Tumepunane. Veel üks tumepunane kaelakee. Ripatsi tegemisel sain inspiratsiooni Iza Malczyk'ilt (vt ka emaili teel toimunud intervjuud temaga). Ripatsi spiraalse keskkoha ümber panin 4mm tumepunaseid bicone-lihviga helmeid, mis särades valguse käes, lisavad ehtele pidulikkust. Ripats on viiel peenikesel tumepunasel lindil, mille värvitoon muutub vastavalt valgusele soojast veinipunasest jahedama lillakaspunaseni. Kee on müüdud.
Another dark red necklace. I got inspiration tp make this pendant from Iza Malczyk (see an interview via email with her, scroll down to read in English). I added some sparkling 4mm bicone-faceted red beads around the spiral center that add some festivity to this piece. The pendant is strung on 5 thin dark red colored laces, that have different shades from warm burgundy to calm red-violet depenting the light. Necklace is sold.