Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Black Glass

Vanema aja ehete eeskujul olen tahtnud sellist käeehet teha juba mõni aeg. Idee, kuidas tehniliselt see teostada andis ennast kaua oodata. Kasutasin ainult musta klaaskive, -helmeid. Käeehe on ilma kinniseta ja hoiab tänu eelpainutatud traadile ennast ümber käe.

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I wanted to make thiskind of vintage bracelet type for a long time. I couldn't do it then because I had no idea how to make it work. I used only black glass beads, stones. It has no clasp and holds it's shape due to memory wire.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sabrina Green & Topaz

See kaelakee on mul olnud valmis juba mõnda aega, kuid pildid sellest tookord ebaõnnestusid. Täna hommikul proovisin uuesti. See on kahekordne kee, pikema keti otsas on ripats vanade ehtekividega. Värvid on minu puhul päris eksperimentaalsed, pole varem vist peridot rohelist ja topaas-pruuni kokku pannud :)
Kaelakee ripatsis on ümmargused swarovski green opal (Austria), light smoked topaz kivid (Austria), smoked topaz tilgakujulised kivid (Tšehhoslovakkiast) ja kaks eri suurusega sabrina klaasist peridot-rohelised kivid (Lääne Saksamaa). Lehekesed on USAst, kivide "pesad" Saksamaalt, Belgiast ja Prantsusmaalt, klaashelmed Tšehhist ja Jaapanist, metallhelmed Hiinast.

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I made this necklace a long time ago, but photos didn't come out right so I didn't show it at all. Today morning I tried to photograph again. This necklace has two rows and the longer one has a pendant with vintage rhinestones. Colors are bit experimental for me, I don't think I've put together peridot green and topaz brown before :)
Pendant has round swarovski rhinestones in green opal (Austria), light smoke topaz (Austria), smoked topaz pearshaped stones (from Czechoslovakia) and two different size navettes from peridot green sabrina glass (from Western Germany). Leaves are from USA, settings for stones are from Germany, Belgium and France, glass beads from Czech and Japan, metal beads from China.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Black Set

Valmis sai mustade Tšehhi klaashelmestega komplekt. Alustasin käeehtest, see on kolmas katse selles stiilis ja lõpuks olen tulemusega ka rahul. Nüüd on see käeehe natuke ellipsi kujuline, mistõttu istub käe peal mugavalt ja kuna ellips on natuke poolik, siis on seda mugav käe peale saada. Ääred on kaetud seest poolt seemnehelmestega, mis hoiavad metallist võre käest natuke eemal. Klaasist seemnehelmed ja vahele pääsev õhk on kandmisel nahale palju parem kui vasetatud metall. Ja arvatavasti on see ka ehtele ja selle elueale parem. Seda käeehet annab painutada erineva randme kuju kaoks, ja kinnise pikenduskett on suure varuga :) Kõik ehtekivid on siin swarovskid.
Kaelakee ripatsiosas on suurem ovaalne klaaskivi, teadmata vanuse ja päritoluga. Seda raamivad ülemises osas swarovskid ja metallist taime osad. Kaelakees kasutasin SoftFlex terastrossi, mis vaskset värvi. Lükkisin 4mm lihvitud Tšehhi klaashelmeid täis, need on musta värvi ja kohati proksja viimistlusega.

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I made a set with Czehc glass beads. I started with the bangle type bracelet. It's third of that kind and finally I'm happy with the results. Now it has a shape of an incomplete ellips and that's why it fits comfortably and is easy to put on. Bangle is coverd inside with seedbeads on the edges and that will bring the metal stamped filligree away from the wrist creating a possibility for air to get between the skin and bangle. Glass seedbeads and air are more comfortable against skin than copper plated metal. That distance between skin and metal will also make the jewelry last longer. It's possible to bend the stamped metal part to fit different wrist shapes and the extender chain will provide the extra customisation. All rhinestones here are swarovskis.
The necklace has a bigger oval shaped glass stone with unknown origin and age. It's framed by swarovskis and stamped metal parts on the upper part. I used SoftFlex bead wire that has copper colour. I strung 4mm Czech faceted glass beads on it, these are black with bronze half coating.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Suvine värvivalik: türkiissinine, valge ja erkpunane :) Sellise paari olen teinud suurte punaste klaaskivikestega, need läksid eile Portugali teele. Natuke kurb oli ka, ei tea täpselt mille pärast. Punusin punastest swarovski ehtekividest (värvi nimi Cherry Red II) pärlikübarad. Need türkiissinised kivid on klaasist ja käsitsi tehtud, seepärast on nende muster pisut erinev.

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Summer colours: turquoise blue, chalk white and bright red :) I've done a similar pair of earrings wiht big red glass stones, they're on they way to Portugal now. A felt a bit sad, don't know exactly why. I weaved a pair of bead caps from swarovski rhinestones (color name: Cherry Red II). These turquoise blue stones are made of glass and by hand, that is why the pattern is never exactly the same.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Red Earrings

Rubiinpunaste klaaskivide ja väikeste swarovskitega kõrvarõngad tegin tellimustööna. Roosi tegemisel kombineerisin erinevaid pärlikübaraid.

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Ruby red glass navettes and little swarovski rhinestones. These earrings are custom made. I made these metal roses out of different types of bead caps.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Tahaks jagada mõnda huvitavat leidu. Esimene leid on karp swarovski helmeid, valged lihvitud ja ühelt poolt kaetud AB-kattega. Teisena on siin Lääne Saksamaal toodetud klaaskivid, hele-ametüst värvi ja originaalpakendis. Kusjuures ma olen otsinud infot sabrina nimelise klaaskivi kohta ja pole leidnud ning siis hakkasin kahtlema, kas neid kive üldse niimoodi nimetataksegi :) Kolmandana on swarovski ehtekivid, mis on valmistatud (tehis)kristallist ja kaetud metallkihiga, nagu pakendil kirjas 24karaadise kullaga. Viimasel pildipaaril on swarovski värv MORION, mida eriti ei kohta ja mille puhul oli mul alati küsimus, et mis värvi see tegelikult on. Sest osade piltide järgi oli see hall, teiste sinine. Ja teate mis? See ongi sinakas hall :D

I'd like to share some finds. First one is a box of swarovski vintage beads, chalk white, faceted and with AB-finish on one side. The second find is an original package of Western Germany light amethyst sabrina cabochons. I have looked for info about sabrina glass lately and haven't found any and then started to doubt if it's really called like this at all :) Third pair of photos represent swarovski rhinestones that are basically metal coated crystal, and the package says it's covered with 24karat gold. Last find is that strange color - swarovski MORION, that I haven't managed to get my hands on before. I always wondered what exactly is it - is it blue or grey? Guess what, it's both - I would call it grey with a bit blue in it :D

Monday, July 13, 2009


Siin on kaelakee ja pross, mis on põhimõtteliselt tehtud sama motiivi kasutades. Kolmnurkne kuju :)
Kaelakees on kolm sabrina tüüpi aqua-sinist poleeritud pinnaga klaaskivikest, kristall navette'd, sinakad ja roosad väikesed ümmargused ehtekivid. Veel on Tšehhi klaaspärlid ja kõige keskel on Lääne Saksamaa roosa givré klaasist ehtekivi. Muide, täiendasin pisut oma esimest postitust givré klaasi kohta, palju on veel küsimusi, kuid kui miskit teada saan, siis postitan sinna.
Prossi panin ka erilisi kive -> lihvitud kahevärvilised Lääne Saksamaa tilgakujulised klaaskivid sinine ja rohekas (kuna pole originaalpakendit, siis täpseid värvinime ei tea), ning need suuremad ümmargused kristallivärvi klaaskivid, tjaaah, nimelt on neil auk sisse puuritud :) Mees, kellelt need ostsin, ütles, et sinna on mõeldud üks ehtekivi sisse. Sinna mahub täpselt 19ss suurune ehtekivi, kuid mulle meeldib see niisama ja kui vaadata hoolikalt, tundub seal sees olema 8nurkne täht! :D

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Here is a necklace and a brooch that are made using the same motif. Triangle shape :)
In the necklace pendant there are three sabrina type aqua-blue polished top rhinestones, crystal glass navettes and pink and blue small round rhinestones. There are also some Czech pearls and in the middle a Western Germany pink givré glass rhinestone. BTW I updated my first post about givré glass, I still have many guestions though, but when I find more info, I'll edit it again.
I added some special rhinestones into the brooch also -> faceted Western Germany pearshape rhinestones in blue-green color (I don't have original package to tell the real color names that are mixed there), and those bigger crystal color glass rhinestones, well, they have a hole drilled on the surface :) I was told it's because it is a setting for another rhinestone. It fits perfectly a 19ss size rhinestone but I still like it as it is and if you look closely it in real life you can see a star! :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Long Earrings

Need samad klaasist tilgad leidsid koha nende kõrvarõngaste juures.
Need helesinised navette-kujulised ehtekivid imiteerivad türkiisi, see on segu helesinisest ja mustast klaasist, mis tekitab türkiisile iseloomuliku maatriksi. Väikesed punased lihvitud ehtekivid on vanaaegsed swarovskid, värviks cherry red. Lille keskel on Tšehhi klaaspärl. Neid lillekujulisi motiive pole iseenesest väga keeruline teha, kuid 5-õielehelist lille 8-tipulisele kumerale metallplaadile kinnitada on lihtsalt jube. Ma loodan, et varsti unustan selle ära ja hakkan uuesti sarnastega pihta :) Iseenesest need mulle meeldivad ja teine katse on pisut parem kui esimene.

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Those vintage glass drops found their place in these earrings.
Those light blue vintage glass navettes are imitating turquoise, a mix of blue and black so it creates a matrix. Little opaque red rhinestones are swarovskies, color is cherry red. In the middle there is a Czech glass pearl. It's not too difficult to make these flower-motifs, but attaching a 5-petal flower shape on a 8-tip stamped filligree that is also domed, it's horrible. I do hope I will forget all the trouble it takes and start with something similar soon :) I really like the look and the second attempt is a bit better than the first.

Friday, July 10, 2009

... And We Have a Winner!!!

Täna hommikul kirjutasin kõikide selle postituse kommenteerijate nimed paberitükikestele :) Õnneks jäeti mulle linke, emaile või anti teisel moel teada, kes kommenteerijad on, nii teadsin kuidas ühendust võtta. Tänud! Kuna mingit peent, keerulist ja arusaamatut mehhanismi valimiseks ei olnud, siis panin kõik sildid ühte kaussi ja võtsin silmad kinni ühe paberi sealt välja. Kaelakee uus omanik on Maarit! Palju-palju õnne! Loodan, et see ehe sobib sulle ja toob su päevadesse pisut ekstra-sädelust ;)
Aitäh kõikidele osalejatele! Kuna huvi oli suur, siis tulevikus tuleb selliseid loosimisi veel :D

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This morning I wrote all the names who commented this post on pieces of paper :) Luckily all participans left a link or email or let me know who they were in another way. Thanks! Since I don't have any fancy, complex way to do it, I just put all the name labels in a glass bowl and took one out with my eyes closed. The new owner of that necklace is Maarit! Congratulations to you! I hope this piece of jewellery will bring a bit of that extra sparkle in your days ;)
Thanks all who participated! Since there was many people interested I think I'll make thiskind of giveaways again some day :D