something for people who like blue! In the center of this brooch is a
big Swarovski Indicolite stone. But my new favourites are those smaller
six stones.
I fought for them on an auction like mad, I just had to have
them. These are the most expensive Swarovski rhinestones that I have in this size.
I didn't even know that Swarovski has made this color! So beautiful, seems
that the stone itself is crystal clear but coated on the back with
somekind of color like heliotrope. Stones are gold-foiled. Every stone
has a bit different shade and they change hues when looking at different
angles. It's just hypnotizing. I received these stones in original package stating the color Romance en Bleu. Lucky me :)
Vintage Swarovski Brillion rhinestones in color of Romance en Bleu in their original package |
In the center of this vintage style brooch is square shaped Indicolite rhinestone that is framed with Czech beads in silky dark blue |
Each Romance en Bleu rhinestone has a bit different shade that changes in different angles |
This vintage style rhinestone brooch is signed :) |
Here you can see how dark blue-colored rhinestone looks almost greenish aqua! |
Siin on midagi sinise fännidele! Selle prossi keskel on suur Indicolite värvi Swarovski ehtekivi. Aga minu uuteks lemmikuteks on need väiksemad kuus
Võitlesin oksjonil nende eest kui hull, ma lihtsalt pidin need
saama. Need mul kõige kallimad kivid selle suurusega kivide hulgas. Ma
ei teadnud, et selline värv üldse Swarovskil olemas on! Jube ilus,
tundub, et kivi on ise kristall ja on põhjast värvitud Heliotrope moodi
värviga. Kividel on kuldfoolium. Iga kivi on pisut erineva tooniga ning
paistab erineva nurga alt veel erinevate varjunditega. Lihtsalt
hüpnotiseeriv. Sain kivid originaalpakendis ja värvi nimeks on kirjas Romance en Bleu. Vedas :)