Monday, August 31, 2009

Green August

Ongi juba aeg niikaugel, et panna kokku järjekordne galerii vanadest ehetest. Seekordne värv - roheline - sai valitud eelmise augustikuu värvi järgi :) Aeg talletada rohelust ja teha viimane paljajalu murul kõndimine, kui seda pole veel tehtud.

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And it's time for another color of the month post. I picked green color for August because it was the same on the first year :) Time to make the last bare-foot walk on grass and gather positive emotions from the green.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Romance en Bleu

Here's something for people who like blue! In the center of this brooch is a big Swarovski Indicolite stone. But my new favourites are those smaller six stones.

I fought for them on an auction like mad, I just had to have them. These are the most expensive Swarovski rhinestones that I have in this size. I didn't even know that Swarovski has made this color! So beautiful, seems that the stone itself is crystal clear but coated on the back with somekind of color like heliotrope. Stones are gold-foiled. Every stone has a bit different shade and they change hues when looking at different angles. It's just hypnotizing. I received these stones in original package stating the color Romance en Bleu. Lucky me :)

Vintage Swarovski Brillion rhinestones in color of
Romance en Bleu in their original package

vintage style jewelry
In the center of this vintage style brooch is square shaped
Indicolite rhinestone that is framed with
Czech beads in silky dark blue

vintage style jewelry, rhinestone jewelry, rhinestone brooch
Each Romance en Bleu rhinestone has a bit different shade
that changes in different angles

This vintage style rhinestone brooch is signed :)

vintage style jewelry, rhinestone jewelry, rhinestone brooch
Here you can see how dark blue-colored rhinestone
looks almost greenish aqua!

Siin on midagi sinise fännidele! Selle prossi keskel on suur Indicolite värvi Swarovski ehtekivi. Aga minu uuteks lemmikuteks on need väiksemad kuus kivi.

Võitlesin oksjonil nende eest kui hull, ma lihtsalt pidin need saama. Need mul kõige kallimad kivid selle suurusega kivide hulgas. Ma ei teadnud, et selline värv üldse Swarovskil olemas on! Jube ilus, tundub, et kivi on ise kristall ja on põhjast värvitud Heliotrope moodi värviga. Kividel on kuldfoolium. Iga kivi on pisut erineva tooniga ning paistab erineva nurga alt veel erinevate varjunditega. Lihtsalt hüpnotiseeriv. Sain kivid originaalpakendis ja värvi nimeks on kirjas Romance en Bleu. Vedas :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

White Flower with Blue

Eile õhtul valmis veel see kaelakee. Täiesti planeerimata või ettekujutust omamata, mida ma täpselt tegin. Siit võib leida Miyuki seemnehelmeid (suurus 15/0), metallhelmeid, sünteetilisest materjalist valge lille ja sinise klaaskivi.

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I finished this necklace yesterday evening. Without any planning nor vision what am I working on. You can find Miyuki seedbeads (size 15/0) here, also metal beads, white synthetic flower and blue colored glass rhinestone.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Viimasel ajal on palju juhtunud: sain posti vahendusel kätte kolm Beads Bee ajakirja (kõikide mu BeadsBee ajakirjade esikaaned leiad siit), kohtusin Agnesega, sain suure ehtetellimuse Prantsusmaalt ja uskumatu, aga võitsin Swarovski küsitluses osalemise eest CreateYourStyle komplekti! See on nii sürr, ma olen muidu selline inimene, kellest loosiõnn mööda hiilib... Aga nüüd olen suure küsimusega maadlemas, mis selle komplektiga teha, kas tõesti teha õpetuse järgi heegeldades, või kasutada neid helmeid oma disainis. Hmmm...

Terve eilne päev mässasin helmestega :) Inspiratsiooniks oli varem valminud käevõru. Aga öelge oma arvamus, kas must värv on teie arvates liiga sünge?

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A lot has been going on lately: I received three Beads Bee magazines (you can see all the front pages of my BeadsBee magazins here), met Agnes, got a huge jewelry order from France and unbelievably I won a CreatYourStyle kit from participating Swarovski survey! It's so unreal, I'm the type of person who doesn't have any luck when it comes to different drawings... But now I'm struggling with the question whether I should try to make that bracelet as it is written or use those sparkling beads in my own design. Hmmm...

Yesterday I was making jewelry all day long :) I got inspired by black bracelet.
Tell me your opinion, is black color too gloomy?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Jah, eks ole võibolla imelik näha siin blogis ehteid, mis on teist tooni kui antiikvask :) Aga see kõrvarõnga paar oli kingituseks mu sugulasele. Eesmärk oli hõbedane toon ja erkpunane värv. Ma ei kingi väga tihti oma ehteid, see tundub kuidagi imelik ja nagu oleks seda liiga vähe. Õnneks nägin oma silmaga, et sünnipäevalapsele kink väga meeldis ja nii on mul endal ka rahu.

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Well, I guess it's quite weird to see here jewelry that is not in the shade of antique copper :) But this pair of earrings wes a gift for my cousin. Silver-color and bright red were requirements I needed to follow. I rarely give my jewelry as gifts, because it feels strange and it feels like it's not enough. Fortunately I saw with my own eyes that she really liked them, so I'm relieved.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swarovski Bracelet

Ma püüdsin teha ühe ehte, kus oleks kasutatud ainult swarovski helmeid ja kive. Pärast pikka aega proovimist ja kombineerimist otsustasin käeketi kasuks. Siin on palju erinevaid värve, ei mäletagi kõike... Enamuses kõik mingid opaal-tüüpi värvid. Need suured helmed on päris vanad ja neid ma olen siin blogis ka varem näidanud.

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I tried to make a piece of jewellery using only beads and rhinestones by swarovski. After some trying and combining I decided that bracelet would be the best way. Here are so many colors used, I don't even remember all the names... Mostly these are somesort of opal-type colors. The big ones are vintage and I have shown them here on my blog before.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Violet Sabrina Brooch

Pross lillaka sabrina klaaskivi (Lääne Saksamaalt), kuldsete (24karat comet or) swarovskite ja valgetest kuuklaasist tilgakujuliste kividega. Viimased on ühed vanimad mu kivide hulgas (mille sain originaalpakendiga), valmistatud 1945-49 aastatel.
Mul pole praegu ümmargusi metallplaate ja seetõttu panin prossi taguseks ovaalse. Paras pusimine :)

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A brooch with sabrina glass (Western Germany), golden (24karat comet or) swarovskies and white moonglass pearshaped stones. These pearshaped glass stones are one of the oldest stones got (with original packaging), from the years 1945-49.
I don't have any round filligree plates right now so I had to put an oval shape behind the brooch. It wasn't easy :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Color of the month: TurquoiseBlue July

Valisin oma albumist pilte. Juuli kuu jaoks valisin türkiissinise. Põhjus, miks see värv, on lihtne. Nimelt alustasin kuu kaupa värvide järgi vanade piltide valimist just sellest värvist kaks aastat tagasi. Vahepeal oli paus ja nüüd alustan uuesti. Osad pildid on väääga vanad, osad on hiljutised. Muide, kui on huvi, millal mingi ehe on tehtud, siis aimu saab pildi failinimest (see näitab, millal olen pildi arvutisse pannud). Kui failinimest kuupäeva/aastat pole, siis see võib olla vanem kui 2006. Aga ma pole kindel.

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I chose some photos from my album. I picked out turquoise blue for July. Reason why this color is quite simple. I started this whole Color of the Month two years ago with exact same color. I had a break for a year and now it's like a second start :) Some photos are really old but some are recent. By the way, if you're curious how old are some of the jewelry pieces then you might look the failnames (it's the date I uploaded these photos to my computer). If there's no date/year then I think might be older than 2006. But I'm not sure.