Thursday, July 21, 2016

New Collection Begins...

It's true! It's the beginning of the new collection. Inspiration came and I created a little sample motif I can build a collection from. Let's hope the inspiration stays a while. Here's a little intro for the materials I'll use:

Antique Prosser beads in gorgeous coral pink color.
These are from Briare, France.
These are new handmade lamp worked beads. I used similar red
in my last brooch. The blue ones also have colorful glass drops
with sparkly aventurine.
Estonia, mdmButiik, designer jewelry
Here are the main colors together. Very sweet and feminine
don't you think?
Tõsi ta on! Siin on uue kollektsiooni algus. Inspiratsioonist tekkis proovitööna motiiv, millest saab ehitada terve kollektsiooni. Loodan, et inspiratsiooni veel jätkub. Siin on piltidel välja toodud kasutatavad materjalid. Väga magus ja naiselik, kas pole?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Jewellery Challenge: Bridal Hair Comb in Silver Finish

Here's the result of the jewellery challenge. A bridal hair comb in silver finish. I used vintage glass pearls, tiny seed beads and Swarovski rhinestones.
This comb is available as special request via email. See more from Etsy shop: Hair Accessories.

bridal hair accessories

bridal hair accessories wedding jewelry

Siin on väljakutse tulemus. Pruudi juuksekamm hõbedase viimistlusega. Kasutasin vintage klaaspärleid, väikeseid seemnehelmeid ning Swarovski kristalle.
Selline juuksekamm on ainult eritellimusel (kirjuta). Vaata ka teisi juukse aksessuaare Etsyst.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Red & Green Brooch

Here's that custom made brooch I finished. Beautiful handmade bead in the center, Czech round glass beads around with metal flowers and red crystals.
Person who got it as a gift was wearing green skirt and red cardigan that day. Feedback was very positive :)

Siin on tellitud pross. Kaunis käsitöö helmes keskel, ümmargused Tšehhi klaashelmed ümberringi koos metallist lillede ja kristallidega.

Kingisaaja kandis tol päeval rohelis seelikut ja punast kampsunit. Tagasiside oli positiivne :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Jewellery Challenge

Oh well... I have to tell you something.
It seems to me that I'm kind of getting too comfy with this jewellery making. I'm lucky enough to have custom orders and that's always good for keeping me sharp. And I've had great time with the brooches and hair combs in particular this time. But summer is usually more quiet and I'm thinking that I need to prepare myself a challenge.

I have some findings in silvery finish but it hasn't been enough for me to make them into jewellery. Feeling I need a little push? Here it goes then... How about making my most popular hair comb in silvery finish? Maybe nothing comes of it and it will end just as some other projects I started. My subscribers already know some of those :)

Niisiis... Mul on vaja midagi selgitada.
Paistab, et olen ennast liiga mugavalt tundma hakanud seoses ehete valmistamisega. Õnneks olen saanud tellimustöid, mis aitavad kätt pulsil hoida. Ning seekord olen täiega nautinud eriti just prosside ja dekoratiivsete kammide meisterdamist. Aga suvi on tavaliselt rahulikum ja ma mõtlen, et peaksin ennast varustama mõne väljakutsega.

Mul on mõned ehtedetailid hõbedase viimistlusega, aga millegipärast pole neist ehteid tulnud. Äkki on vaja väikest tõuget? Olgu siis nii... Mis oleks, kui teeksin oma kõige populaarsema juuksekammi hõbedase viimistlusega? Võimalik, et sellest ei tule midagi välja nagu nii mõnegi projektiga, mida olen alustanud. Need, kes on registreerinud end mdmButiigi infokirja, teavad mõnda sellist juba :)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Vintage Style Jewelry in Progress

Sometimes the best and worst thing is the same. Making an ordered piece that will be a gift. The person who ordered doesn't know what it should look like or what color it could be... Working out the color scheme can be pretty tricky, considering I have never seen the person who receives it. It's scary not knowing what colors to use but quite interesting as well. It's like a detective work, asking questions that reveals what way to go.

mdmButiik, rhinestone jewelry
I like that these handmade lamp-worked beads
are not too bright nor dark red.

It has speckles of aventurine that shimmers like fools gold.

vintage, beads, jewellery
Trying to figure out what bronze colored seed beads to use...

Mõnikord on kõige hirmutavam ja põnevam asi üks ja see sama. Hakkan tegema tellitud ehet, mis läheb kingituseks. Tellija ei tea, millist ehet tahab ja isegi mitte värvi... Värvigamma valimine võib osutuda päris keeruliseks, sest ise pole selle kingituse kandjat isegi kaugelt mitte näinud. Natuke hirmus on tööga alustada aga samas ka väga põnev. See on natuke nagu detektiivi töö, küsimuste abil välja selgitada, mis suunas liikuda.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Antique Prosser Beads

Here are more photos of the Prosser bead boxes. These are already falling apart but I'm always thrilled when I get the beads in original state! To read more about these beads you can go and click my post Discovering Glass vol.7 - Prosser Beads and Bead Revolution.

These boxes contain beads in pink and Lucite green (or turquoise) color. Lucite green is already my favorite, I got the same colored beads earlier loose in a plastic bag and I've made a Lucite Green collection with these. I also had some pink beads as well when I made Pale Pink Bracelet and Earrings. Now I have this color in 5mm too!

vintage style, jewelry, jewellery, Estonian, Estonia,made in Estonia
Color code 7228 stands for pink and 7234 for Lucite green,
00 is for size (read about Kernel number and French Line)
and 5000 for amount.

vintage style jewelry, beaded jewelry, mdmbutiik, Estonia, Estonian
The beads are pushing through the corners...
rhinestone jewellery, vintage style, beaded jewelry, mdmbutiik
I had 6mm beads before in this color. Then I got 4mm and now
5mm. Thinking that this might be my next material to work with!

Siin on rohkem pilte nendest Porsser helmestega karpidest.Need pole kõige paremas olukorras, aga helmed originaalpakendis on alati rõõmustav! Kui tahad lugeda rohkem nendest helmestest, siis kliki postitust Discovering Glass vol.7 - Prosser Beads and Bead Revolution

Need karbid sisaldavad helmeid heleroosa ja "Lucite" rohelistes (türkiisroheline) värvides. "Lucite green" on mul juba lemmik, kui varem sain helmeid samas värvis ja tegin neist kollektsiooni Lucite Green collection. Samuti oli mul varem heleroosasid helmeid, millest tegin komplektina kantavad käeketi ja kõrvarõngad. Nüüd on mul seda värvi ka 5mm suuruses!