Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pink set and Saaremaa

Käisin sellel nädalavahetusel Saaremaal, kus toimus kahepäevaline õpituba! Üritus oli super, teised õpetajad ning õppijad olid super :D Esimesel päeval olid traadi algteadmised ning teisel päeval oli helmestega heegeldamine ning mõned helmespõimingud. Kokku oli viis õpetajat ning viis gruppi õppijaid.

Kuna mul veel mõningaid ehteid, mis siin veel näitamata, siis siin on roosa komplekt, mille valmistasin vahetult enne Saaremaale sõitu. Suured roosad lapikud helmed sain Terjelt/Jõhvikalt, ümmargused aga Silverpointist. Roosad ümarad helmed on lükitud vaheldumisi metallhelmestega terastrossile, motiiv mässitud traadiga ning vasest pallikett, mis minu arvates sobib kohe väga hästi :P

I went to Saaremaa this weekend where we had a beading workshop in two days! This event was super, other teachers and all student were also super :D On the first day we had simple wire techniques and on the second day crocheting and some off-loom beadweaving. There were five teachers and five groups of students.
Since there's still some items I haven't shown then here's a set that I made right before going to Saaremaa. I got those bigger pink beads from Terje/Jõhvikas, round ones from Silverpoint. Round pink beads are strung with metal beads on a steel beading wire, motif is made with wire wrapping and that copper ball chain well, I think it suits this bracelet quite well :P

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dangly Earrings

Täna oli mõnus päev. Töölt vaba, oli aega ehteid nokitseda ning kohale saabus ka Bead&Buttoni ajakiri :D Seal oli nii mõndagi huvitavat (eriti need konkursitööd) ja ka tuttavat (näiteks torukujuline võrgu põimimine, kus ümarad helmed vahel). Vahepeal käisin ka postkontoris, panin paar pakki posti.
Panin siia ühed uhked ja rippuvad kõrvarõngad. Klikkides juhatab DaWanda lehele, kus näeb ka teisi vaateid. Loomulikult swarovski kividega (montana blue kolmnurksed kivid) ja loomulikult vasksete komponentidega ;) Kõrvarõngad on päris suured - 4,5cm pikad (ilma konksudeta) ning traadiga osa on 4cm lai.

Today was a good day. No work, time to bead and new issue of Bead&Button arrived :D There was quite many interesting there (those Bead Dreams 2008 competition works) and some familiar (netted tubes with gemstones). I also visited post office to post a couple of packages.
Here I put a picture of a pair of dangly and fancy earrings. Clicking on the photo opens a DaWanda site where you can see other views of the earrings. Ofcourse with swarovskies (montana blue triangle stones) and this time with copper plated components ;) These earrings are quite big - 4,5cm long (excluding leverbacks) and tje wire wrapped part is 4cm wide.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Nii, nüüd on taas valminud miskit. Kõrvarõngad :) Swarovskitega :) ja traadimässimist :) Ja eks see ole omamoodi ka tõestus, et mul on tõepoolest olemas metallkomponente ja traati muus toonis kui vask :D Kuigi praegu ma vaatan neid ja tahaks teha kohe vaskseid ka... Mul on seda sorti kõrvakaid veel, aga pildid ei õnnestunud. Eks ma proovin homme uuesti.

Well, now I finished something. Earrings :) With swarovskies :) and some wire wrapping :) And I guess it's sort of a proof I do have wire and metal components in other finish than copper :D Although I now look at them and I'm thinking of making some copper ones too... These are not the only ones in this style, I just couldn't get any decent pictures from them. I'll try again tomorrow.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Orange for September

Värvispektri septembri töö. Oranž. Selline oranži toon meeldib mulle küll, mida aga peale hakata nende kiiskavoranžide klaashelmestega, mida mul juba omajagu seisma jäänud, ma tõesti ei tea... Need lilled ostsin kunagi Beadsupplies'i käest. Materjaliks mingit sorti vaik (resin). Mõned lihvitud klaashelmed valgust peegeldamas ning antiikse vaskviimistlusega messingvidinad. Kee on müüdud.

This is a Color Spectrum work for September. Orange. I like this kind of orange, but I'm not sure what to do with those bright and strong orange glass beads I've also got... Those flower beads are bought from Beadsupplies. These are made of resin. Some faceted glass beads for reflecting light and antique-finished brass components. This necklace is sold.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Kaelakee keskpunktiks on lilledega cabochon, mille ostsin siit. Lai lint on juba kaua oodanud oma järjekorda, nüüd lõpuks sai väärilise koosluse :) Usun, et paela värv sai piltidele päris õige. Nende paelaotsikutega oli tükk tegemist, aga ega mul nii laiadega varasemat kogemust polegi. Materjalideks veel klaashelmed ja klaaspärlid ning pressitud metallist plaadike. Plaadikese kaunistused on kinnitatud traadiga.

The center of the necklace is a cabochon with flowers that I got from here. This ribbon waited long to become a part of a jewellery :) Seems I got the right shade of the ribbon color while taking photos. Using ribbon ends wasn't easy but then again I've never used that kind of before. There are glass beads and glass pearls and stamped filligree plate. I attached the decorations to the plate by wire.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vintage look

Midagi vana aja hõnguga. Ma vaatasin täna oma varusid ning tabasin ennast nukralt mõttelt, et mul polegi ju sellist paraja suurusega lehemotiivi, millele saaks vidinaid peale lisada. Tahtsin just kolmetipulist lehte. Hehe, ei ma ei läinud neid kusagile ostma, vaid tegin nendest pärlikübaratest, millest ma ka neid roose olen teinud. Lõikasin kaks lehte ära ja valmis :) Tegin kohe kaks paari kõrvarõngaid ka ja olen rahul,et leidsin veel ühe võimaluse, kuidas neid pärlikübaraid kasutada.

Something with the old times look. I noticed today when I was looking through my stash that I was sad I didn't have any bigger leaf-shaped stampings I could attach some findings and beads to. I wanted a leaf with three points. Hehe, no I didn't go anywhere to buy one, but made one out of those bead caps I used to make roses from. I just cut the two petals off and it was ready to use :) I made two pair of earrings too and I feel good that I found another way of using those huge bead caps.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Uskumatu, kust võib leida ideid. Eile ma vaatasin erinevate ehtekunstnike töid, et leida mõtteid. Inspiratsiooni lõi elama aga hoopis üks DaWanda poodnik bingbing, kes müüb tarvikuid. Ja üks ripats, mille puhul hakkasin mõtlema, et kuidas seda traadimässimisega teha :)
Selles kaelakees on türkiissinised swarovski kristallid ning naturaalne pärlmutter.

Unbelievable, where you can find inspiration. Yesterday I was looking different jewellery to find some ideas. But inspiration came from a DaWanda shop bingbing, where you can find supplies. And there was a silver colored pendant that got me thinking of how to make this in wire wrapping :)
There are turquoise blue swarovski crystals and natural shell in this necklace.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Buttons, buttons, buttons...

Pisikesed nööpkõrvarõngad. Mnjaa, sattusin vist hoogu :D Olin jõudnud juba ära unustada, kuidas neid tegingi, täitsa põnev on taasavastada! Must ja roosa kõrvarõngapaar on ka DaWanda poes üleval. Kõik kolm paari on tehtud sarnaselt ja sarnastest materjalidest: swarovski kivid, lihvitud klaashelmed, metallhelmed, pressitud filigraan jne. Motiivi diameeter on 2cm.
Edit: Pilt sellest, kuidas rõngad kõrvas on.
Kõik kõrvarõngad on müüdud.

Small button earrings. I found making them quite amusing :D Since I've forgotten how tho make these motifs by now it was really interesting to reinvent it again! I put the pink and black pair to the DaWanda shop. All three pairs are made the same way and with similar materials: swarovski flatbacks, bead caps, faceted glass beads, metal beads, stamped filligree etc. The diameter of the motif is 2cm.
Edit: Picture of me wearing one.
All earrings are sold.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Enamik poolvääriskividest helmed on mul suht väikesed. Erandiks need ümmargused jadeiidid, mille diameeter on 12mm. Mõte sellist ebasümmeetrilist keed teha tuli ammu, aga siis polnud ma kindel, kuidas see kaelas hoiab. Ega ma nüüd ka kindel polnud, aga noh... Tahtsin proovida :) Ja täitsa hästi hoiab tegelikult. Suured helmed on 12kordsel niidil. Metallist roosi tegin samamoodi nagu enne, kaela taga on neli ketti ning kinnitus on külje peal. Need teised helmed on samuti jadeiit (4mm, 6mm).

Most of the semiprecious beads I've got are smaller kind. Except those jade beads that are 12mm in diameter. Idea to make such an asymmetric necklace came a long time ago, but back then I wasn't sure of how will it look while wearing. I wasn't sure about it this time too, but well... still wanted to try :) And it looks great. Big beads are strung on 12 nailon string. Metal rose is made as before, there are four chains and the clasp is on one side. Other beads are also jade (4mm, 6mm).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dark Blue Velvet

Paistab, et paremaid pilte sellest ei õnnestu minul saada. See on minu Värvispektri sinine juuli. Mul on juba üle kuue aasta kestnud õmblusmasina "allergia" pärast aastast õpingut Kergetööstustehnikumis. Ma kogu aeg mõtlen, et peaks üritama midagi sellega ette võtta, sest üks mu nõrkustest on just seotud õmblemisega -> kangad, pitsid, paelad, nööbid jne :) Aga kõik see lõigete konstrueerimine, juurdelõikus ning masinaga vuristamine on judinaid tekitav... Esialgu mõtlesin, et aitaks kui leian mõne vahva ja lihtsa projekti, mida masinal teha, kuid seda olen otsima jäänudki. Nii ma olengi õmmelnud pigem käsitsi.
Selle sinise sameti leidsin kaltsukast, tihtilugu takerduvad näpud mingisugustesse eriti jõledatesse "moeröögatustesse", mis on aga valmistatud ideaalsest kangast! See oli pluus. Pikkade varukatega, kurguni nööbitav pluus, oeh... Mingit mõõtmist või planeerimist ma ei teinud, lõin aga käärid sisse ja niidistasin masina. Ei teinud isegi prooviõmblust :D vaid lihtsalt õmblesin ristkülikukujulise samettüki otstesse nöörvoldid. Ja ikka nii viltu ja sinkavonka kui vähegi võimalik... Otsustasin, et sellest saab mõnusa õmblemise töö, kus ma ei mõtle kõikide nende asjade peale, mis mul koolis õpetati ning mis mind siiani on kammitsenud. Koti vooder on samamoodi silmajärgi lõigatud ning (mis siin salata) pisut väike ja ühte nurka kaldus (et koti asetatud asjad kõik sinna kogunevad...). Koti sangad punusin kolmest nöörist, koti suu kantisin laia atlasspaelaga ning kaunistasin musta tülli, laia ja kitsa pitsi, seemnehelmeste ning sinise lindiga. Nöörvoltide vahele siia-sinna panin ka üksikuid seemnehelmeid (pildil paistavad nagu tolmukübemed). See roos on kangast ja ka kunagi kaltsukast leitud küünlakaunistusest.
Õmblusmasina "allergiast" veel vabanenud pole, aga ehk on mul veel lootust.

It seems I can't get any better pictures than those. This is my blue July from color spectrum. I have this sewing machine "allergy" for six years now since I spent one year studying clothing design. I think alot of trying to do something about it because I really have a soft spot about different fabrics, laces, ribbons and buttons :) But all that thing about creating patterns, cutting out fabrics and working with sewing machine is still creepy... First I thought if I could only find a great and easy project but I haven't found it yet. So I've mainly sewed by hand.
I found this blue velvet from second-hand, quite often my fingers tangle in some sort of hideous "fashion" that is construct from a superb fabric! This one was a blouse. With long sleeves and buttons up to throat, oh well... I did no planning or measuring just cut it into pieces. I didn't make a swatch :D and started sewing from one end of a rectangle shaped piece of cloth. I decided this will be something fun and not think about all the stuff I was taught in school and that has somehow interfered every idea I had of sewing. The lining is also cut without any measuring at all and (no need to deny) came a bit too tight and tilted to one corner (so everything in bag will roll into one corner...). I braided the handles from three cords. I embellished the bag with different laces and ribbons, tulle, black seedbeads. This rose is from fabric and also found from second-hand (it was a part of a candle decoration).
I still haven't got rid of the sewingmachine "allergy" but I guess I still got hope.