Monday, November 30, 2009

COTM: Black November

Käimas on teine Värviliste kuude ring, kus igal kuul panen siia blogisse varem valminud ehetest kokku mosaiigi. Selle novembrikuu jaoks valisin jälle musta (nagu eelmisel korral). Sest must iseloomustab seda kuud kõige rohkem minu jaoks. Ilmad lähevad pimedamaks ja pimedamaks...

Et vaadata kõiki Kuude Värve kliki SIIA.
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This is the second round of Color of the month project where I make a selection of previously made jewelry. This november I chose black, again. Because I think that black goes perfectly with november. Days go darker and darker...

To see all Color of the Months clkick HERE.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two Brooches

Need kaks valmisid enne kuldpruuni prossi. Kõikidel prossidel on ehtekivide kolmikuid :)
Mõlemal prossil on kasutatud vanu ehtekive. Põnevates värvides. Esimesel on sabrina klaasi ja kahevärvilist läbipaistvat klaasi, teisel on iris/rainbow klaas ja vanu, natuke kulunud swarovski comet argent ehtekive.
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I made these two brooches before the one in goldenbrown. All of them have triple rhinestones :) Both of these brooches have vintage stones. In interesting colors. First one has sabrina glass and bicolored glass, second one has iris/rainbow glass and vintage a bit worn swarovski Comet argent rhinestones.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shopping for Jewelry Competition

Ma tahan teha ühe töö ehtekonkursile ning ostsin selle tarvis mõningaid swarovski ehtekive. Nüüd tagantjärele vaadates paistab, et mul on nõrkus poolläbipaistvate värvide suhtes :)

Tegelikult nägin suurt vaeva, et leida kivi värvusega white opal star shine, mida olin kasutanud ükskord ühes prossis. Tuleb välja, et seda värvi pole sugugi lihtne saada. Meenus, et tol korral sain prossi tarvis selle kivi LaGeode poest, kust lõpuks õnnestuski see hankida (järgi oligi seal ainult üks). Lisaks suurele 12mm kivile oli seal ka 8mm ja 10x5mm kive selles värvis. Nüüd on need seal otsas ;)

Tahtsin ka teada anda, et LaGeode pood pannakse kinni ning sellega seoses on seal tohutud allahindlused. Minge kindlasti vaatama!
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1. Keskel nelinurkne 12mm White opal star shine (art 4470)
2. Vasakul üleval on tilgakujuline 14x10mm Light grey opal (art 4320), selle kõrval 4mm bicone helmed Sand Opal (art 5301), tilgakujuline kristallpärl 11x8mm Cream (art 5821)

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3. Tilgakujulised 14x10mm Pacific opal ja Palace green opal (art 4320), 3mm kristallpärlid Cream rose pearl (art 5810), navette 15x7mm Crystal (art 4231), 4mm bicone helmed White opal star shine (art 5301)
4. Tilgakujuline 14x10mm Caribbean blue opal (art 4320), 8mm ümmargused White opal star shine (art 1028) ja 8mm kristallpärlid Creamrose light pearl (art 5810)

I want to submit a jewelry piece to a jewelry competition and did some shopping for that. Now looking at the stones it seems that I have a thing about the opal colors :)

Actually I had difficulties when trying to track down a special color White opal star shine. I have used it once before in a brooch. Finally succeeded in remembering where I got the first stone, I found the last one in LaGeode shop. Addition to that 12mm stone there was also that color in shapes of round 8mm and navette 10x5mm. I bought them all :)

I also wanted to tell you that after 4 years of business LaGeode is closing and therefore you can find big sales there. Go and check it out!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Kuldpruun pross vanast ajast klaasi, Tšehhi ja swarovski kristallidega. Need kullavärvi kivid on swarovksi aurum ehtekivid. Keskele panin klaaspärli. Muide, sain selle antiikse nõelapadja täna postkontorist kätte. Siia rändas see USAst. See on jubenunnu :) Seal peal on voogavate joontena nartsissi õied ja lehed, all pisikesed neli jalga. Samet on ookrivärvi, "tõsine" paks kangas.
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Goldenbrown brooch with vintage glass, Czech crystal and swarovski crystal. Those gold ones are swarovski "aurum" color. I put a glass pearl in the middle. Btw I got this antique pin cushoin today from the post office. It came all the way from USA. It's supercute! It has beautiful daffodils and four cute little legs. The fabric is thick velvet in ochre colour.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Group Photo

Tegin proovi pildistada pihutäis ehteid korraga. Ütleme nii, et 1/3 piltidest tuli kustutada udususe tõttu ja teine 1/3 olid lihtsalt mõttetud. Siin on nii varemvalminud ehteid, päris uusi ja ka tellimusena tehtuid. Musta kee ja kõrvarõngad panen DaWandasse ülesse.
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This time I tried to photograph more jewelry together. Well, lets say that 1/3 of photos I erased because they were blurry and another 1/3 were erased because they didn't have any meaning at all. Here are some jewelry you already seen, some are new and some are custom made. I'll put the black necklace and earrings on DaWanda soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

FimoRoses by Terje

Pärast seda, kui tegime Lucy'ga kõrvarõngaste vahetust ja ma sain endale roosidega kõrvarõngad, tekis mul soov selliste rooside järele. Kuigi oli vähem kui tõenäoline, et ma kunagi fimoga meisterdama hakkan, hellitasin siiski lootust, et kunagi tuleb isu peale :) Soovist rooside järele lobisesin välja siis, kui kunagi aitasin Terjet tema näitusega. Ja kujutate ette, et ma sain nüüd temalt kingituse!!! :) Ma sain temalt karbitäie roose! Nunnud, pisikesed ja roosad roosid! Terje on kullatükk!!!
Võttis aega, ennem kui kogusin julgust nendega midagi ette võtta. Tulemus pidi olema midagi magusat ja romantilist ;) Eile valmis komplekt roosade swarovskite ja erinevate klaashelmestega. Need roosat värvi klaashelmed on värvitud, st et nad on läbipaistvast klaasist ja kaetud roosat värvi kihiga. Olen ennemgi sellist tüüpi helmeid kasutanud, kuid siis oli neil juba selline kulunud välimus olemas. Need roosad siin on aga vist liiga uued ja selliseks kulunuks muutuvad nad kandmise käigus. Huvitav, kuidas neid helmeid juba ette kulutada? Aga need kollased on jubearmsad helmed, need on tegelikult siiruviirulised :D Need ei kulu.
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After I made a swap with Lucy and got myself a gorgeous pair of earrings with pink roses, I had a wish to have thiskind of roses to use in my jewellery. Although it was more than unlikely for me to work with Fimo I still kept hoping it will catch on to me :) I talked about my hopes when I helped Terje with her exhibition, it was some time ago. And could you believe it, I now received a gift from her!!! :) A box with tiny roses in it! Cute little pink roses! Isn't she adorable!
It took time for me to gather some courage to work with these roses. The outcome had to be something sweet and romantic ;) Yesterday I managed to complete a set with pink swarovski rhinestones and different glass beads. Those pink beads are dyed, it means that these are made from crystal clear glass and covered with pink dye. I've used this type of beads before but then they already had the worn look. These pink ones here must be too new and they should have the look in time. I wonder if there is a possibility to give them the worn effect before putting them into jewellery? But those yellow beads ar super cute, these are actually swirly :D That color doesn't fade or wear off.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Mul pole kaugeltki vähe kogunenud igasuguseid ehtevalmistamise värke, kuid millegipärast kipun tahtma just seda, mida saada pole :) Nagu näiteks 2mm suuruseid klaaspärleid. Võta või jäta, kõige väiksemad on alati poodides ja tootjatel 3mm. Aga ma tahan 2mm...
Kuni järsku oli eBay oskjonil 2mm imitatsioonpärlite punt. Tegu pesuehtsate 1950ndate (kui mitte varasemast ajast) Jaapanis toodetud klaaspärlitega! Lükitud kahekordsele imepeenikesele traadile ja lipikutega. Ma pidin need endale saama.

Kusjuures oma üllatuseks avastasin, et kui tänapäeval kasutatakse klaaspärlites piimjat klaasi, mis siis kaetakse pärlmutrise värviga, siis tol ajal valmistatud klaaspärlites on läbipaistev klaas. See muidugi tähendab, et pärlmutrise kihi kulumine torkab rohkem silma.
Niisiis, avastades, et need vanad klaaspärlid sobivad uute Tšehhi bright mink värvi pärlitega, valmistasin paari kõrvarõngaid ja kaelakee, mida annaks nendega sobitada. Väiksed 12ss suurused swarovski AB-läikelised kristallid (oh, kuidas tahaks, et neid oleks ka vaskses viimistluses!), suured lihvitud klaashelmed ja veel helmeid, osadel AB läige.

Edit: Huvitav, kas keegi on märganud, et kõrvarõngastel on miskit valesti? ;)

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I can't say I haven't gathered enough jewellery making supplies over the years by now, but as a rule I seem to want those things I can't get :) For example 2mm glass pearls. Take it or leave it, the smallest ones avalable in stores or by manufacturers are 3mm pearls. But I want 2mm...
Until suddenly I found a hank of 2mm imitation pearls on eBay auction. These were genuine vintage glasspearls made in 1950s (if not earlier) in Japan! Strung on two hair thin wires with paper labels and all. I had to have those.

It's rather interesting that todays glass pearls are made of milky glass and then covered with pearly finish, but those vintage ones were made using clear glass. That means that it's more easy to see when the pearly coating wears off.
So, finding that those vintage pearls go well with new Czech glass pearls in bright mink color, I made a pair of earrings and a matching necklace. Little 12ss size rose montees with swarovski crystal AB (I wish I could have them in copper plated settings!), faceted large glass beads and other glass beads, some with AB coating.

Edit: I wonder if anyone has noticed there's something wrong with the earrings? ;)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blue Heavens

Kaua tehtud kaunikene. Kui selle komplekti (või minikollektsiooni) valmistamise ette võtsin, siis tundu see midagi suurt ja vägevat. Tulemuse valmimisrõõmu varjutas aga pikaleveninud protsess, mis oli tingitud puuduolevatest komponentidest. Kui midagi hakkab venima, siis karta on, et kõige lõpus pole tulemus see, mis alguses ettekujutuses oli.
Ehted on sellegipoolest juba oma elu hakanud elama ja neid ei morjenda absoluutselt minu kõhklused ja kahtlused :) Lõppkokkuvõtteks sai valmis kolm kaelakeed, kolm käeketti, kolm kõrvarõngapaari ning üks pross. Kui soovite näha ehetest rohkem pilte, siis külastage DaWanda't.
Olen kasutanud siin klaaspärleid (Tšehhi), klaashelmeid (Tšehhi), vanu klaaskive, vanu swarovski ehtekive (värv blue opal, mida enam ei toodeta), seemnehelmeid (Miyuki, Jaapan) ja erinevaid metallkomponente.

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This took a lot of time to work on. When I started this set (or minicollection) it seemed to be something big and fascinating. Expectations were huge but the whole process started to take too much time because of the missing components. If things start to lose the pace it could easily happen that the outcome isn't what was visioned at the start.
But the jewelry was born and started to live it's own life and my doubts or expectations doesn't matter anymore. As the outcome of this projet I made three necklaces, three bracelets, three pair of earrings and one brooch. If you wish to see more photos of the jewelry visit DaWanda.
I used glass pearls (Czhech Republic), glass beads (Czhech Republic), vintage glass cabochons, vintage swarovski rhinestone (color is blue opal, it's not made anymore), seedbeads (Miyuki, Japan) and different metal findings and components.