Wednesday, October 29, 2014

More Beads...

Tegin hiljuti ühe suurema ostu Prantsusmaalt. See on ülipõnev! Osa sellest on toodetud Bapterossesi Briare tehases - Emaux de Briare, kus valmistati muuhulgas Prosser-tehnikas helmeid. Siin on türkiisivärvi helmevihu jäänus, millel alles veel originaalne silt, kus on kirjas värvikood (3774), suurus (000) ja kunagine kogus (25 000tk). Helmed on lükitud linasele niidile. Veel on siin kaks karpi musti helmeid sildiga, millel kirjas värvikood (905), suurus (00) ja kogus (5000tk). Mis silma hakkab karbi puhul on see, et papp-karp on valmistatud palju õhemast materjalist, kui mu Tšehhi karbid. Need siin lagunevad ning neid ei ole võimalik avada ja sulgeda. Mõlemad helmevärvid on näha ka tehase helmekaardil. Mõlemad sildid on trükitud huvitavale paberile, millel on muster, mis vist kujutab linde?

I recently made a bigger purchase from France. It's super exiting! Some of these beads were made in famous Bapterosses's Briare factory - Emaux de Briare, that made Prosser-beads amongst others. Here is what's left of a bead hank, still with an original tag writings with the color code (3774), size (000) and original amount (250000pcs). Beads are strung on linen string. Two boxes of black beads, labeled with color code (305), size (00) and amount (5000pcs). It's noticeable that the French bead boxes aren't made of as strong cardboard as the Czech bead boxes. These boxes here are falling a part and cannot be opened and closed. Both bead colors are also on Emaux de Briare factory sample card. Both labels and tags are printed on same patterned paper perhaps picture birds?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Palju õnne, mdmButiik!
19-26. oktoobril kehtib Etsy mdmButiik poes -20% allahindlus (19.10-26.10.2014),
kui kasutad seda kupongi:
Täpsemalt sellest, kuidas kupongi Etsy poes kasutada, saab lugeda siit. Siin pildil on aga minu kingitus :) Vanasti kasutati sellised klaaskupleid uhkete kullatud kelladel tolmu kaitseks. Antud juhul on tegu küll uue taastoodanguga, ent nagu juuresoleval pildil näha, siis on see suurepärane viis esitleda ehteid ja samas kaitsta neid tolmu eest.
How to display jewelry Antique trinket box mdmButiik jewellery made in Estonia

Happy birthday, mdmButiik!
-20% sale at Etsy mdmButiik shop is available (
when using this coupon code:
You can find more info about how to use coupon code in my shop here. Here on the photo you can see my birthday gift :) In the old days these glass domes were meant for ormolu clocks to protect them from dust. This one here is a new reproduction, but still perfect for displaying jewellery in protective way.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Five Years

Ülehomme 19ndal oktoobril on mdmButiigil sünnipäev. Firma tegemine võttis aega enam kui 5 aastat... Mis pole tegelikult palju, kuna olen ehteid teinud oma 17 aastat :) Sünnipäeva tähistamiseks on mdmButiigi Etsy poes allahindlus 20%!!! Selleks tuleb kasutada kupongi, mille annan varsti siin blogis, Facebookis, kui ka teadaandes poe logo all.
vintage beads
Redlhammer Brothers bead boxes in various colors of Prosser-beads 

Day after tomorrow on the 19th October is the birthday of mdmButiik. Starting a company took more than five years... It's not that much considering that I've made jewelry for 17 years by now :) To celebrate I'm having a big sale of 20% in my mdmButiik Etsy shop!!! To receive the sale you must use a coupon code that I'll give you here on blog soon, Facebook and write on the shop announcements under shop banner.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Vintage Japan Seed Beads

Helmed rändavad. Selle seemnehelmeste vihu sain ma Tšehhi vintage helmeste müüjalt. Küljes on paberist ümmargune lipik "Hiroshima Glass Beads". See firma on asutatud aastal 1956.
vintage seed beads glass

Beads travel. I got this seed bead hank from vintage bead seller from Czech. It has a round paper tag with "Hiroshima Glass Beads". This company was established in the 1956.

Sunday, October 5, 2014




Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jewellery Set with Antique Glass Sew-On Beads

Komplektis on kolmerealine kaelakee ja käekett, väike pross, lihtne kaelakee ja kolm paari kõrvarõngaid.

This set includes three-row necklace and bracelet, little brooch, simple necklace and three pairs of earrings.