Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Head Uut Aastat!

Piltidel on mõne päeva eest valmis saanud nõelad. Nimetagu neid siis rinnanõel, kübaranõel või reväärinõel... Tillukesed kristallid ja helmed ning lehed ja lillekesed. Hiljuti avasin ka oma poekese etsy's. Olete teretulnud mdmButiiki!

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Happy New Year!

Here are photos of pins I've recently made. Lapel pins, hat pins, stick pins... Tiny crystals and beads with leaves and flowers. I've also recently opened my shop at etsy's for those who prefer transactions in USD. You are most welcome to visit mdmButiik there.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Miss Molly Button Earrings

Tahtsin teha nööpkõrvarõngaid, milles oleks rohkem seemnehelmeid, kohe palju rohkem kui viimases "Blossom" seerias. Ja siis tekkisidki need siin. Selle kõrvarõngaste seeria nimeks sai "miss Molly". Sest need ei sätenda nii palju ning neis on neiulikult armsad lillekesed. Kõrvaõngad on kaunistatud mitmekihiliselt, nii nagu vanasti tehti :) Praegu ma väga palju erinevaid värvikombinatsioone selles tegumoes ette ei kujuta (maksimum kahe värviga), aga kuna kõrvarõnga toorik on ainult 18mm, siis palju see ei saagi mahutada. Kahjuks lõhub nende valmistamine kohutavalt näppe... Tööprotsessi käigus on püsti peenikesi traadiotsi ning žiletina teravaid servi. Need lõpuks on muidugi eemaldatud või peidetud töö sisse nii. Aga jah, mul pole ammu näpud niiiii valutanud.

Kasutasin siin nii uusi kui ka vanu ehtekive (Swarovski, Preciosa) koos Tšehhi seemnehelmestega. Metallkomponendid on toodetud EU-s.

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I wanted to make earrings that have more seedbeads in them, lot more than my previous earrings from "Blossom" series. And then I made these. I named this new earring series "miss Molly". Because they don't shine too much and have sweetest flowers in them. Earrings are in layered technique, just like they used to make in the old days :) I can't see too many color combinations with them (max 2 colors) but since the plate is 18mm in diameter it doesn't hold too much anyway. Unfortunately making these hurts my fingers, alot... During the process there are many thin wire ends and razor-sharp edges. I will remove or hide them all. Yes, my fingers haven't ached that much in a long time.

I used new and vintage rhinestones (Preciosa, Swarovski) with Czech seedbeads. All metal components were made in EU.

Friday, December 23, 2011

...for the Holidays


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wedding Jewellery

Olen ammu tahtnud teha ühe kollektsiooni spetsiaalselt pulmade jaoks, kuid olen seda iga kord edasi lükanud. Põhiliselt on probleemiks olnud ka pärlite nigel tagavara ning ka kristallvärvi vintage ehtekivide nappus turul. Seetõttu ei saanud fantaasial vabalt lennata lasta ning isegi nüüd, kus osad asjad on valmis, pole ma saanud seda õiget tunnetust. Siin mõned pildid:

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I've always wanted to make a collection of wedding jewellery but there's always something else to do so I had to put it on hold too many times. Mostly I didn't have enough pearls anyway and crystal color vintage rhinestones too. Because of the material shortage I couldn't let my fantasy fly and even now when some pieces are finished I haven't got the real feeling. So here are some photos what I made.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Elisabeth VII & old SW Vitrail Medium

Kaelakee seeriast Elisabeth, see siin on järjekorras VII. Värvidest on siin kõige rohkem beeži ja roosat. Tšehhoslovakkia pressitud lihvitud klaaskivide värviks on Rosalin, käsitsivalmistatud tilgakujulised opaali imitatsioonid aga sisaldavad peale roosa veel rohelist, valget ja kollast. Swarovski toodangut on siin ka, suuremad ümmargused AB läikelised Light Peach, tillukesed Light Peach, piklik Jonquil ning ripatsi osa üleval ja all tipus olev Vitrail Medium ehtekivid.

Viimased on päris erilised minu jaoks. Pakendi järgi on need kivid kuskilt 1950ndatest, aga mis eriti põnev - see Swarovski viimistlus oli vanasti hoopis teine. Kui tänapäevane Vitrail Medium on arbuusi värvidega (fuktsiaroosa, smaragtroheline, oliivroheline ja kollakas), siis vanasti oli see hoopis mahedam ja salapärasem. Vanades Vitrail Medium ehtekivides on näha mahedat oranži, roosat ja sinist ning aimatavalt õrna lilla-roosakat varjundit.
Elisabeth VII Necklace on DaWanda

Discovered on DaWanda

By: mdmB

Elisabeth VII Necklace

DaWanda Shop-Widget

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This is a necklace from Elisabeth series. This one is Elisabeth VII and has bright beige and pink colors. Czechoslovakian pressed and tablecut rhinestones are in Rosalin color, handmade glass imitation opal has pink, yellow, blue and white. There are many Swarovski crystals too, like bigger round ones in Light Peach AB, tiny Light Peach, long navettes in Jonquil and some special ones at the top and bottom. Thes are vintage Vitrail Medium.

Judging by the package these might be from the 1950s. But what really makes them special to me is that the old Vitrail Medium finish differs from the one Swarovski uses nowadays. Now this finish has bright water melon colors (fuchsia pink, emerald, olive, yellow) but back then it was much more delicate and mysterious. Old Vitrail Medium is a blend of soft orange, pink and light blue with a hint of purple.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Vintage Rhinestone Package

Eelmine nädal jõudis Eestisse üks vana ehtekivide pakike, millele sain kätte eile. Müüja kirjelduse kohaselt peaks olema tegu vanade Swarovski kividega. Kvaliteet on tõesti hea, ent kuskilt ei leidnud mingit märget, et tegu oleks Swarovski toodanguga. Pakil on üleval servas kirjas "IMIT.DOUBLETS EXTRA step cut FOILED RUBY 4.2/5MM" ja lõpp on käsitsi üle kirjutatud, veel "AUG 6 1946". All vasakus nurgas "GRO 4", mis tähendab kogust (4grossi=4x144=576tk) ning paremas nurgas numbrid "3629". Teisel pool on edasimüüja andmed "Hoffer-Ashley, inc.", mis võib ollagi üks suurim ehtekivide edasimüüja, mis kannab tänapäeval nime E.H. Ashley & Co, inc (asutatud 1899). Ning neli kohanime New York, Paris, Oberstein Nahe ja Gablonz. Kuna viimane on kõige suurema fondiga, siis võibolla ongi kivid toodetud hoopis Tšehhoslovakkias.

Kivid on tugevast pruunist jõupaberist volditud ümbrikus siidipaberis ja vati sisse mähitud. Need on rubiinpunased, lihvitud vapikujuliselt ning foolium on peaaegu rikkumata. Mul on tunne, et selliseid ehtekivide pesasid ma ei leia...

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Last week a vintage rhinestone package came to Estonia, I received it yesterday. The man who sold it described it as vintage Swarovski. The quality is stunning though I couldn't find anything on the package to confirm it was Swarovski. On the edge of the envelope there is a writing "IMIT.DOUBLETS EXTRA step cut FOILED RUBY 4.2/5MM" and last part is over written by hand, and also "AUG 6 1946". Left corner has "GRO 4" meaning the amount of stones in this package (4grosses=4x144=576pcs) and right corner numbers "3629". On the back of the package there's info about the wholesaler "Hoffer-Ashley, inc" that could be one of the biggest rhinestone reseller that carries a name E.H. Ashley & Co, inc nowadays (it was founded in 1899). And four city names New York, Paris, Oberstein and Gablonz. Since the last one is written in bigger font then perhaps these stones were made in Czechslovakia.

Rhinestones are carefully wrapped in cotton, tissue paper and strong brown paper. These are ruby red, cut into shield shape and folium is almost perfect. I have a feeling I'm not going to get matching settings for those...