Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pastel Colors for the Spring

I love pastel colors! And pastel colored jewelry is always a good idea in Spring. I played with the earring design I previously have used in turquoise green and yellow earrings adding some more colors to the selection.
Every earring has a metal bead cap with Swarovski crystal rhinestones that I first attached to four-prong settings and then wired together. Crystal rhinestones, pearls and pastel colors make these romantic earrings a perfect accessorie for sunny days.

handmade jewelry Estonia limited edition
Sweet selection of pastel colored long earrings

Limited designer jewelry romantic style pearls crystals beads pastel colors
Blue chandelier earrings measure 8,5cm including the ear-hooks

Limited design jewelry handmade designer boutique
All these earrings have silver ear-hooks

Pastellvärvid meeldivad mulle väga! Ja pastelsetes värvides ehted on alati hea mõte, kui käes on kevad. Ma mängisin kõrvarõngaste disainiga, mida kasutasin eelnevalt juba türkiisroheliste ja helekollaste puhul ja sain valikusse mõned ilusad värvid juurde.
Igal kõrvarõngal on metallist helmekübar, millele kinnitasin Swarovski kristallklaasist ehtekivid, mis eelnevalt vajutasin tangidega nelja nõksuga kastikusse kinni. Kristallklaasist ehtekivid, pärlid ja pastelsed värvid teevad need kõrvarõngad ideaalseks päikselistel päevadel kandmiseks.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Saphiret Brooch with Vintage Glass

In this brooch I used large Saphiret cabochon drops and beautiful glass petals. I'm so happy how it turned out. These vintage glass leaves are tricky! It's difficult to attach them in a way it looks pretty and is sturdy at the same time. And you'll never know what state is the wire until you inspect them closely. These ones here are in very good condition!

I added vintage and new Swarovski crystal rhinestones, vintage seed pearls and glass pearls. It's also a small brooch - I seem to make small ones lately! 
Saphiret cabochon is also vintage and has small chips on tip of the drop and on left bottom prong. Foiling is almost mint and shows off the beauty of this glass.

vintage rhinestone jewelry jewellery
Foiling lets the light bring out the beauty of the Saphiret glass.
Blue glass petals have delicate pattern and matte surface.

mdmButiik Eesti disain käsitöö ehted
This brooch is small, the metal plate measures 25mm.

I pick out the petals with strongest wire because 
I use only the best supplies in my jewelry

Selles prossis kasutasin ma suuremat Saphiret klaaskivi ja vintage klaasist õielehti. Olen väga rahul, kuidas see lõpuks välja tuli. Sest need klaaslehed on päris trikikad! Neid on päris raske kinnitada nii, et oleks ilus ja samaaegselt tugev. Ja traadi olukorda ei tea enne, kui neid lähedalt uurida. Need lehed on väga heas olukorras!

Ma lisasin vintage ja uusi Swarovski kristallklaasist ehtekive, vintage seemnepärleid ja klaaspärleid. Ka see on väike pross nagu ma viimasel ajal juhtun tegema.
Saphiret klaaskivi on vintage ja sellel on väike kild ära tilga tipust ning vasakul all pesa/kastiku kinnituse juures. Foolium on peaaegu perfektne ja laseb valgusel välja tuua selle klaasi ilu!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Purple and Green

I guess Spring got me. Lately I'm using colors differently than usual. Pastels, bright yellow and now purple with green.

Deep green and purple beads. I was just playing with the beads and crystals hoping to get inspiration and took a photo. There's nothing strange about playing with beads, this is very normal and people do that :) Vintage glass beads (purple English cut, oval green) and purple Prosser beads from France, Swarovski Tanzanite square crystal with same colored and Cyclamen Opal beads and new Czech tiny (2mm) bicones and golden faceted beads (3mm).

This handmade necklace has all the above and a bit more. I added vintage Swarovski Green Turmaline rhinestones and some small round Czech beads.

These colors that I put together came from hand-painted porcelain box

handmade necklace collier kette perles perlen alte ancien
 The pendant of this necklace has lots of beads! In the center is 
Swarovski Tanzanite square crystal.

Eesti käsitöö ehted
Purple and green create a fresh and delicate duo that speaks of spring.

Collier Bijoux Schmuck Romantic
I added many dangles to the pendant that looks like a waterfall!

Paistab, et kevad jõudis mulle hinge. Viimasel ajal kasutan teisi värvi, kui on tavaliselt harjumuspärane. Pastellid, helekollane ja nüüd lilla koos rohelisega.

Sügav roheline ja lilla. Ma lihtsalt sättisin helmeid lootes, et äkki tuleb inspiratsioon ja tegin fotokaga klõpsu. Selles ei ole mitte midagi imelikku, inimesed mängivad helmestega ja see on normaalne :) Vintage klaashelmed (lillad ja piklikud rohelised) ja Prosser helmed Prantsusmaalt, Swarovski Tanzanite ruudukujuline kristall koos samavärviliste ja Cyclamen Opal helmestega ning  uued Tšehhi lihvitud väikesed (2mm) ja kuldsed (3mm) helmed.

Selles kaelakees on kõik eelpool nimetatu koos mõnede lisanditega nagu näiteks vintage Swarovski Green Turmaline kristallid.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bright Yellow Jewelry

I use yellow very rarely in my jewelry. But when I do I pick out the best beads! :)

These are vintage handmade beads from Japan. These were made in 1940-50s. Beads are wound and have little cute dimples on the surface!

I made short and long necklaces and a pair of earrings. Beaded bead caps were very time consuming. Bright yellow and antique copper create a nice contrast.

 Yellow vintage handmade beads from Japan. I have these in three sizes.

Long flapper necklace.

Beaded bead caps with vintage (1980s) Swarovski rhinestones and seedbeads.
Long earrings with silver hooks.

Ma kasutan kollaseid helmeid harva, aga kui kasutan, siis valin välja alati kõige-kõige ilusama tooni :)

Need käsitsivalmistatud helmed on pärit Jaapanist. Valmistatud 1940-50ndatel. Helmed on nn keeratud (ümber metall-varda) ja neil on armsad lohukesed!

Tegin pika ja lühikese kaelakee ning paari kõrvarõngaid. Kaunistatud pärlikübarad võtsid päris kaua aega. Helekollane ja antiikne vask loovad põneva kontrasti.

Shopping Jewelry Supplies

When an opportunity comes to buy something really rare and absolutely gorgeous - it's really a dream come true! These pink metallic nailhead beads are stunning!!! Having an ivy leaf shape and facets and measuring only 5mm (!)!
Other really great find is the glass pearls I got from France. Thin wound rice shaped pearls have cute baby pink color and measure from 2x4mm to 4x6mm. Round 4mm pearls have more glossy pearl coating and are quite heavy when compared to Czech glass beads. These photos are taken up close to show all the details - these beads are really small and delicate in real life!

vintage jewelry supplies

Kui avaneb võimalus osta midagi tõeliselt kaunist ja tõeliselt haruldast - see on nagu unistuse täitmine! Need roosad metallikvärvi "nailhead" helmed on hingematvalt ilusad!!! Neil on luuderohu lehe moodi kuju ning tahud ja seda kõike 5mm (!) suuruse juures!
Teine väga hea leid on need klaaspärlid Prantsusmaalt. Nendel peenikestel riisikujulistel keeratud helmestel on õrn beebiroosa värv ja suurus alates 2x4mm kuni 4x6mm. Ümmargused 4mm pärlitel on pärlikiht, mis peegeldab rohkem ja võrreldes samasuurte Tšehhi klaashelmestega on üllatavalt palju raskemad. Fotod on tehtud päris lähedalt, et kõik detailid oleks näha - need helmed on päriselus tõesti väikesed!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

On The Table

Here's a snapshot of my table after I sort out the huge mess. Well, as you can see I have already taken out beads, pearls and rhinestones and some results of wire twisting, there's a pair of unfinished earrings also... I hope it takes more time now before the huge mess returns because I got these black plastic trays. I got these from Apelsin. I glued some colorful paper inside because otherwise it's difficult to see all the little antique copper plated findings on black background. I took the colorful papers from an origami paper set, there were different patterns as well!

Siin on fotoklõps minu töölauast pärast seda, kui sain jagu suurest segadusest. Nagu näha, siis ma olen juba helmed, pärlid ja ehtekivid välja võtnud ja laual on näha traadikeerutamise harjutuse tagajärgi ning paar poolikuid kõrvarõngaid... Ma loodan, et suur segadus võtab seekord rohkem aega, sest mul on nüüd mustad plastikust alused Apelsinist. Kleepisin värvilised paberid sisse, sest muidu oleks liiga sünged ja antiikvasksed jubinad raskesti näha. Värvilised paberid on ühest origami komplektist, seal olid ilusad mustrilised paberid ka!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Turquoise Green Jewelry with Vintage Beads

I have a selection of vintage handmade glass beads from Japan. These have a baroque finish and are all a bit different in shape/size. The dimples make them look almost like natural origin :) My favorite color is of-course turquoise green, but I have other lovely colors as well.
Here are some jewelry I made with these beads. Short necklace with a pendant, long necklaces that can be wrapped many times and earrings. Earrings are long and playful with hooks that I made from silver wire.
turquoise green
 Vintage glass beads in turquoise green and baroque surface from Japan.

mdmButiik Estonian designer jewelry
A set of vintage style jewelry: short necklace, two long necklaces and earrings.
collier bijoux ancien schmuck alte vintage
 Necklace can be worn together as layered/stacked.

Eesti disain käsitöö ehted
Earrings are long with silver hooks.

Mul on kogunenud valik vintage käsitsi tehtud klaashelmeid Jaapanist. Neil on barokne pealispind ning igaüks on pisut erineva kuju/suurusega. Lohukeste tõttu tunduvad need nagu looduslikku päritolu :) Mu lemmik on muidugi türkiisroheline, aga mul on ka teisi ilusaid värve.
Siin on mõned ehted, mis tegin nendest helmestest. Lühike kaelakee ripatsiga, pikad kaelakeed, mida annab kanda mitmekordsena ning kõrvarõngad. Kõrvarõngad on pikad ja vallatud, konksud tegin ise hõbetraadist.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Saphiret Drops

I got these vintage Saphiret glass drops from US. These are bigger than the ones I previously used in a brooch. I'm planning to make a brooch with one of these too. The glass flower petals with wire are also vintage and are from Czech. They have baby blue color, delicate pattern and matte surface - just like from a real flower. The wire stems are strong and the petals are ready to use. Can't wait to make these into a brooch!

vintage jewelry supplies
Vintage Saphiret glass drops with gold foiling

Vintage Czech glass flower petals with wire stems

Ma sain need vintage Saphiret tilgakujulised klaaskivid USAst. Need on suuremad, kui varasemalt näidatud ning mida kasutasin prossis. Ma plaanin prossi teha ka suure tilgaga. Klaasist õielehed on samuti vintage ja on pärit Tšehhist. Neil on imearmas sinine värv, õrn tekstuur ja matistatud pealispind - just nagu pärislilledel. Traadid on tugevad ja valmis kasutamiseks. Ei jõua ära oodata, millal saab neis pross!