Saturday, February 28, 2015
Saphiret Rhinestone Brooch
Lot of small brooches, measuring a bit over 3cm. Design is same but colors differ.
When I received these Saphiret glass
drops then, well... to say I was happy is understatement no doubt. I
was quite out of my mind, actually. Planning these into jewelry needed
to wait a bit because emotions didn't let me.
these brooches are quite small and could be worn together with other
brooches. As I understand that wearing many brooches together at the
same time is quite popular. You could use these as pendants also,
because I added a ring that allows these brooches be hang on a ribbon or
Materials: Saphiret teardrop cabochons; Swarovski rhinestones in different colors
(Light Smoked Topaz, Ceilon Topaz, Pacific Opal, Blue Opal), Czech glass pearls
Lot of three brooches in colors of Saphiret, Turmaline Green and Sapphire-Ruby
Väikesed prossid, mõõtudelt ainult pisut üle 3cm. Disain on sama, värvilahendused erinevad.
Kui sain need Saphiret klaasist
tilgad, siis, noh... märkida, et olin rõõmus, on kolossaalselt pehmelt
öeldud. Ma olin ikka päris arust ära, rõõmust. Plaane hakkasin mõne aja
pärast tegema, sest emotsioonid lihtsalt ei lasknud.
Nii et, need prossid ise on suht väikesed, neid saaks kanda koos teiste
prossidega. Olen aru saanud, et mitu prossi korraga kanda on mujal
maailmas populaarne. Iseenesest saaks neid prosse kanda kaelas kui
ripatseid, sest lisasin neile rõnga, millega saab neid lindi või keti
otsa riputada.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Work in Progress
So I'm planning to use these Saphiret glass
tear drops in a piece of jewellery. Although I think this glass goes
better with golden or silvery metal I am planning to use these drops
with my traditional coppery components. Since I recently "mixed colors" with crystal glass rhinestones I'll decided to do the same here.
Saphiret tear drop cabochons, glass pearls and Swarovski rhinestones
Nii, et need Saphiret klaasist
tilgad on plaanis kasutada ühes ehtes. Hoolimata sellest, et mulle
tundub see klaas sobivat rohkem hõbeda või kuldse metalliga, plaanin
kasutada neid oma traditsiooniliste vasksete metall-komponentidega. Kuna
ma just hiljuti "segasin värve" kasutades kristallklaasist ehtekivisid, siis proovin seda teha ka siin.
läbi oma ehtekivide varud nii ja naapidi ning tegin valiku. Kõik on
Swarovski ehtekivid, kuid vanus on neil väga erinev, jäädes aastate
1950-2000 vahele. Nagu näha, siis on ka kivide pakendid väga erinevad.
Värvidest valisin välja: Smoked Topaz Light, Ceylon Topaz, Pacific Opal ja haruldane Blue Opal.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Mixing Colors with Rhinestones
As it can be seen in time that
the most used color in my jewellery is crystal clear or the colorless
rhinestones. I've used 3 packages of the 3mm ones alone (every packages
have about 1440 pieces).
I was in mood to use other colors lately and even more to "mix" them.
Here are three brooches, one brooch is as black as it can be, but
others... In grey brooch I mixed: Siam, Morion, Light Sapphire Satin,
(Preciosa) Crystal Sahara and Violet.
And in pearl brooch I mixed: Topaz, Light Peach, Violet, Light Rose and Light Amethyst AB.
Three brooches in similar Art Deco design
Pearl and pink brooch
Grey colored brooch
Praktika on näidanud, et kõige
rohkem kasutan ma oma ehetes kristallivärvi ehk siis ilma värvita
ehtekive. Ainuüksi neid 3mm kive on juba läinud kolm pakki (igas pakis
on umbes 1440 tükki).
oli mul hiljuti isu kasutada ka teisi värve ning värve lausa "segada".
Siin on kolm prossi, millest üks on küll nii musta värvi kui võimalik,
aga teised... Hallis prossis segasin kokku: Siam, Morion, Light Sapphire Satin, (Preciosa) Crystal Sahara ja Violet.
Pärlitega prossis segasin kokku: Topaz, Light Peach, Violet, Light Rose ja Light Amethyst AB.
Peab mainima, et "värvide segamine" nõudis suuremat planeerimist kuid oli päris vahva :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Saphiret Drops
Drops of Saphiret glass. These are probably the newer version, Saphirine. They have gold foiling. Aren't they pretty?!
These Saphiret glass drops measure only 13x8mm
Saphiret klaasist tilgad. Need peaks olema uuemat sorti, nn Saphirine klaas. Neil on kuldne fooliumkiht. Kas pole nummid?!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Ambrotype Photograph Case
An interesting find from history of photography.
I got this box with glass and frame (preserver), but photo itself was
already "removed". It's a bit sad that there's no photo but the box
looks really nice. It is a (wooden)box covered with leather and
beautifully painted with gold. Box has a hook closure and one side has
velvet pad with pattern, other for the photo.
I guess it might have been an ambrotype photo (before 1860s), for it seems the glass has been "cleaned" and there is still a bit of dark gray in the corner of the glass. If it was a daguerreotype then there would have been a mat between the glass and silver-coated copper plate. Ambrotype would
have photo transferred on the back side of the glass and the mat placed
over the glass. And if it were a newer photo type it wouldn't have this
kind of case. These cases were meant to protect the photo for glass
that was used is fragile. But I'm no expert. I suppose I can keep on
But it's still quite interesting. I put a patterned paper under the glass for it was a bit sad looking when empty. I purchased it in hope of using it as background when photographing jewelry.
Üks huvitav leid fotograafia ajaloost.
Sain karbi koos klaasi ja raamiga, kuid pilt oli juba klaasilt
"eemaldatud". Natuke kahju, et fotost endast pole jälgegi järele jäänud,
kuid karp on ilusti säilinud. Tegu on nahkse kattega (puu)karbiga,
millel kuldsed joonistatud kaunistused. Karbil on haak-kinnis ning ühel
pool on mustriga sametist padjake, teisel pool foto koht.
Ma arvan, et tegu oli nn ambrotüüpi fotoga (enne 1860), sest tundub, et klaasi on "puhastatud" ja ühes nurgas näha midagi tumehalli. Kui tegu oleks daguerreotüübiga, siis oli klaasi ja hõbetatud vaskplaadi (millele kanti foto) vahel selline paspartuu-moodi asi, ambrotüüp-foto
oli aga klaasile kantud ja paspartuu oli klaasi peal. Ja kui tegu oleks
uuema fototüübiga, siis poleks tal sellist karpi. Selline karp oli
mõeldud kaasaskantava foto kaitsmiseks, et klaas ei saaks kahjustatud.
Spetsialist ma ei ole. Paistab, et selle karbi puhul saan vaid
Aga põnev igal juhul. Ma panin klaasi alla ühe mustrilise lehe, sest tühi klaas oli kuidagi kõle. Ma ostsin selle, et kasutada ehete pildistamisel.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Jewelry with a Message
bracelets are inspired by the acrostic jewellery that was most popular
in the Victorian times. Jewelry overall was very symbolic that time.
Every flower and symbol was linked with some meaning but they also had
hidden messages in precious stones. First letter of every stone spelled a
I played
with glass rhinestones. I have quite a lot of them by now and here I've
used Western Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakian glass rhinestones.
Every color represents a stone, and first letter of every stone spells
the word. Rhinestones and French antique white Prosser beads are on
memory wire. These bangle bracelets will go both my Etsy and Dawanda shops.
These bracelets are perfect for layering and stacking
REGARD - ruby, emerald, garnet, aquamarine, ruby, diamond
ADORE - amethyst, diamond, opal, ruby, emerald
DEAREST - diamond, emerald, amethyst, ruby, emerald, sapphire, topaz
Need käevõrud on inspireeritud
ehetest, mis olid eriti populaarsed Viktooria ajastul. Nimelt olid ehted
tollal väga tähenduslikud. Vähe sellest, et iga lill ja sümbol oli
seotud mingi mõttega, peideti sõnumeid ka kalliskividesse. Iga
kalliskivi nimetuse esimene täht andis kokku sõna.
mängisin muidugi klaaskividega. Neid on mul kogunenud paras hulk ning
kasutanud olen siin Lääne Saksamaa, Austria ja Tšehhoslovakkia
klaaskive. Iga värv esindab vastavalt kalliskivi, mille ingliskeelne
nimetus annab kokku sõna. Eelpainutatud traadile lükkisin veel läikega
valged vanad Prosser helmed Prantsusmaalt. Käevõrud lähevad nii Etsy kui ka DaWanda poodi.Saturday, February 21, 2015
Shades of Grey...
Friday, February 20, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
White Prosser Beads from France
Saturday, February 14, 2015
In Shades of Grey
When I received vintage grey glass pearls from France I knew I'll
make some grey jewellery again. As previous time I added some other
colors. Seems it's really easy to mix colors with grey. Here you'll see
dark red, violet and also green. In selection of materials there are
some really interesting vintage but also some new too. You'll find the
brooch here and necklace here.
Long necklace with vintage grey glass pearls from France,
Prosser beads, Czechoslovakia English cut beads, vintage Swarovski bicone beads,
new Czech machine cut and pressed beads.
Set with long necklace and brooch with a cup of
antique Prosser beads from France
Brooch in shades of grey, materials include rare vintage Swarovski
baguette stones (thin rectangle), vintage glass pearls,
antique Prosser beads, and selection of Austrian and Czech crystals
Kui sain kätte halli värvi vintage klaaspärlid Prantsusmaalt, siis teadsin, et varsti teen jälle halli värviga ehteid. Ka seekord lisasin hulka erinevaid toone. Paistab, et neid hallile juurde lisada on üpris kerge. Nii on siin tumepunast, lillat ja rohelist. Materjalides on nii põnevat vintage kui ka uuemat kraami. Prossi leiate siit ja kaelakee siit.
Labels: brooch, necklace, prosser beads, rhinestone, swarovski, vintage rhinestones
White Prosser Beads from Czechoslovakia
I recently got addition to my bead collection! Both boxes have
Redlhammer Brothers beads, made in 1918-1940 in Czechoslovakia. One box
has opaque white Prosser beads, other milky ones.
Sain hiljuti lisa oma helme-kollektsiooni! Mõlemad karbid sisaldavad Redlhammer Brothers firma helmeid, mis valmisid 1918-1940 aastatel Tšehhoslovakkias. Üks karp lumivalgeid ja üks karp piimjaid Prosser helmeid.
Friday, February 13, 2015
The blue-red jewellery is in Telliskivi Les Petites shop.
Need ehted jõudsid müügile Telliskivi Les Petitese poodi.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Tiny Dwarf
Sample card with sewing glass stones, probably 100 years old, has
beautiful illustration in one corner. Looks like a bluebird and a nest
with three golden eggs. There's also a shield with crowned coat of arms
picturing a dwarf with a lantern.
Õmmeldavate klaaskivide näidiskaart, millel vanust julgelt 100 aasta
ringis, on kaunistatud ühest nurgast. Paistab nagu sinilind koos pesaga,
milles kolm kuldmuna. Veel on vapp, millel on omakorda krooniga vapp ja
sellel on kujutatud laternaga päkapikk.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Blue & Red
Materials: red Swarovski Siam crystals (art. 4470 and 1100); vintage
handmade rice glass pearls from Japan, Czech pearls and seed-beads;
vintage blue nailhead beads from Czechoslovakia; old blue Prosser beads
in two sizes made in Briare, France.
Materjalid: Swarovski punased kristallid Siam (art. 4470 ja 1100); vintage käsitsivalmistatud piklikud pärlid Jaapanist, Tšehhi pärlid ja seemnehelmed; punased ümmargused Tšehhi klaashelmed; vintage sinised nailhead helmed Tšehhoslovakkiast; kahes suuruses vanad sinised Prosser helmed Briare tehasest Prantsusmaalt.
Labels: bracelet, brooch, clamper, collection, copper, earrings, nailhead beads, necklace, prosser beads, rhinestone, set, swarovski, vintage rhinestones
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Almost Done
This clamper bracelet is the last on in its set. Still need to cover
the frame with seed beads and add some beads to the filigree plates.
See klambriga käevõru on viimane oma suurest komplektist. Veel vaja raam katta seemnehelmestega ning lisada metallist plaatidele mõned helmed.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Tassel and Brooch
I've usually used ~5mm beads to make tassels so far (like in coral, pink and red necklaces).
Since the blue beads I'm working on right now doesn't have that size I
tried to use smaller sized beads instead. I really like the outcome -
beaded strings drape nicely and swing with every movement. In this
tassel there are two times more bead chains than the previous ones.
These kind of tassels will go to the necklaces I'm planning to make and I
also would like to make one in lariat style.
second photo there is a finished brooch. Beautiful Swarovski crystal in
the center in color Siam. Also the small rhinestones are Swarovski.
Siiani olen teinud selliseid ripatseid ~5mm helmestest (näiteks korallivärvi, roosas ja punastes kaelakeedes).
Kuna nende siniste helmeste puhul, millega praegu töötan, sellist
suurust polnud, siis proovisin kasutada väiksemaid. Tulemus on äge -
helmeread drapeeruvad raskelt ja kiiguvad iga liigutuse peale kaasa.
Helmekette on siin kaks korda rohkem kui varem. Sellised ripatsid
lähevad kaelakeedesse ja plaan on teha üks nn. lasso-tüüpi kaelakee.
Alumisel pildil on ümmargune pross. Keskel on ilus Swarovski kristall Siam värvi. Ka väikesed punased kristallid on Swarovski ehtekivid.
Labels: brooch, copper, nailhead beads, prosser beads, rhinestone, swarovski, vintage rhinestones
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