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Vastuseks eelmise postituse küsimusele: Seal pildil on 5 paari kõrvarõngaid, 4 kaelakeed, 2 käeketti, üks pross ja üks juuksekamm. Kokku 13 ehet. Lillelemb pani ikka päris lähedale!
Kogu selle pisikollektsiooni nimeks on Vintage Pearls. Sest kasutasin ikka päris vanu pärleid. Need 2mm on mul kõige vanimad helmed, mis mul üldse on olemas. Müüja sõnul on need pärit 1920ndatest. Sain need originaal kujul tehase pakina, lükituna kahekordsele traadile ning sildikestega "Simulated pearls. Made in Japan". Suur pusa traate mähituna siidipaberisse. Traat on kohati täiesti lagunenud ning pärlikesed pudisevad laiali. Need on tagasihoidlikku hallikat-beezikat tooni ja suurus varieerub - ideaalne looduslike pärlite imiteerimiseks. Pärlikiht pole väga vastupidav, kui see kulub, paistab alt poolläbipaistev klaas vastu. Suuremad pärlid sobivad nendega hästi, sest ka need pole ideaalsed, kohati on hallikat tooni, kohati beezikat. Mõned kriimud on ka peal. Pärit kuskil 1960-70ndatest.
Ehtekivid on kõik läbipaistev klaas. Eriti põnevad on minu jaoks need auguga ehtekivid, mul on neid nüüd kaks suurust 8mm ja 11mm. Teised ehtekivid on samuti kõik klaasist, seda seetõttu, et ei saa ju panna swarovski kristallklaasi tavalise klaasiga kõrvuti, muidu oleks vahe silmaga märgata.
Oh, uudiseid on nii palju! Sain kätte veel ühe Beads Bee ajakirja, nr 5. Tulemas on ka blogi sünnipäev 5ndal juulil! Sellel puhul loosin välja ühe ehte. Mõtlesin, et kuna maile pole turvaline kommentaaridesse panna, siis läheb loosimine Followers'ide vahel, nii saan võitjaga ilusti ühendust võtta. Ja veel... sain paar päeva tagasi teada, et Swarovski sponsoreerib ühte ehtekonkurssi, mille tähtaeg on 30. juuni! Appi, kas jõuan midagi valmis?!
Vastuseks eelmise postituse küsimusele: Seal pildil on 5 paari kõrvarõngaid, 4 kaelakeed, 2 käeketti, üks pross ja üks juuksekamm. Kokku 13 ehet. Lillelemb pani ikka päris lähedale!
Kogu selle pisikollektsiooni nimeks on Vintage Pearls. Sest kasutasin ikka päris vanu pärleid. Need 2mm on mul kõige vanimad helmed, mis mul üldse on olemas. Müüja sõnul on need pärit 1920ndatest. Sain need originaal kujul tehase pakina, lükituna kahekordsele traadile ning sildikestega "Simulated pearls. Made in Japan". Suur pusa traate mähituna siidipaberisse. Traat on kohati täiesti lagunenud ning pärlikesed pudisevad laiali. Need on tagasihoidlikku hallikat-beezikat tooni ja suurus varieerub - ideaalne looduslike pärlite imiteerimiseks. Pärlikiht pole väga vastupidav, kui see kulub, paistab alt poolläbipaistev klaas vastu. Suuremad pärlid sobivad nendega hästi, sest ka need pole ideaalsed, kohati on hallikat tooni, kohati beezikat. Mõned kriimud on ka peal. Pärit kuskil 1960-70ndatest.
Ehtekivid on kõik läbipaistev klaas. Eriti põnevad on minu jaoks need auguga ehtekivid, mul on neid nüüd kaks suurust 8mm ja 11mm. Teised ehtekivid on samuti kõik klaasist, seda seetõttu, et ei saa ju panna swarovski kristallklaasi tavalise klaasiga kõrvuti, muidu oleks vahe silmaga märgata.
Oh, uudiseid on nii palju! Sain kätte veel ühe Beads Bee ajakirja, nr 5. Tulemas on ka blogi sünnipäev 5ndal juulil! Sellel puhul loosin välja ühe ehte. Mõtlesin, et kuna maile pole turvaline kommentaaridesse panna, siis läheb loosimine Followers'ide vahel, nii saan võitjaga ilusti ühendust võtta. Ja veel... sain paar päeva tagasi teada, et Swarovski sponsoreerib ühte ehtekonkurssi, mille tähtaeg on 30. juuni! Appi, kas jõuan midagi valmis?!

Answer to my question from previous post is: on the photo there are 5 pairs of earrings, 4 necklaces, 2 bracelets, one brooch and one french comb. 13 pieces together. Lillelemb was really-really close!
The name of this minicollection is "Vintage Pearls". Because I used quite old pearls here. These tiny 2mm glass pearls are the oldest ones I have. The vendor told me these are from the 1920's. I had them in original condition, strung on two brass wires and packed in paper with labels "Simulated Pearls. Made in Japan". The brass wires are falling apart and they barely hold pearls together. The pearls have the modest color of grey-beige, with not so strong pearl coating. Under the pearl coating there is a glass core, sometimest crystal, sometimes light transparent beige. The bigger glass pearls go so well with them, they aren't round I think they're called "snail" pearls because of the spiral shape. These beads have sometimes grey sometimes beige spots with some scratches in the pearl coating. These were made in the 1960-70's.
All rhinestones are in crystal color. I still love those rhinestones with drilled concave on the surface. Now I have them in two sizes 8mm and 11mm. Other rhinestones are all glass because I can't put any swarovski next to it - it has so obvious difference in quality.
Oh, I have so many news! I received another copy of Beads Bee magazine, nr 5 this time. And the 5th july is my blogs birthday, it's been three years! I'm planning to have a free giveaway! I think it's not good to ask you to share your emails in public so I think it's better way if I make this draw among the followers of this blog. This way you don't need to write your email but I can contact you in case you're the lucky winner. And more... I found out that Swarovski is sponsoring a jewellery contest and the deadline is 30.june! Will I make it?!
The name of this minicollection is "Vintage Pearls". Because I used quite old pearls here. These tiny 2mm glass pearls are the oldest ones I have. The vendor told me these are from the 1920's. I had them in original condition, strung on two brass wires and packed in paper with labels "Simulated Pearls. Made in Japan". The brass wires are falling apart and they barely hold pearls together. The pearls have the modest color of grey-beige, with not so strong pearl coating. Under the pearl coating there is a glass core, sometimest crystal, sometimes light transparent beige. The bigger glass pearls go so well with them, they aren't round I think they're called "snail" pearls because of the spiral shape. These beads have sometimes grey sometimes beige spots with some scratches in the pearl coating. These were made in the 1960-70's.
All rhinestones are in crystal color. I still love those rhinestones with drilled concave on the surface. Now I have them in two sizes 8mm and 11mm. Other rhinestones are all glass because I can't put any swarovski next to it - it has so obvious difference in quality.
Oh, I have so many news! I received another copy of Beads Bee magazine, nr 5 this time. And the 5th july is my blogs birthday, it's been three years! I'm planning to have a free giveaway! I think it's not good to ask you to share your emails in public so I think it's better way if I make this draw among the followers of this blog. This way you don't need to write your email but I can contact you in case you're the lucky winner. And more... I found out that Swarovski is sponsoring a jewellery contest and the deadline is 30.june! Will I make it?!