Saturday, January 3, 2009

Little and sweet

Väike helmesõiming helmestega. Motiivis on 2mm roosasid kassisilmi, erinevas toonis 3mm FP lihvitud klaashelmeid ning ka seemnehelmeid. Keskel ilutseb 6mm swarovski. Motiiv on ise tilluke, aga olen ise väga rahul :) Kõik helmed klappisid omavahel, töö on puhas ja trimmis :D Ülejäänud kee on tagasihoidlik.
PS Sallist on valmis 2/3.

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Little off-loom beading with beads. In the motif there are 2mm pink cats eye beads, 3mm fire polished beads in different colors and some seedbeads. In the center 6mm swarovski chaton. This motif is really little but I'm so pleased with the outcome :) Every bead fits perfectly with others, work is clean and solid :D Rest of the necklace is rather modest.
PS The scarf is almost done, 2/3.