Thursday, June 26, 2014

Necklace with Swarovski Triangle Crystal

Eesti disain käsitöö ehted mdmButiik Estonia

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From Czecho Slovakia via France

Ostsin Prantsusmaalt vintage kristallivärvi lihvitud klaashelmeid. Need ju klassika! Helmed on lükitud niidile ning mässitud pruuni paberi sisse. Paber tundus esmapilgul üsnagi tavaline. Õnnekombel märkasin enne paberi ära viskamist, et seal on kleebitud pisike kolmnurkne silt... Sildil trükitud "MADE IN CZECHO SLOVAKIA" ning tindiga kirjutatud numbrid.

I bought vintage crystal colored beads from France. Crystal color is always classic! Beads are strung on thread and wrapped in brown paper. I didn't see anything special when I first looked at the paper. Fortunately before I wanted to throw away the paper I noticed there was a triangle-shaped label... Label has printed "MADE IN CZECHO SLOVAKIA" and numbers written in ink.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Antique Trinket Boxes

Boite en bijoux verre ancienne


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pastel Colors

 Helesinisest nn siidiklaasist pressitud ja "English cut" lihvitud helmed.
English cut beads in light blue silk glass.
 Prosser meetodil valmistatud roosad helmed (1914-1940).
Molded and heated Prosser beads in pink (1914-1940's).
Käsitsi valmistatud barokse pinnaga klaashelmed Jaapanist (1940-50).
Handmade baroque beads from Japan (1940-50's).
Lihvitud klaashelmed AB läikega Lääne Saksamaalt (1950).
Faceted glass beads with AB coating from Western Germany (1950's).

Monday, June 16, 2014

Forget Me Not

Meelespea kõrvarõngad 1910ndatel valmistatud sinistest nailhead helmestest. Lille südamikuks on barokse pinnaga klaaspärl.

Forget-me-not earrings with turquoise blue nailhead beads from the 1910's. In the center of the flower there is a glass pearl with baroque surface.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Antique Pocket Watch Box

Siin on üks leid, mille ostsin väikese riski peale oksjoni kaudu. Nimelt oli tootefoto tehtud karbist ülevalt poolt, näha oli karbi vooder läbi klaasi ning äär. Mul polnud täielikult ülevaadet, milline karp on ning milline on selle olukord. Oksonil osalesin sellepärast, et mulle kohutavalt meeldis karbi vooder :) Ilus sügav-sinine ja tundus olevat heas olukorras arvestades sellega, et karp on üle saja aasta vana.
Kui kauba kätte sain, siis nägin üllatusega, et karp oli kaetud väljastpoolt sinise sametiga, mis ühest nurgast natuke pleekinud. Klaasist kaas terve, väikeste täketega, ilma pragudeta. Üleüldine olukord oli hea. Aga vooder... pärast puhastamist selgus, et vooder on peaaegu ideaalses seisus - siid on täiesti terve, ainult karbi seintel olev siid äärtest natuke pleekinud, muidu originaalvärvi, kõik nööpid olemas. Oh seda õnne :)
Porte Montre Antiik karp

This is a find that I bought with a little risk on the auctions. The item photo was made from the top of the box so I could see the lining through the glass panel and the edge of the box. I didn't know how exactly does this box looks like from the outside. I started to bid because I really liked the silk lining of this box :) In beautiful deep blue color and seemed to be in good shape considering it was more than 100 years old.
When I received the box I was surprised to see that it was covered with blue velvet from the outside, it was little damaged from one corner. Glass panel was intact, with little flea bites, no broken edges. Overall condition was very good. But the lining... after I cleaned it I saw that the silk lining was almost in perfect state - no tears or damage in original color, only the silk on the box wall had fainted color on the edges, all buttons there. Oh the joy :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blue & Pink Set

Helesinised Prosser tehnikas valmistatud vintage helmed on tehtud tšehhide Redlhammer Brothers tehase poolt aastatel 1914-1940. Neid helmeid on siin komplektis umbes 800tk. Lisaks on veel Swarovski kristalle, klaaspärleid ning barokse kujuga käsitsi valmistatud roosad Jaapani klaashelmed.
vintage stiilis ehted Eesti disainer käsitöö sinine roosa komplekt
Pikk kaelakee Eesti disainer käsitöö ehted
Vintage stiilis kõrvarõngad sinised roosad mdmButiik
post kõrvarõngad vintage stiilis
rippuvad kõrvarõngad Eesti disainer käsitöö ehted

Vintage light blue beads made in Prosser technique by Czechs Redlhammer Brothers in 1914-1940s. There are more than 800 blue and pink beads in this parure. In addition a lot of Swarovski crystals, glass pearls and vintage handmade Japan glass beads in baroque shape.

Vintage Pink Silk Glass Beads

Need helmed tulid Prantsusmaalt, aga kas need on valmistatud seal või hoopis Tšehhis? Igaljuhul on sellise lihviga helmeid rohkem prantslaste pool müügis. See helmeste "viht" on master hank ingliskeeles, mis tähendab seda, et see koosneb mitmest väiksemast vihust. Antud juhul siis neljast. Arvatavasti on need helmed mõeldud roosikrantside tegemiseks. Klaas on imeilus, pastelne roosa ning siidise läikega.
vintage helmed roosad

These beads came to me from France, but were these made there or in Czech? Anyway I've seen more beads in this cut sold by french. This is a master hank, that means it consists of many smaller hanks. In this case there are four hanks together. These beads were probably made to be part of rosaries. This glass is gorgeous, pastel pink color and with sweet silky gloss.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Antique Black Beads

Kõrvarõngad ja pross vanade helmestega. Must värv on ajatu!

antique pocket watch stand little chair with velvet
mdmButiik broche perles anciennes
musta värvi post kõrvarõngad vintage helmestega
Earrings and brooch with old beads. Black is timeless!