Tegelikult on need kivid klaasist, ümara ehtekivi värvus on lihtsalt smaragtroheline ning need kreemikad navette-kujulised on siidised moonstone glass tüüpi. Viimasel ajal on mul väga kiire olnud ning kõiki ideid, mis muude tegemiste ajal tulevad, ei ole saanud teostada. Olen mõned neist hiljem õhtul üles joonistanud, kuid kardan, et rohkem neist midagi ei tule. Õudne igatsus on küll koju, ehtekivide ja traadi juurde pääseda, kuid kui õhtul jõuan, olen juba nii väsinud, et ei suuda millelegi keskenduda. Leidsin eile uue Bead&Buttoni ajakirja postkastist, kuid ei vaadanudki seda läbi. Täna hommikusöögi kõrval sain selle lehitsetud :) Ideid sain sealt küll, aga kuna endalgi paras posu pähe kopitama jäänud, siis olen parajas segaduses, mida teha mida mitte.
See kaelakee on valminud, ma ei mäletagi millal... Igaljuhul on see nüüd valmis. Ehtekivid on ilma tagumise fooliumita. Huvitav, smaragtroheline kivi ei sära seetõttu vähem, vbl on kullavärvi pesal midagi sellega tegemist. Muidu on smaragt ja kuld koos väga kirev ja kunagi kui selle keega alsutasin, siis oli väike kahtlus, kas sellest saab üldse ehet, mida näiteks igapäevaselt kanda. Aga see ripats on väike ja kaelas väga ei domineeri.
Actually are these rhinestones from glass. The color of the round one is emerald and these cream navettes are from moonstone glass. I've been really busy lately with everything else but beading. And it seams that all the beading ideas that I have doing something else were ment to fade away. I did try to draw some of them in the evenings but I'm afraid that nothing more comes from it. Every day I felt homesick and wanted to be with my rhinestones and wire, but in the evenings I was so tired I couldn't concentrate at all. I found the new issue of Bead&Button at post yesterday but couldn't even look it through. So I read it while I was having a brakfast today :) I got some inspiration and ideas but since there were a lot of them in my head already, I'm a bit confused where to start.
I made this necklace, I don't know when... Either way it's finished now. The rhinestones are unfoiled. It's interesting that the emerald one is still shining even without foiling, perhaps the gold-colored setting has some part in it. Emerald and gold together are quite boastful and when I started with this necklace I was hesitating if it's a piece of jewellery one can wear everyday. But the pendant is quite small and it will not dominate much while wearing.