Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Egyptian Revival Earrings with Vintage Glass Lapis Scarabee
Vaatasin ükspäev televiisorist saadet Egiptuse hauakambritesse peidetud ehetest ning tegelikult on olnud soov midagi selleteemalist teha juba ammu. Mõtlesin, et Egiptuse teemalised ehted antiikvasega koos võivad mõjuda pentsikult. Aga oli vaja ikkagi ära proovida.
Kõrvarõngastel on vintage klaasist skarabeusid, mis imiteerivad vääriskivi lasuriiti (lapis lazuli). Lisaks panin klaashelmeid värvides: türkiis, korall punane, alabaster, pärl ning kullavärvi.
I was watching a show on the jewelry hidden in the chambers of the Egypt and I must admit I wanted to make something with this theme for while now. I thought that Egypt revival jewelry would look odd when combined with antique copper components. But I had to try.
There are two vintage glass scarabaeus with blue color imitating the precious stone lapis lazuli. As addition I used glass beads in colors: turquoise, coral red, alabaster, pearl and gold.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Bracelet with vintage pink glass beads from Czechoslovakia
Eelmises postituses näidatud triiki täis helmekarp viis selle käeketi valmimiseni. Helmed on robustsed ning ebaühtlased. Tundub nagu oleks need on ükshaaval pressitud valu sarnasesse vormi, mis jätab helme keskele randi. Kuna nendel helmestel on suhteliselt suured augud, sain need lükkida peenikese keti peale. Iseenesest on see hea selle poolest, et helmeste teravad ääred võivad niidile saatuslikuks saada ja ketile lükituna on ehtel pikem eluiga. Teiselt poolt meeldib mulle see, kuidas ketile lükitud helmeread on raskemad ja drapeeruvad ilusamalt.
Käeketil on kinnise küljes valge-mustakirju Tšehhi pressitud helmes, mis pani paika ehte kolmevärvilisuse Tohutu pusa helmevanikuid langeb roosa pikliku helme kõrvalt.
The bead-box show on the previous post lead to this bracelet here. The beads are robust and vary in size. It seems like these were made by using some sort of molds that leave marks in the middle of the bead. Since these beads have relatively large holes I could use very fine chain when stringing. Using chain instead of thread is good because the sharp edges wouldn't let the piece of jewelry to last long. And I also like how chain gives some extra weight to bead strings and let them drape so nicely.
This bracelet has a lovely white-black-striped Czech bead on the clasp that gave the idea to make this bracelet using three colors. Also a richly bunch of bead dangles that fall next from the oval shaped bead.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Kujutage ette, milline rõõm oli avada see karp Tšehhoslovakkia helmeid, mis oli seisnud puutumatuna alates hetkest, mil kellegi käed selle paki kokku sõlmisid. Karbil on nööriga küljes "näidis" helmes. Helmed on armsat roosat värvi ja robustsete äärtega, üpris erineva suurusega ja tänapäeva helmestega võrreldes suurte aukudega. Helme pind on hästi läikiv!
Imagine how awesome it was to open a box of vintage Czechoslovakia beads that has sat untouched from the moment it was packed. There was an "example" bead on the packing cord. Beads are in sweet pink color and have a bit rough edges, not very uniform in size. Compared with today's production these beads have rather big holes. The surface is very glossy!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Dark Blue Jewelry
Pildivalik kõige uuematest ehetest! Ehtekivideks on siin vintage (1980ndate) Swarovski Sapphire kristallid. Lisaks on siin Tšehhi klaasi koos robustsete käsitsivalmistatud helmestega. Viimastel on matt pind ja sees hõbefoolium, mis annab helmestele salapärase hõõguva kuma. Ehted leiad siit Etsy poest.
Photo selection of the newest jewelry! Here you find vintag (1980's) Swarovski Sapphire crystals. With Czech glass beads and rough handmade beads. Handmade beads have frosted finish and silver foilo inside that gives the beads such an unearthly glow. You can find these from Etsy shop.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Swarovski Apple Green
Kõrvarõngad, vahelduseks hõbedase metalliga. Baroksed klaaspärlid Tšehhoslovakkiast koos vintage Swarovski helmestega.
Earrings with silvery metal for a change. Baroque glass pearls with vintage Swarovski beads.
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