Pulmakomplektide tegemine on alati raske - see peab vastama nii pruudi olemuse kui ka selle tähtsa päeva erakordsusele... Siin on komplekt, mille muster on sarnane mul varem vaminud musta käeketi omaga. Mustri keskmes on hõbedaläikelised lihvitud helmed, mis iga kandja liigutusega valgust peegeldavad - nagu väikesed peeglid! Mitmekihilisuse tõttu oli tulemuseks õhulisus ja ruumilisus. Seemnehelmeid on ka mitmet sorti: piimjad valged pärlmutrised, läbipaistvad matid, hõbedase sisuga. Lihvitud helemeid on alates 3mm kuni 10mm suuruseni: hõbedased, piimjad valged, läbipaistmatud valged, läbipaistvad.
Valmimisprotsess oli parajalt aeganõudev. Kõrvarõngaste disain lasi ennast kaua oodata, aga kõige lõpuks valmisid needki! Pruut oli komplektiga väga rahul :) ja tema sõnul tuli tähtsa päeva jooksul muude komplimentide hulgas ka positiivseid märkusi selle komplekti suhtes.

Making a commissioned set for wedding is always difficult for me - it must be according to the entity of the bride and the importance of the day... Here is a set with a similar pattern of my black bracelet I made some time ago. In the basis there are silver-colored faceted beads that reflect light everytime the wearer moves - like little mirrors! Thanks to the many layers the result was three-dimensional and light. There are different sorts of seedbeads: milky white with luster, transparent matt, silverlined. There are faceted beads in sizes from 3mm to 10mm: silver-colored, milky white, opaque white, christal.
Process of making this set took a lot of time. I had to wait till I figured out the disain of these earrings but finally I could finish them also! The bride was happy with the set :) and she told me that among other compliments there were some regarding to this set during her important day.