tšehhoslovakkias valmistatud kivikest ning klaashelmeid. Mul on vaja veel kell teha omanikule täpselt parajaks.

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Photobucket Photobucket

Many times I've said I'm not making those watches :) First because of the questionable quality of the watch workpiece and second, I think there's enough people in Estonia who make them. But I guess never say "never", right. I can say "no" via email and mostly on phone too, but not face to face. And no need to mention that things don't usually go as planned. First I was given a watch that I could redo as I pleased. But that watch had no attaching possibilities and I couln't remove the old watchband without breaking it. And it was a lovely watch so I really didn't want to break it.

I've seen people use premade metal jewelry components that are called strass components. These are the components with holes so you could glue rhinestones in them. And even though people use them, they often leave these holes empty. I wonder why? If they don't want to use rhinestones, then there are various other components without these holes. So I decided to try one of these out, who knows there could be some reason why the strass components are left without strass. Perhaps it's too difficult to glue?

And I ordered my first strass watch faces. Gluing thos tiny rhinestones was difficult indeed! Fortunately I had the right (more-or-less) sized stones. I had to wait the glue to dry many times so I wouldn't accidentally push one of the rhinestone out of its hole. And I couldn't get all the stones to be horisontally no matter how hard I tried!

I used Swarovski White Opal Star Shine rhinestones with Czechoslovakian crystals and glass beads.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Olive & Milk

Sain valmis! Komplekt kaelakeest ja käeketist. Mõlemal on 9 rida helmeid!

Meeldiva üllatuse valmistasid piimjasvalged klaashelmed. Kui need ostsin, siis müüja kirjelduses olid need "vintage" ning mainitud oli tootjamaa Jaapan. Helmed olid ajutiselt lükitud niidile ning igal niidil oli silt tootja brändi märgiga. Iseenesest väga armas. Aga kui ma antud ehete jaoks hakkasin neid helmeid uuesti lükkima avastasin, et need on käsitsi tehtud ja mitte pressitud vaid nö keeratud. Tänapäeva ümmargusi helmeid pressitakse, et saada ühesuurune, -kujuline helmes. Aga 4mm helmeid ümber metallvarda keerutada... Igaljuhul on tegu kvaliteettootega!

Oliivrohelised helmed on tänapäevased, aga lihvitud käsitsi. Kui tavalisel, nö tšehhi tüüpi 12mm fire polish helmel on 32 tahku, siis nendel on 96. Sedasi lihvitakse poolvääriskive. Tänu paljudele tahkudele sillerdavad need helmed kaunilt ja püüavad valgust ka enda sisse.

Kinnisel on suur lihvitud kristallklaasist tilk, ehtekive ja klaashelmeid. Ja nagu ikka, avastasin ma, et mul on liiga vähe ehtekive. Oliivrohelist võiks rohkem olla :) Oliivroheliste juurde panin ma tšehhi kristallist ehtekive "sahara", mis otse vaates on sinine, küljelt oliivroheline ning viskab mõne oranžika helgi ka sisse.

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Photobucket Photobucket

Finished! Set of a necklace and bracelet. Both have 9 strings of beads!

I had a nice surprise with these white milky beads. When I bought them they were described as vintage and made in Japan. They were temporary strung and every string had a label with brand name, logo and country of origin. Very cute. When I started to restring them I noticed that these little beads were handmade, and not pressed but handwound. These are all in one shape and size as handmade beads ever can. Definately a quality product!

Olive green beads are new, made in nowadays, faceted by hand. When most commonly used faceted beads are usually fire polished czech glass beads, then in size 12mm they have 32facets. But these green ones here have 96. They usually cut semi-precious stone beads like this. Swarovski also have article like that, but cutting is made with machines so result is meticulously precise. Thanks to so many facets the green beads sparkle and also catch light within.

The clasp has a big faceted pear shaped crystal glass bead/pendant, some rhinestones and beads. And as many times before I realised that there's not enough rhinestones. I should have more in olive green :) But I added some czech crystal rhinestones in Sahara color. It has a blue and olive green colors with a little orange flash in it depending the angle you look.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

White beads...

Siin on ühed vanad helmed, mille ostsin mõned aastad tagasi ja jäid seisma. Pärit Jaapanist, piimjasvalged. Isu tuli teha mitmerealine kee, kaunistatud karpkinnisega. Mul on kaks niiti kristallklaasist suuri oliivrohelisi helmeid ka. Need on tihedate lihvitud tahkudega. Oliivroheline ja valge... Ehk hakkab miskit looma.

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Photobucket Photobucket

These are vintage glass beads that I purchased some years ago. Made in Japan, milky white. I think I want to make a festive necklace with many strings of beads and a box clasp. I also have two strings of large crystal glass olive green beads. With micro faceting. Olive green and white... Perhaps it leads somewnere.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Starburst vol.2 in Light Smoked Topaz

Ma otsisin veel neid alla 2mm kivikesi, et korrata seda kaelakeed. Ja leidsin ühe paki, millel kiri Swarovski Light Smoked Topaz. Väga hea, mõtlesin, mul ju sama värvi teisi suurusi ka.

Kui paki (või õigemini tegu ümbrikumoodi asjaga) avasin, leidsin seest tillukeste kivikeste segu. Ja lähemal uurimisel oli näha ka värvi erinevusi. Pole Swarovski värvide proff, niimoodi pakkudes ütleksin, et seal oli peale Light Smoke Topaz'i veel Light Colorado Topaz. Viimane on natuke kollakam. Silma järgi suutsin enamvähem eristada kivikeste suurusi. Valmis selline kaelakee.

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I was looking for some tiny rhinestones to make this necklace in different color, when I came across a packege of these ones, Swarovski Light Smoked Topaz written on it. Very good, I thought, for I do have that color rhinestones in other sizes.

When I opened a package (that's more like an envelope), I found a mix of different sizes. And when I looked even closer I saw some color differences. I'm not aware of all Swarovski colors (there's just too many of them to know by heart), I think it also had some Light Colorado Topaz in it too. It's a bit more yellow. Fortunately I could see the size differences by naked eye. And this is a result. A necklace.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Les Petites korraldas jälle väga kihvti pildistamise, seekord modelliks Kene Vernik. Lemmikpildi panen siia üles :) No nii ilusad värvid ja kleit ning lipsuke. Selline mõnusalt vintage. Kene on fotodel armas ning samas, kuidas nüüd öeldagi, iseloomuga ;)

Foto/Photo: Elika Hunt
Modell/Model: Kene Vernik
Jumestus/Make up: Anna Murulauk
Soeng/Hair: Marka ( Pireti Ilusalong )
Stiil/Style: Elena Volk (Les Petites)
Kleit/Dress - Piret Ilves


LesPetites arranged another photoshoot, model is Kene Vernik. This photo is my favourite :) Beautiful colors and the dress and bow. Kind of vintage look. Kene looks sweet with a bit of edge ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Autumn Green

Kui praegusel aastaajal aknast välja vaadata, siis näeb arvatavasti just sellist rohelist värvi.
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When looking out of a window this time of year you'll probably see thiskind of green color.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Vanadest ehtekividest ning värvitoonilt hallikas väikese roosa lisandiga kaelakee. Kõige keskel olev piklik kivi on kahevärviline - kristall ja roosa. Hallid ümmargused Tšehhoslovakkia kristallklaasist kivid lähevad kollases elektrivalguses samblaroheliseks :)
Hetkel müügil Les Petites'es. Selliste kaelakeede sarja nimi on tegelikult Elisabeth. See halli ja roosaga siin on Elisabeth II.
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Photobucket Photobucket

Necklace with vintage rhinestones in gray and some pink. Navette stone in the center is a mix of crystal clear and fuchsia pink. Gray crystal glass rhinestones turn greenish in yellow light :)

Right now it's in Les Petites. But the name of this series of necklaces is Elisabeth. This gray and pink one is Elisabeth II.