Suured Swarovski ehtekivid on mind alati hirmutanud. Vähe sellest, et suure kristallklaasist kivi hind võtab hinge kinni, on nendele metallist "pesasid" väga raske leida. Ja kuna ma kive liimida ei taha ja ise neid raame metallist ei sae :) siis järgmise ehmatuse saab metallist valmis kastiku hinnast. Ja kuhu see kivi panna? Sest kui suur kivi nõuab suurt "pesa", siis see kõik on vaja kuhugi mahutada. Ehk siis on vaja suurt filigraan-plaati. Kui rahakott ja südametunnistus elavad selle kõige üle, on ees see kõige raskem asi. Ehte teostamine. Tjah, kogemust sellistega mul napib. Esimene ja viimane kokkupuude nii suure kiviga oli siis, kui kasutasin traadimässimise tehnikat. Ja see oli oi-kui-ammu!
Ma ei ütle, kui kaua ma seda tegin või kui keeruline see protsess oli. Eks arvake ise :) Praegu on mõnus tunne, sest tean, et ületasin ennast. Ja kuna sain suure kiviga hakkama, siis ehk peaks midagi sellist kordama.
*Swarovski Chaton art.1100 29ss Emerald
*Swarovski Chaton art.1012 29pp Crystal
*Swarovski Chaton art.1100 24pp Crystal
*Vintage glass pearl drop
*Imitation pearls
Big Swarovski rhinestones have always scared me. Looking at the price will make you gasp and finding the right setting can be tough. And because I don't want to use glue or make stone frame from metal :) then there's only way to sigh and pay even more for ready made setting, if you find it ofcourse. But where to put it? When a big rhinestone needs a big setting it all needs to be put somewhere - a stamped filigree that isbig enought ot hold it. When conscience and account at the bank survive this all, you're on your way for the most difficult part. Making the jewelry with it. My experience with big stones is very limited. The first and last time I used a big rhinestone was with wire wrapping technique. And it was oh-so-long ago!
I'm not going to tell you how long it took or how difficult it was to me. You may guess :) Right now I feel pretty good for I know I excelled myself. And when I succeeded with using this big stone perhaps I should try to repeat something like this again.