Eelmine nädal jõudis Eestisse üks vana ehtekivide pakike, millele sain kätte eile. Müüja kirjelduse kohaselt peaks olema tegu vanade Swarovski kividega. Kvaliteet on tõesti hea, ent kuskilt ei leidnud mingit märget, et tegu oleks Swarovski toodanguga. Pakil on üleval servas kirjas "IMIT.DOUBLETS EXTRA step cut FOILED RUBY 4.2/5MM" ja lõpp on käsitsi üle kirjutatud, veel "AUG 6 1946". All vasakus nurgas "GRO 4", mis tähendab kogust (4grossi=4x144=576tk) ning paremas nurgas numbrid "3629". Teisel pool on edasimüüja andmed "Hoffer-Ashley, inc.", mis võib ollagi üks suurim ehtekivide edasimüüja, mis kannab tänapäeval nime E.H. Ashley & Co, inc (asutatud 1899). Ning neli kohanime New York, Paris, Oberstein Nahe ja Gablonz. Kuna viimane on kõige suurema fondiga, siis võibolla ongi kivid toodetud hoopis Tšehhoslovakkias.
Kivid on tugevast pruunist jõupaberist volditud ümbrikus siidipaberis ja vati sisse mähitud. Need on rubiinpunased, lihvitud vapikujuliselt ning foolium on peaaegu rikkumata. Mul on tunne, et selliseid ehtekivide pesasid ma ei leia...

Last week a vintage rhinestone package came to Estonia, I received it yesterday. The man who sold it described it as vintage Swarovski. The quality is stunning though I couldn't find anything on the package to confirm it was Swarovski. On the edge of the envelope there is a writing "IMIT.DOUBLETS EXTRA step cut FOILED RUBY 4.2/5MM" and last part is over written by hand, and also "AUG 6 1946". Left corner has "GRO 4" meaning the amount of stones in this package (4grosses=4x144=576pcs) and right corner numbers "3629". On the back of the package there's info about the wholesaler "Hoffer-Ashley, inc" that could be one of the biggest rhinestone reseller that carries a name E.H. Ashley & Co, inc nowadays (it was founded in 1899). And four city names New York, Paris, Oberstein and Gablonz. Since the last one is written in bigger font then perhaps these stones were made in Czechslovakia.
Rhinestones are carefully wrapped in cotton, tissue paper and strong brown paper. These are ruby red, cut into shield shape and folium is almost perfect. I have a feeling I'm not going to get matching settings for those...