Thursday, October 29, 2009

Orange&Brown October (COTM)

Oranž ja pruun sobivad sügisesse imehästi. Ehted alates 2008ndast aastast kuni 2009 suveni.

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Orange and Brown go so well with autumn. These were made from 2008 till the summer of 2009.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Ma ei ole kuhugile kadunud. Et millega tegelen? Ikka unistamisega :) Oh, kui kaugele lähevad mõnikord mõtted... Pole saanud vasksete komponentide tagavara uuendada ja seetõttu olen päris nõutu, tuleb idee, kuid teostada ei saa.
Näiteks tuli üks idee kuldse prossi jaoks, kuna polnud õige suurusega kivi "pesa", vaatasin igaks juhuks vasksed üle. Vaskset oli, kuid vasksed prossinõelad on otsas. Siis mõtlesin, et teen prossist pool ja muudan selle kaelakee ripatsiks. Niih, tegingi, kuid kaelakeed valmis ei saanud, kuna pole pikendusketti. Aga midagi hakkas arenema. Tegin juurde kõrvarõngaid, poolikuid käekette ja veel poolikuid kaelakeesi. Oleks nagu väike kollektsioon lausa... aga poolik :) Ei meeldi poolikuid asju esitleda, aga väikese vihje panen siia ikka. Kui kunagi saan vajalikud asjad tellitud, ja saan need kätte, ehted valmis tehtud ja pildistatud, panen kohe siia üles. Aga seniks, pidage vastu, ja hoidke oma tervist :)


So what I've been doing lately? I've been dreaming :) It's amazing how far can your thoughts take you... I still haven't been able to restock my copper plated findings and it leaves me in a sad situation where I have ideas but cannot complete them.
For example I had an idea about a golden brooch, but since I didn't have (again) a certain gold color setting I checked it from my copperplated findings. I had that setting in copper, but I didn't have copperplated brooch pin. So I thought I'll make a half of the brooch and make it a pendant or a centerpiece for a necklace. But I couldn't finish the necklace because I didn't have extending chain for clasp. But ideas kept coming. I made some earrings, some half ready bracelets and more half ready necklaces. It could be a small collection you know... but its half done :) I don't like to present things when they are not ready, but I'll give you a little hint. When I can order missing findings, and receive those, I'll finish the jewelry and photograph them and then I'll make a new post. But meanwhile hang in there and keep your health :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Golden Set

Sinine kaelakee on valminud varem, selle juurde telliti kõrvarõngapaar, mida näete pildilt. Kasutasin samu givré klaasist ehtekive, samu klaaspärleid ja sama värvi klaashelmeid.

Kuna osad vasksed detailid on otsas ja praegu säästurežiimi tõttu uut komponentide tellimust teha ei saa, siis olin "sunnitud" kasutama selles õrnroosas komplektis kuldseid metallosi. Komplektis on käekett, pross ja kõrvarõngad. Vanadel ehetel olen tihtilugu näinud seemnehelmestega või tibatillukeste klaaspärlitega kaetud metall-plaate. Küll ma murdsin pead, mismoodi neid tollal tehti... Ükskõik kuidas ma ka ei proovinud, ikka jäid helmeread hoidma kõveralt ja hakkasid nihkuma. Kuni ükskord plahvatas! Oluline on töö järjekord ja väga tugev pinge (näpud olid pikka aega traadist triibulised :)). Eks harjutada annab veel ja veel, kuid olen esimese katsetuse puhul tulemusega rahul. Kasutasin õrnroosasid Tšehhi klaaspärleid (3mm, 4mm, 6mm), Miyuki 15/0 (~1mm) beežikaid seemnehelmeid (Jaapan) ja swarovski kristallist ehtekive (Austria).

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That blue necklace is from one of my previous post, I had an order for matching earrings. I used the same vintage givré glass rhinestones, same glass pearls and same color glass beads.

I've run out of some copper-colored findings and I can't make another supply-shopping in order to keep my costs down. So I was "forced" to use golden metal components this time. This is a set of bracelet, brooch and a pair of earrings. I've noticed that many vintage costume jewelery pieces have metal plates covered with seedbeads or tiny glass pearls. I've spent so much time on figuring out how these were made in the old days... No matter how I tried it never came close in result and the beaded rows kept sliding. Until one day it came to me! It was all about the order of beading-stringing and the tension (my fingers had stripes from the wire for a long time :)). Ofcourse I need to practice more and more but I'm quite happy with the results of my first attempt. I used light pink glass pearls (Czech), Miyuki 15/0 beige seedbeads (Japan) and swarovski crystal rhinestones (Austria).

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Brooches

Kaks ehtekividega prossi. Esimene on tellitud, musta ja rohelisega. Selle valmistasin sabrina (Lääne Saksamaa) klaaskivide, rohekate swarovskite (green opal), väikeste mustade preciosa (Tšehhoslovakkia) kristalli ja klaasist ehtekividest. Läbimõõt on 4cm, ehk siis parajalt suur.
Teine on väiksem (3,5cm) ja valmistatud swarovski kristallist. Nende hallikatel kividel on vanust vähemalt 49 aastat (pakendile panid kuupäeva tavaliselt ehtefirma kivide ostmisel). Värvide nimed siis morion ja crystal.

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Two rhinestone brooches. First one is custom made, green and black. I made this from sabrina (Western Germany) glass stones, swarovski green opal chatons (Austria), preciosa jet crystal (Czechoslovakia) and glass stones. It's quite big, 4cm in diameter.
The second one is smaller (3,5cm) and made from swarovsku crystal. The greyish navette stones are more than 49 years old (jewelry companies used to put dates on the packages of the day these were bought). Colors are morion and crystal.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Discovering Glass vol.3

See on selline klaas, mis mulle on meeldinud esimesest silmapilgust. Olen seda nimetust - sabrina - näinud küll internetis, kuid see tundus nii imelik, et pakkusin selle olevat pigem uuema aja väljendiks, et seda klaasi eristada teistest. Seda enam, et mõnikord nimetati seda givré, art glass või cuba german klaasiks. Te vbl mäletate seda rõõmsat päeva, mil mul õnnestus soetada originaalpakend ehtekive, millel peal kirjutatud sabrina? Novot, nüüd julgen teha järeldusi :)
Sabrina klaasist ehtekivide puhul on siis tegemist klaasiga, milles on segu opaal (poolläbipaistev valge) klaas ja tilk mingit muud värvi (läbipaistev või poolläbipaistev). Siin on erinevus givré klaasist, sest viimane oli segu läbipaistvast klaasist ja tilgast läbipaistmatut värvi klaasist. Sabrina klaas on tihti fooliumiga, mis laseb valgusel peegelduda tagasi ja nii tekib selles ilus valguse kuma. Enamasti on see poleeritud pinnaga, kuid mul on üks lihvitud ja mõned pressitud mustriga. Originaalpakendil on kirjas, et kivid on valmistatud Lääne Saksamaal. Mul pole infot, et teistes riikides oleks selliseid kive valmistatud.
See on praegu kogu minu teadmine sabrina klaasist, kui teil on mingit lisainformatsiooni, palun andke teada. Olen selle eest väga tänulik.

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This is the type of glass that I really liked from the first time I saw it. I've seen the name - sabrina - in the net many times, but it seemed weird and I thought it is a newer concept, made up just to distinguish it from the other type of glass. And even more, I've seen this type of glass with names like givré, art glass or cuba german. Perhaps you remember my lucky day when I received an original package with sabrina written on it? So it gave me the confidence to make some conclusions :)
Sabrina glass is a mix of opal (half transparent white) glass with a drop of (transparent or half transparent) color. This is the difference that distinguishes it from givré glass which is a mix of transparent clear glass an a drop of opaque (silky) color. Sabrina rhinestones are often covered with folium on the back side, it reflects the light and therefore it seems to glow. Usually these rhinestones have polished top, but I do have a faceted ones and some with textured top. It's written on the original package that these stones were made in Western Germany. I have no info about other countries.
This is my knowledge about sabrina glass so far, if you have any additional information, please let me know. I really appreciate it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sugar Crystal

Oodake, see pole see, mis teile paistab... Ma eeldan, et esmapilgul paistab siin röögatult uhke kaelakee - mitmerealiselt Tšehhi pressitud, lihvitud ja kraklee effektiga (mõraliseid) klaashelmeid, uhke keskosa Lääne Saksamaal valmistatud klaasist tekstuuriga "suhkru"kivide ja Tšehhoslovakkia ehtekividega ning kõige tipuks veel üks suuuure läbipaistva klaashelmega ripats.
Olen ma tõesti liiga palju jõllitanud pilte vanadest ehetest? Täiesti kindel, et olen, kuid ju mitte piisavalt, et midagi sellist valmis teha...

Sest tegelikult on siin tegu sellise tavalise kolmerealise kaelakeega, ovaalse kujuga prossi ja väikese ripatsiga (mida saab panna näiteks koti või võtmehoidja külge). Sellest, kuidas kõik kokku panin, saab aimu viimaselt pildilt.

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Wait, it's not what it appears to be... I suppose it appears to be a huge necklace - three rows of Czech faceted, pressed and crackle glass beads, fancy centerpiece with Western Germany textured sugarstones and Czechoslovakian glass rhinestones and addition a dangle with a biiig faceted glass bead.
Have I really spend way too many hours staring at the old costume jewelry?! Ofcourse I have, but apparently not enough to make thatkind of a huge necklace...

Because actually here is an average three row necklace, an oval shaped brooch and a dangle (for attaching to a bag or a keychain, for example). You can see how I put it all together looking at the last photo.