Monday, November 19, 2007

Dark red continues...

Tumepunane jätkub... Taas-avastasin enda jaoks organsa paela - täpsemalt selle kasutamise koos traadiga! Esimesel real on pildid romantilisest kaelakeest, kus ripatsina kasutasin võrejat plaadikest, mille ääristasin organsa lindiga. Et metallplaadike ülejäänud kaelakeega paremini sobiks, vajutasin helmekübarad laiaks ning panin helmeketti.
Teisel real on kolm paari kõrvarõngaid. Üks crackle helmestega, teine organsaga ja kolmas sulgedega! Viimane paar on eriti huvitav :) Nende kandjale võib lausa garanteerida, et inimeste pilgud pehmetesse ja uduselt õrnadesse ehetesse jäävad.
Kahel viimasel real on pildid juukseklambritest. Esimese tikkisin, kasutades helmeid varem kokku segatud segust (vaata õpetust siit), teisel jätsin tülli näha ning lisaks organsa paelale kasutasin ka vasest vahehelmeid. Mõlemad klambrid tikkisin musta Nymoga (suurus D) ning iga kolmanda piste järel tegin sõlme. Mõlemad klambrid, kaelakee ja sulgedega kõrvarõngad on müüdud.

I rediscovered organza ribbon again - this time how it can be used with wire! On the first row there are pictures of a romantic necklace, where I used the same metal lattice as previously. I framed it with organza ribbon. To make this metal plate fit with the rest of the necklace I flattened some bead caps and added to the bead chain.
On the second row you can find three pairs of earrings. One with crackle beads, second with organza and third with feathers. Third pair is very inriquing :) It's easy to quarantee that people will start to stare those delicate o-so-soft jewelry when you wear it.
On the two last rows there are pictures of two hair clips. The first one I emroidered using a seedbead mix with some plastic beads (tutorial in Estonian
here). I didn't cover the second one etirely with beads, additionally to organza ribbon I used copper spacers. I used black Nymo (size D) and knotted after every third stitch. Both hair clips, necklace and feather earrings are sold.