Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Published in Jewelry Affaire

Some of my jewellery has been published in Jewelry Affaire.This necklace is on Etsy right now.

Mõned ehted on ilmunud ajakirjas Jewelry Affaire. See kaelakee on hetkel Etsys.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Swarovski article 4470 Siam



Friday, January 23, 2015

Starting with Jewelry Project

This is the beginning of new jewellery set or even a collection. Inspiration came from the beads as it traditionally happens. Here are some vintage Prosser beads from France, bigger ones are strung on linen thread and bound into bundle, smaller ones came loose. Those dark blue beads are actually in very similar color, bigger ones have a luster finish and smaller ones, well, are just dusty.
The beads are accompanied in perfection by red Siam Swarovski rhinestones! Lapis lazuli imitation cabochons were made in Czechoslovakia. Beautiful bronze metallic seed beads were made in Japan. On the second photo there are blue nailhead beads (used in garment industry in the old days) that match in color also!

Siit saab alguse uus ehete komplekt või kollektsioon. Inspiratsioon tuli, nagu tavaks juba saanud, helmestelt. Siin on vintage Prosser-tüüpi helmed Prantsusmaalt, suuremad on lükitud linasele niidile ja seotud tugevaks puntraks, väiksemad tulid lahtiselt. Need tumesinised helmed on tegelikult üpriski sama värvi, lihtsalt suurematel on läige lisatud ja väiksemad, noh, on lihtsalt tolmused.
Sinna kõrvale sobivad punased Swarovski kristallid (Siam) suurepäraselt! Tšehhoslovakkias valmistatud klaaskivid imiteerivad vääriskivi lapis lazuli. Pronksjat metallivärvi seemnehelmed on valmistatud Jaapanis. Teisel pildil on vintage klaashelmed, mida vanasti kasutati rõivaste kaunistamisel. Ka see sinine sobib teistega suurepäraselt!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Siam Red & Lapis

Gorgeous colors! Here you can see deep red Swarovski crystal rhinestones, small red Czech glass beads and glass lapis cabochons. They have such detail! Some antique blue Prosser beads on the background.

Vapustavad värvid! Siin on näha Swarovski sügavpunased kristallid, Tšehhi klaashelmed ja lapis lazuli klaasist imitatsioonis ehtekivid. Neil on hämmastav detailirohkus! Taustal on antiiksed tumesinised Prosser helmed.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Oval Brooch with Swarovski Ruby

Oval brooch that I made from old and new pearls and vintage (1970-80) Swarovski Crystals in red Ruby color. Brooch is here in antique trinket box that has a beautiful blue lining and glass lid.

Ovaalne pross, kus kasutasin uusi ja vanu pärleid ning vintage (1970-80) Swarovski kristalle, värviks rubiinpunane Ruby. Pross on siin antiikses nipsasjakeste karbis, millel on ilus sinine vooder ja klaasist kaas.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Moveable Feast. Art Deco Fashion Design from Alexandre Vassiliev's Collection

I remember when I saw the add for this exhibition, my thought was that this is something I really would like to see. But I actually forgot about it. Fortunately Hedvig reminded me. Thanks!
This exhibition is based on the collection of Art Deco clothing and accessories of Alexandre Vassiliev. It is open 11.10.2014–18.01.2015 so it was a close call. And this was the rarest occasion when I unexpectedly turned up on the day when the ticket was only 1 euros.

Art Museum of Estonia KUMU
vintage beaded purses and belt dancing shoes etc
Selection of accessories in green. Beaded purse with 
chaton roses in emerald green
Vintage powder boxes beaded tassels and cut steel bead belt
Vintage powder boxes and (perhaps) a beaded belt with 
cut steel beads (cut steel beads were one of the things I expected 
to see and I wasn't disappointed)

Sequin dress in nude color
Sequin dress in nude color. Dresses were adorned mostly with 
silver-lined seed-beads or black seed-beads. But I also recognized 
blown imitation pearls that I didn't expect (I've only read about them)
 and nailhead beads that were described as 
coral beads in some strange reason (the rim from pressing glass was visible)

pink flapper dress
Embroiderings, fringes and tassels - Fabulous!

 Mäletan, et kui sügisel reklaamiti seda näitust, siis mõtlesin, et seda tahaks näha küll. Aga unustasin selle sootuks ära. Õnneks tuletas Hedvig meelde. Aitäh!
Tegemist on Alexandre Vassilievi kollektsiooni esitlusega, kus näeb Art Deco ajastu rõivaid ja aksessuaare. Näitus on avatud 11.10.2014–18.01.2015 nii, et jõudsin peaaegu napilt. Ja üllataval kombel oli täna just see päev, mil külastus maksis vaid 1 euro.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Pearl and crystal - a classic combination!

Happy Birthday
Flapper style 1920's jewelry crystal and pearl Great Gatsby
mdmButiik Katrin Altmeri Estonia

Pärl ja kristall - klassikaline kooslus!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Black Jewelry with Vintage Beads and Rhinestones

Black. Three necklaces, four bracelets, five pairs of earrings and one brooch. Here I used vintage Briare beads (in Prosser technique) with Czech chandelier parts and glass beads. Also some crystal clear Swarovski rhinestones. Beads are strung on fine chain with a tiny metal bead between each glass bead. All items are handmade using wire. No glue used.

Antique Briare Prosser beads from France Eesti disain käsitöö käekett mdmB Katrin Altmeri
Prosser Trade beads French Assemblage Jewelry Statement Necklace Estonia
antique Prosser beads from Briare Franche Black jewelry Mourning Jet Victorian
Eesti ehted disainer disainerid käsitöö Eestist
Miriam Haskell style Victorian Mourning Jewelry style mdmButiik
Miriam Haskell vintage style Estonia Estonian design Welcome to Estonia
Katrin Altmeri Estonia Black jewelry vintage Prosser beads from Briare France Trade

Must. Kolm kaelakeed, neli käeketti, viis kõrvarõngapaari ja üks pross. Siin on kasutatud Briare tehase helmeid (Prosser-tehnikas) ning Tšehhi lühtriosi ja klaashelmeid. Lisaks veel läbipaistvaid vintage Swarovski kristalle. Helmed on lükitud peenikesele ketile, iga helme vahel on tilluke metallhelmes. Kõik on kokku pandud näpu vahel, kasutades traati. Liimi kasutatud ei ole.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Color of Black

vintage beads French black flapper lariat
