Erinevaid ehtekive on suures värvivalikus ning see on põnev :) Kogu selles värvimöllus võib vahepeal ununeda lihtsa kristallvärvi ilu. Ja eks see taasavastamine ole ju sama põnev.
Siin on ripatsi keskmes swarovski ovaalse kujuga kivi, helmed on klaasist (osadel AB läige). See ripats tuli mulle kujutlusse siis, kui sõitsin hommikuse Tartu rongiga Terje näituse avamisele (siis kui Tapa linnast välja sõitsime). Kuna miskit ju tol hetkel traadi-helmestega teha ei saanud, siis võtsin paberi ja kritseldasin selle ülesse. Käsi oli sellise stiiliga pisut ebakindel ja seda traati sai ikka tangidega üleliia jõnksutatud. Kuid rahul olen sellega, et kuigi seal on 8 traadijuppi, suutsin mingil imekombel seda peene traadiga nii kokku mässida, et valmiskujul on see sama tugev kui oleks joodetud.
Kristallvärviga on ka see hea asi, et tal pole riietuse koha pealt erilisi nõudmisi, ehk sobib peaaegu kõigega.
There are so many wonderful colors of different rhinestones out there :) In discovering all those colors it's easy to forget the beauty of simple crystal color. But rediscovering is also interesting.
Here is an oval swarovski rhinestone in crystal color. Beads are from glass (some with AB finish). I had the image of this pendant while I was on a train to Tartu (to the opening of Terje's exhibition). Being so far from my wire and beads there was nothing else to do but to draw it. My hand was a bit unsecure with thiskind of style and I'm afraid I bend the wire more than necessary with the pliers. But I'm happy with the result because even though it has 8 pieces of wire I somehow managed to wrap it with thin wire so securely that when it was done the pendant was as solid as if it was soldered.
Another good thing about the color of crystal is that it doesn't have special request with clothing, that it goes practicly with everything.